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horizonal rule


CLIA Related Federal Register

[Federal Register: July 8, 1996 (Volume 61, Number 131)]
[Page 35736-35762]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]



Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Notice of Specific List for Categorization of Laboratory Test 
Systems, Assays, and Examinations by Complexity; Notice of Additional 
Waived Laboratory Test Systems, Assays, and Examinations; and Notice of 
Announcement of Boards Approved by HHS

AGENCY: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), HHS.

ACTION: Notice with comment period.


SUMMARY: Regulations codified at 42 CFR 493.17, implementing the 
Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA), Public Law 
100-578, require that the Secretary provide for the categorization of 
specific laboratory test systems, assays, and examinations by level of 
complexity. The criteria for such categorizations also are set forth in 
those regulations.
    This Notice announces the addition of test systems to the waived 
category, and

[[Page 35737]]

announces approximately 2400 additional test systems, assays, and 
examinations that have been categorized and notified between March 15, 
1995 and June 7, 1996. These categorizations were effective on the 
issue date of the notification letter sent to the manufacturer, and are 
subject to the 30 day comment period for this Notice.
    This Notice also announces the waiver of those test systems, 
assays, and examinations that have met the CDC guidelines reflected in 
the proposed criteria for waiver as outlined in a Notice of Proposed 
Rulemaking, 42 CFR Part 493, HSQ-225-P, published September 13, 1995, 
in the Federal Register (60 FR 47534). These test systems and test 
system instructions may have been revised in order to meet the criteria 
for waiver. Please contact the manufacturer of the test system 
regarding this information.
    This Notice is published with an opportunity for public comment. 
PHS reserves the right to reevaluate and recategorize a test based upon 
the comments it receives in response to the Federal Register notice.
    In addition, this Notice announces HHS approval of two 
certification organizations, the American Board of Histocompatibility 
and Immunogenetics and the American Board of Medical Genetics, for 
qualifying individuals as laboratory directors and clinical 

DATES: Effective date: All categorizations in this Notice were 
effective on the date of the test categorization notification letter 
sent to the manufacturer. Written comments on the tests initially 
categorized in this Notice will be considered if they are received at 
the address indicated below, by no later than 5 p.m. on August 7, 1996. 
CDC reserves the right to reevaluate and recategorize tests based on 
the comments received in response to this Notice.

ADDRESSES: Comments on the categorization of tests in this Notice 
should be addressed to Public Health Service, Attention: CLIA Federal 
Register Notice, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Mail Stop 
F-11, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 30341-3724.
    Requests for test complexity categorization should be submitted to: 
Attention: Test Categorization/CLIA, Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention, Mail Stop F-11, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Atlanta, Georgia 
    Requests for waiver status should be submitted to: Attention: 
Request for Waiver Status/CLIA, Centers for Disease Control and 
Prevention, Mail Stop F-11, 4770 Buford Highway, NE, Atlanta, GA 30341-
    Due to staffing and resource limitations, we cannot accept 
facsimile (FAX) copies of comments. Nor can we accept comments by 

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Rosemary C. Bakes-Martin, (770) 488-

SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: All requests for test categorization should 
be submitted to the CDC. CDC is reviewing submissions for test 
categorization concurrently with the FDA's review process for 510(k) 
clearance or PMA clearance. In order to assure timely review by CDC, 
manufacturers are requested to submit the package insert and 510(k) 
number for the product to CDC when the product is submitted to the FDA. 
However, CDC will not be able to issue the test categorization until 
the FDA has finished its review process. CDC is currently issuing test 
categorization notification letters to manufacturers within one week of 
the FDA 510(k) or Pre-Market Approval (PMA) clearance. Test 
categorizations are effective as of the date of notification to the 
applicant. The CDC will publish updates and revisions to the test 
categorization list periodically in the Federal Register with 
opportunity for comment. The CDC will also maintain an updated list of 
categorized tests electronically, available to the public via Internet. 
For further information regarding this capability, please call (770) 

Additions to the Waived Category

    The CDC is evaluating requests for waiver based on the guidelines 
for submission of waiver requests that were sent to manufacturers of 
laboratory testing devices and other interested parties through 
correspondence dated December 19, 1994. These guidelines reflect the 
proposed criteria for waiver that are outlined in the Notice of 
Proposed Rulemaking, 42 CFR Part 493, HSQ-225-P, published September 
13, 1995 in the Federal Register (60 FR 47534).
    The following test systems have been granted waived status based 
upon meeting these guidelines: (25112) HemoCue B-Glucose System for the 
analyte (2203) glucose; (10170) Cholestech L*D*X Test System for the 
analytes (1020) cholesterol, (6118) triglyceride, (2550) HDL 
cholesterol, and (2203) glucose; (58338) Serim PyloriTek Test Kit for 
the analyte (2512) Helicobacter pylori; and (52036) Quidel QuickVue In-
Line One-Step Strep A Test for the analyte (5828) Streptococcus, group 
A (from throat only).
    This Notice also announces that the (10165) ChemTrak AccuMeter, the 
(31014) Johnson & Johnson ADVANCED CARE Cholesterol Test, and the 
(07776) Boehringer Mannheim Accu-Chek InstantPlus Cholesterol for the 
analyte (1020) Cholesterol have been granted waived status following 
clearance by the FDA for home use.
    In this Notice we also are verifying the complexity of two test 
system/analyte combinations. The test system, (04542) All Qualitative 
Color Comparison pH Testing for the analyte (0731) Body fluid (other 
than blood) pH, is the same as the waived dipstick color comparison 
products for qualitative pH measurement in urine. Therefore, this test 
system has been added to the list of waived tests.
    The second test system, (58217) SmithKline Gastroccult for the 
analyte (2211) Gastric Occult Blood, is the same test system as that 
for fecal occult blood. Therefore, this test system is also now 
included on the list of waived procedures.

Comments and Responses

    On May 15, 1995, a test list of approximately 3,000 additional test 
systems, assays, and examinations categorized by level of complexity 
was published in the Federal Register (60 FR 25944) with a 30 day 
comment period. Only one letter containing the following general 
comments was received in regard to this Notice.
    Comment: The commenter expressed concern about the categorization 
of Growth/No Growth of Bacteria on Solid Culture Media (22167) as a 
moderate complexity test, and requested that this test system be 
recategorized as high complexity. The commenter used as an example the 
primary plating of a normally sterile joint fluid to a selective 
medium, such as Thayer-Martin, if Neisseria gonorrhoeae is suspected. 
The commenter stated that if N. gonorrhoeae were not present, Thayer-
Martin may inhibit the growth of other significant organisms. If no 
other media had been inoculated at the time the Thayer-Martin was set 
up, the commenter suggested that a ``no growth'' result could 
incorrectly be reported.
    Response: We disagree with the commenter. In this case, the result 
that should be reported is ``no growth of N. gonorrhoeae'', since 
Thayer-Martin media is selective for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Under CLIA, 
laboratories are required to have protocols for the primary inoculation 
of cultures from specific sites to appropriate culture media. It is the 
responsibility of the

[[Page 35738]]

laboratory director to review and approve these protocols. A normally 
sterile joint fluid should be inoculated to a combination of the 
appropriate enriched, selective, and differential media to permit 
isolation and enhance the growth of any of a number of possible aerobic 
or anaerobic organisms that could be present in the fluid. For this 
culture type, it would not be appropriate to inoculate only Thayer-
Martin media.
    Primary inoculation of any microbiology culture media, in and of 
itself, is not considered a complete test system under the CLIA 
regulations, and is not categorized for complexity. The inoculation of 
the media becomes part of the test system when the primary media is 
observed to determine whether growth is present after an incubation 
period. It is the responsibility of the testing personnel to evaluate 
the growth or absence of growth. When solid culture media is evaluated, 
the amount of training, experience, interpretation, and judgment 
required to determine if any bacterial colonies are present, results in 
a score that is in the moderate complexity category. If, however, there 
is any growth that must be interpreted, or the medium being evaluated 
is a broth or liquid medium, such as thioglycollate, more training, 
experience, interpretation, and judgment is required, and the 
examination scores as a high complexity test.
    Comment: The commenter requested clarification of the 
categorization of automated blood culture systems as moderate 
complexity. This commenter stated that although the loading and 
monitoring of these automated analyzers might be considered moderate 
complexity, the analysis of positive bottles detected on these 
instruments should be categorized as high complexity.
    Response: We agree with the commenter. The categorization of 
automated blood culture systems as moderate complexity includes only 
the the loading and monitoring of these instruments to detect microbial 
growth in the bottles or vials. Once a signal for growth is detected, 
the evaluation of the growth, including Gram stain, and subculturing to 
isolate and identify the microorganism is the high complexity test 
system ``identification from culture''. On an automated blood culture 
instrument, if a specimen does not signal a positive result for growth, 
the reporting of a negative result is considered a moderate complexity 
test, provided no followup testing is performed.
    Comment: Concern was expressed by the commenter that an inadequate 
response was provided in the May 15, 1995 Federal Register to a 
previous comment on the question of recategorization of ``large'' 
hematology analyzers and microscopy procedures from high to moderate 
complexity. The commenter pointed out that the complexity 
categorization should take into account whether or not the specimen 
being analyzed is a normal or abnormal sample.
    Response: We disagree with the commenter that a ``large'' 
hematology analyzer requires a higher complexity categorization when 
the results of the sample being processed are abnormal rather than 
normal. The level of technical expertise needed to operate the analyzer 
does not vary with the results produced as the results are determined 
automatically by the instrument. If the analyst chooses to repeat those 
parameters of the hematologic evaluation that are considered to be 
abnormal, then the repeat testing would be categorized based upon the 
test methodology/procedure employed.
    The categorization of the microscopic examination of a blood smear 
(differential) does take into account whether or not the cellular 
elements present in the sample are those found in normal peripheral 
blood. The manual differential performed on a normal blood smear 
requires the analyst to have a general knowledge of cellular morphology 
and maturation and is categorized as moderate complexity, whereas the 
manual differential performed on an abnormal specimen requires that the 
analyst have a comprehensive knowledge of normal/abnormal cellular 
morphology and maturation and is categorized as high complexity. A more 
detailed explanation of categorization of blood cell differentials can 
be found on page 39873 of the July 26, 1993 Federal Register (58 FR 


    The test system (07689)Bayer GLUCOMETER ENCORE+ Blood Glucose Meter 
has been added to the list of waived procedures. This test system was 
previously categorized as moderate complexity. Recently, the FDA 
cleared this test system for home use and consequently it is now 
waived. Please note there has been a change in manufacturer name. This 
product was formerly listed under Ames.

Test System and Analyte Nomenclature

    Due to advances in technology, the analyte (4024)Mycobacteria has 
been refined, and specific analytes have been designated for test 
systems that are used to identify specific mycobacterial organisms. 
These new analytes are: (4008)Mycobacterium avium, (4009)Mycobacterium 
avium complex, (4011)Mycobacterium gordonae, (4012)Mycobacterium 
intracellulare, (4014)Mycobacterium kansasii, and (4015)Mycobacterium 
tuberculosis complex. While these more specific analytes will replace 
the analyte (4024)Mycobacteria in most instances, the analyte 
(4024)Mycobacteria will continue to be used with test systems that are 
not used to identify a specific mycobacterial organism.
    Also due to technological advances, a new analyte for thyroid 
stimulating hormone, (6155)Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Third 
Generation, has been designated for the test systems that are able to 
detect this analyte.
    As a point of clarification, an analyte will be designated 
specifically as a ``urine'' analyte when a test procedure requires a 
modification to the test procedure for the urine analyte as opposed to 
that required for the ``serum'' analyte.

Test System and Analyte Modifications

    The development of new technology in the specialty of microbiology 
has necessitated a distinction in the categorization of aerobic/
anaerobic culture identification (ID) and the categorization of 
antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST). For clarification, we are 
deleting the test system (04372)All Organism ID and Antimicrobial 
Susceptibility Testing, and replacing it with two test systems 
(04636)All Conventional Organism Identification from Culture, and 
(04637)All Antimicrobial Susceptibility (disk diffusion/dilution) from 
Culture. These two test systems will be assigned to the analyte 
(0412)Aerobic &/or Anaerobic Organisms--Unlimited Sources, just as the 
previous test system (04372) was listed. We realize that there are a 
number of different techniques used for the conventional methods of 
identifying aerobic and anaerobic organisms from culture; and that 
these identification methods can be quite different from the processes 
used to perform standardized disk diffusion, agar or broth dilution 
antimicrobial susceptibility testing from culture. Although 
identification and susceptibility testing from culture are often 
performed together, they are distinct methods that may be done 
independently. In an effort to be specific, we are separating the two 

[[Page 35739]]

    Dated: June 28, 1996.
David Satcher,
Director, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

List of Previously Unpublished Categorizations

    The test categorization scoring scheme was based on an assessment 
of the complexity of the operation of the test procedure and not on an 
evaluation of data documenting the procedure's performance over time. 
Therefore, the categorization of a test system, assay or examination as 
moderate or high complexity should not be interpreted as an indication 
of the acceptability or unacceptability of the accuracy, precision or 
overall performance of the procedure.

Complexity: Moderate

Speciality/Subspeciality: Bacteriology

Analyte: Aerobic Organisms From Urine Specimens Only (0468)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Culture Kits, Inc. Uri-Two (colony count only) (10332)

Analyte: Chlamydia (1016)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    BioStar Chlamydia OIA (direct antigen/visual) (07641)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell (direct antigen/visual) (31063)
    Quidel QuickVue Chlamydia Test (direct antigen/visual) (52026)

Analyte: Helicobacter Pylori (2512)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    GI Supply HP-FAST (22175)

Analyte: Streptococcus, Group A (5810)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott TestPack +Plus Strep A with OBC (dir. Ag/visual) (04625)
    Applied Biotech SureStep Strep A Test (dir antigen/visual) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell (direct antigen/visual) (31063)

Analyte: Streptococcus, Group A (From Throat Only) (5828)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Binax Strep A Test (direct antigen/visual) (07684)
    Henry Schein OneStep Strep A Test (25258)
    Medix Biotech Contrast Strep A (40223)
    Medix Biotech FAStrep A (40225)
    Medix Biotech Rapid Strep A (40222)
    Orion Diagnostica UniStep Strep A (46194)
    Quidel CARDS Q.S. Strep A (52035)
    Quidel Concise Performance Plus Strep A (52034)
    Syntron Bioresearch QuikStrip OneStep Strep A Strip Test (58384)
    Syntron QuikPac II OneStep Strep A (58316)

Analyte: Vibrio cholerae (6716)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    New Horizons Cholera SMART (43088)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Endocrinology

Analyte: Adrenocorticotropic Hormone (ACTH) (0458)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)

Analyte: Cortisol (1032)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    TOSOH A1A-1200 (61040)
    TOSOH A1A-1200DX (61154)
    TOSOH A1A-600 (61039)

Analyte: Cortisol, Urine (direct procedure) (1033)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Ciba Corning ACS 180 (10046)

Analyte: Estradiol (1605)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)
    Technicon Immuno 1 System (61042)

Analyte: HCG, Serum, Qualitative (2501)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim AccuStat hCG/Diluent Reagent (07775)
    Excel Scientific OneStep Urine/Serum hCG Preg Module Test 
    Horizon Diagnostics Pregna-Plus hCG (25225)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell hCG-Urine/Serum (31066)
    Medix Biotech CONTRAST hCG Urine/Serum Test (40215)
    Medix Biotech Rapid hCG (urine/serum) (40224)
    TCPI One Step Pregnancy hCG/Diluent Reagent (61234)
    Worldwide Medical First Check hCG (cassette) (70181)
    Wyntek Diagnostics OSOM hCG-Combo Test (70177)

Analyte: HCG, Total, Serum, Quantitative (2555)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)

Analyte: HCG, Urine, Qualitative (non-waived procedures) (2503)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Immunostics immuno/cept-d (28429)
    Immunostics immuno/cept-d Monoclonal Beta (28428)
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)

Analyte: HCG, Urine, Quantitative (2534)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS (49001)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS Magnum (49097)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS PLUS (49098)

Analyte: Human Growth Hormone (GH) (2547)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)

Analyte: Human Placental Lactogen (hPL) (2533)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)

Analyte: Insulin (2812)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Sanofi Pasteur Access Immunoassay System (58257)

Analyte: Progesterone (4914)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)
    Sanofi Pasteur Access Immunoassay System (58257)
    Technicon Immuno 1 System (61042)

Analyte: Prolactin (4915)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)

Analyte: Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (5819)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)

Analyte: T Uptake (TU) (6156)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (07161)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (07163)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 736 (07164)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 737 (07165)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (07166)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (07377)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 914 (07546)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Ciba Corning 550 Express (10038)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Olympus Reply (46089)
    Roche Cobas Mira (55044)

Analyte: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) (6106)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Franklin Diagnostics ThyroChek One-Step Rapid TSH (19025)

Analyte: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) Third Generation (6155)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)

Analyte: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone--High Sens. (TSH-HS) (6108)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)

Analyte: Thyroxine (T4) (6109)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Bio-Rad RADIAS System (07493)
    Biocircuits IOS (07745)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Thyroxine (T4), Neonatal (6123)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Rad RADIAS System (07493)

Analyte: Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG) (6110)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)

Analyte: Thyroxine Uptake (T4U) (TU) (6139)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Biocircuits IOS (07745)

[[Page 35740]]

Analyte: Thyroxine, Free (FT4) (6111)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS Magnum (49097)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS PLUS (49098)

Analyte: Triiodothyronine Uptake (T3U) (TU) (6120)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Triiodothyronine, Free (FT3) (6121)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas Core Automated System (55119)
    Sanofi Pasteur Access Immunoassay System (58257)

Speciality/Subspeciality: General Chemistry

Analyte: Acid Phosphatase (0407)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)

Analyte: Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) (SGPT) (0404)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Albumin (0414)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (0416)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Alpha-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (HBDH) (0419)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)

Analyte: Ammonia, Plasma/Serum (0427)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)

Analyte: Amylase (0429)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)

[[Page 35741]]

    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Amylase, Pancreatic Isoenzymes (p-Amylase) (0500)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)

Analyte: Apolipoprotein A1 (0462)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Wako Diagnostics 30R (70002)

Analyte: Apolipoprotein B (0457)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) (SGOT) (0405)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Bilirubin, Direct (0704)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Bilirubin, Neonatal (0705)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)

Analyte: Bilirubin, Total (0706)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Blood Gases With pH (0708)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL BGGE (IL 1660) (28438)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra A (43108)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra B (43109)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra D (43111)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra E (43112)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra F (43115)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra I (43118)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Radiometer ABL System 605 (55196)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    SenDx 100 pH, Blood Gas and Electrolyte Analysis System (58390)

Analyte: Blood pH (No Blood Gases) (0721)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Radiometer BPH5 Blood pH System (55158)

Analyte: C-Peptide (1040)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)
TOSOH A1A-1200 (61040)
TOSOH A1A-1200DX (61154)
TOSOH A1A-600 (61039)

Analyte: Calcium, Ionized (1004)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra B (43109)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra I (43118)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Radiometer ABL System 605 (55196)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    Radiometer EML 105 (55187)
    SenDx 100 pH, Blood Gas and Electrolyte Analysis System (58390)

Analyte: Calcium, Total (1005)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)

[[Page 35742]]

    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Carbon Dioxide, Total (CO<INF>2) (1003)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DTE Module (31033)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Protein (1014)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)

Analyte: Chloride (1018)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DTE Module (31033)
    Medica EasyStat Na/K/Cl (40249)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra F (43115)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Radiometer ABL System 605 (55196)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    Radiometer EML 105 (55187)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Cholesterol (1020)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Actimed Laboratories ENA.C.T Total Cholesterol Test (04573)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Accutrend GC Cholesterol Test (07600)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Cholinesterase (1021)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Creatine Kinase (CK) (1034)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    PrismaSystems PROCHEM (49105)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Creatine Kinase MB Fraction (CKMB) (1002)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)

[[Page 35743]]

    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)
    Princeton BioMeditech Cardiac STATus CK-MB/Myoglobin (49156)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Technicon Immuno 1 System (61042)

Analyte: Creatinine (1035)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Deoxyhemoglobin (Reduced Hemoglobin) (1318)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL682 CO-Oximeter System (28368)
    Nova Co-Oximeter (43114)
    Radiometer ABL 520 (55055)
    Radiometer ABL 620 (55137)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)

Analyte: Ferritin (1902)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Behring Nephelometer (07273)
    Behring Nephelometer 100 (07272)
    Behring Nephelometer II (07563)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Schiapparelli Biosystems ACE (58288)

Analyte: Folate (Folic acid) (1907)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott IMX (04056)
    Schiapparelli Biosystems ACE (58288)
    Technicon Immuno 1 System (61042)

Analyte: Folate, Red Blood Cell (RBC Folate) (1930)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Technicon Immuno 1 (with UIW) (61229)

Analyte: Fructosamine (1914)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 6000 (07189)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    LXN Fructosamine Test System (37106)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) (2201)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Glucose (2203)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL BGGE (IL 1660) (28438)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra B (43109)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Radiometer ABL System 605 (55196)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    Radiometer EML 105 (55187)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Glutaraldehyde (2224)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (07163)

Analyte: Glycated Hemoglobin, Total (2221)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Rad Variant (07498)
    Helena Laboratories ColumnMate II (25198)

Analyte: Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hgb A1C) (2204)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)

Analyte: HDL Cholesterol (2550)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott Spectrum (Canyon Cantrol tube) (04610)
    Abbott Spectrum (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (04595)
    Abbott Spectrum (Sigma ISOSPIN) (04632)
    Abbott Spectrum EPX (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (04596)
    Abbott Spectrum EPX (Sigma ISOSPIN) (04633)
    Abbott TDX (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (04597)
    Abbott VP (Sigma ISOSPIN) (04634)

[[Page 35744]]

    Baxter Paramax (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (07605)
    Beckman CX (Canyon Cantrol tube) (07646)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (07606)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07698)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 CE (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07699)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (07607)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07700)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 CE (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (07609)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 CE (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07701)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (07608)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 6000 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07702)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi (Canyon Cantrol tube) (07647)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07703)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 705 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 705 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07704)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07705)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 736 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 736 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07706)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 737 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 737 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07707)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07708)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (07709)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 914 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    ChemTrak AccuMeter HDL Cholesterol Test (10311)
    Ciba Corning 550 Express (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (10288)
    Ciba Corning 550 Express (Sigma ISOSPIN) (10322)
    Ciba Corning 570 Alliance (Sigma ISOSPIN) (10323)
    Coulter Dacos (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (10289)
    Coulter Dacos (Sigma ISOSPIN) (10324)
    Du Pont ACA (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (13360)
    Du Pont Dimension (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (13361)
    EM Diagnostic Systems EPOS (Sigma ISOSPIN) (16113)
    Electronucleonics Gem-Profiler (Sigma ISOSPIN) (16114)
    Electronucleonics Gemini (Sigma ISOSPIN) (16115)
    Electronucleonics Gemstar (Sigma ISOSPIN) (16116)
    Electronucleonics Gemstar II (Sigma ISOSPIN) (16117)
    Instrumentation Lab. ILAB 900 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) 
    Instrumentation Lab.IL Monarch 1000 (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Instrumentation Lab.IL Monarch 2000 (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Instrumentation Lab.IL Monarch Plus (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL Monarch 1000 (Sigma ISOSPIN) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL Monarch 2000 (Sigma ISOSPIN) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL Monarch Plus (Sigma ISOSPIN) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (28421)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (28420)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem (Canyon Cantrol tube) (31034)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (DMA One Shots) (31035)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (MHS SPINPRO) (31037)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (DMA One Shots) (31039)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (MHS SPINPRO) (31040)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (DMA One Shots) (31042)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (MHS SPINPRO) (31044)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC Anal (DMA One Shots) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (DMA One Shots) (31047)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (MHS SPINPRO) (31049)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 C Series (DMA One Shots) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (DMA One Shots) (31052)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (MHS SPINPRO) (31053)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (DMA One Shots) (31054)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (MHS SPINPRO) (31055)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (DMA One Shots) (31056)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (DMA One Shots) (31057)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (MHS SPINPRO) (31059)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (DMA One Shots) (31061)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (Ref Diag Magn HDL Sep) 
    Kodak Ektachem (Canyon Cantrol tube) (34088)
    Kodak Ektachem 250 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (34072)
    Kodak Ektachem 400 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (34073)
    Kodak Ektachem 500 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (34074)
    Kodak Ektachem 700 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (34075)
    Kodak Ektachem DT 60 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (34070)
    Kodak Ektachem DT II (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (34071)
    LSI ASCA Chemistry System (Sigma ISOSPIN) (37103)
    Olympus AU 5000 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (46171)
    Olympus AU 5000 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46196)
    Olympus AU 5021 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46197)
    Olympus AU 5031 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46198)
    Olympus AU 5041 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46199)
    Olympus AU 5061 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46200)
    Olympus AU 5121 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46201)
    Olympus AU 5131 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46202)
    Olympus AU 5200 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (46172)
    Olympus AU 5200 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46203)
    Olympus AU 5211 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46204)
    Olympus AU 5221 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46205)
    Olympus AU 5223 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46206)
    Olympus AU 5231 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46207)
    Olympus AU 800 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (46170)
    Olympus AU 800 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46208)
    Olympus Demand (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (46169)
    Olympus Demand (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46209)
    Olympus Reply (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (46168)
    Olympus Reply (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46210)
    Olympus Reply/AU560 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (46211)

[[Page 35745]]

    Prisma Systems PROCHEM (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (49128)
    Roche Cobas (Canyon Cantrol tube) (55160)
    Roche Cobas Bio (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (55148)
    Roche Cobas Bio (Sigma ISOSPIN) (55180)
    Roche Cobas FARA (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (55150)
    Roche Cobas FARA (Sigma ISOSPIN) (55181)
    Roche Cobas FARA II (Sigma ISOSPIN) (55182)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Roche Cobas Mira (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (55149)
    Roche Cobas Mira (Sigma ISOSPIN) (55183)
    Roche Cobas Mira Plus (Sigma ISOSPIN) (55184)
    Roche Cobas Mira S (Sigma ISOSPIN) (55185)
    Schiapparelli Biosystems ACE (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (58354)
    Technicon AXON (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61170)
    Technicon AXON (Sigma ISOSPIN) (61214)
    Technicon Assist (Sigma ISOSPIN) (61213)
    Technicon Chem 1 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61175)
    Technicon DAX 24 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61171)
    Technicon DAX 48 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61172)
    Technicon DAX 72 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61173)
    Technicon DAX 96 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61174)
    Technicon RA 1000 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61177)
    Technicon RA 1000 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (61215)
    Technicon RA 2000 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61178)
    Technicon RA 500 (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61176)
    Technicon RA 500 (Sigma ISOSPIN) (61216)
    Technicon RA XT (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (61179)
    Technicon RA XT (Sigma ISOSPIN) (61217)
    Wako Diagnostics 30R (Ref Diag Magnetic HDL Sep) (70170)
    Wako Diagnostics 30R (Sigma ISOSPIN) (70176)

Analyte: Haptoglobin (2511)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Hemoglobin F (2516)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Radiometer ABL 520 (55055)
    Radiometer ABL 620 (55137)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)

Analyte: Hemoglobin Fractions (2544)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Rad Variant (07498)
    Primus Variant System 99 (49159)

Analyte: Iron (2814)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Iron Binding Capacity, Unsat. (UIBC) No Pretreat. (2823)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Olympus AU 5000 (46001)
    Olympus AU 5200 (46143)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Roche Cobas Mira (55044)
    Roche Cobas Mira Plus (55096)
    Roche Cobas Mira S (55045)

Analyte: LDL Cholesterol (3748)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott Spectrum (Genzyme immunosep tube) (04612)
    Abbott Spectrum EPX (Genzyme immunosep tube) (04611)
    Abbott Spectrum II (Genzyme immunosep tube) (04613)
    Abbott VP (Genzyme immunosep tube) (04614)
    Baxter Paramax (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07657)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07659)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07660)
    Bio-Chem Lab. Sys. ATAC 2000/2100 (Genzyme immunosep tube) 
    Bio-Chem Lab. Sys. ATAC 6000 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07655)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07648)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 705 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07649)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07650)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 736 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07651)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 737 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07652)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07653)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (07654)
    Ciba Corning 550 Express (Genzyme immunosep tube) (10302)
    Coulter Dacos (Genzyme immunosep tube) (10301)
    Coulter Optichem 120 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (10303)
    DuPont Dimension (Genzyme immunosep tube/Dedicated channel) 
    DuPont Dimension AR (Genzyme immunosep tube/Dedicated chan) 
    EM Diagnostic Systems EPOS (Genzyme immunosep tube) (16101)
    Electronucleonics Gem-Profiler (Genzyme immunosep tube) (16102)
    Electronucleonics GemStar (Genzyme immunosep tube) (16103)
    Electronucleonics GemStar II (Genzyme immunosep tube) (16104)
    Instrumentation Lab.IL Monarch 1000(Genzyme immunosep tube) 
    Instrumentation Lab.IL Monarch 2000(Genzyme immunosep tube) 
    Instrumentation Lab.IL Monarch Plus(Genzyme immunosep tube) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Kodak Ektachem DT II (34057)
    LSI ASCA Chemistry System (Genzyme Immunosep tube) (37099)
    Olympus AU 5000 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (46189)
    Olympus AU 800 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (46190)
    Olympus Demand (Genzyme immunosep tube) (46191)
    Olympus Reply (Genzyme immunosep tube) (46192)
    Roche Cobas Bio (Genzyme immunosep tube) (55161)
    Roche Cobas FARA (Genzyme immunosep tube) (55162)
    Roche Cobas FARA II (Genzyme immunosep tube) (55163)
    Roche Cobas Mira (Genzyme immunosep tube) (55164)
    Schiapparelli Biosystems ACE (Genzyme immunosep tube) (58366)
    Technicon AXON (Genzyme immunosep tube) (61193)
    Technicon Assist (Genzyme immunosep tube) (61188)
    Technicon Chem 1 (Genzyme immunosep tube/Dedicated channel) 
    Technicon RA 1000 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (61191)
    Technicon RA 500 (Genzyme immunosep tube) (61190)
    Technicon RA XT (Genzyme immunosep tube) (61192)

Analyte: Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) (3701)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)

[[Page 35746]]

    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Lactate Dehydrogenase Heart Fraction (LDH-1) (3702)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Lactic Acid (Lactate) (3704)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Accusport Lactate Monitoring System (07663)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra A (43108)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)

Analyte: Leucine Aminopeptidase (LAP) (3709)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)

Analyte: Lipase (3711)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 CE (07174)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 CE (07491)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (07073)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Magnesium (4002)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Magnesium, Ionized (4018)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)

Analyte: Methemoglobin (4032)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL682 CO-Oximeter System (28368)
    Nova Co-Oximeter (43114)
    Radiometer ABL 520 (55055)
    Radiometer ABL 620 (55137)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    Radiometer OSM 3 (55059)

Analyte: Microprotein, CSF (4026)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)

Analyte: Microprotein, Urine (4027)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)

Analyte: Myoglobin (4023)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Princeton BioMeditech Cardiac STATus CK-MB/Myoglobin (49156)
    Sanofi Pasteur Access Immunoassay System (58257)

Analyte: Oxyhemoglobin/Oxygen Saturation (4604)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    A-VOX Systems AVOXimeter 1000 (04537)
    A-VOX Systems AVOXimeter 2000 (04538)
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL682 CO-Oximeter System (28368)
    Nova Co-Oximeter (43114)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra A (43108)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra B (43109)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra E (43112)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra F (43115)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra I (43118)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Radiometer ABL 510 (55054)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)

Analyte: Phosphorus (4906)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

[[Page 35747]]

Analyte: Potassium (4910)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Na+K+Plus Analyzer (13394)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL BGGE (IL 1660) (28438)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DTE Module (31033)
    Medica EasyStat Na/K (40248)
    Medica EasyStat Na/K/Cl (40249)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra B (43109)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra F (43115)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra I (43118)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Radiometer ABL System 605 (55196)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    Radiometer EML 105 (55187)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    SenDx 100 pH, Blood Gas and Electrolyte Analysis System (58390)

Analyte: Protein, Total (4921)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Protein, Total (urine) (4972)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)

Analyte: Reduced Hemoglobin (Deoxyhemoglobin) (5523)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Radiometer OSM 3 (55059)

Analyte: Sodium (5805)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Na+K+Plus Analyzer (13394)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL BGGE (IL 1660) (28438)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DTE Module (31033)
    Medica EasyStat Na/K (40248)
    Medica EasyStat Na/K/Cl (40249)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra A (43108)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra B (43109)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra E (43112)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra F (43115)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra I (43118)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Radiometer ABL System 605 (55196)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    Radiometer EML 105 (55187)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    SenDx 100 pH, Blood Gas and Electrolyte Analysis System (58390)

Analyte: Sulfhemoglobin (5836)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)

Analyte: Transferrin (6114)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Triglyceride (6118)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Troponin T, Cardiac (cTnT) (6154)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim CARDIAC T Rapid Assay (07690)

Analyte: Urea (BUN) (6403)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abaxis Piccolo Portable Blood Analyzer (04608)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)

[[Page 35748]]

    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra F (43115)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra I (43118)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Uric Acid (6404)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Select Medical Systems Selecta 20/60 (58349)

Analyte: Vitamin B12 (6707)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (07377)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS (49001)
    BB Diagnostics Systems OPUS Magnum (49097)
    BB Diagnostics Systems OPUS PLUS (49098)
    Schiapparelli Biosystems ACE (58288)

Analyte: pH, Urine (4978)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (DRI pH-Detect) (07750)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (DRI pH-Detect) (07751)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (DRI pH-Detect) (07752)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (STC Auto-Lyte) (07767)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (DRI pH-Detect) (07753)
    Olympus AU 5000 (DRI pH-Detect) (46216)

Speciality/Subspeciality: General Immunology

Analyte: Allergen Specific IgE (0417)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Quidel QuickVue One-Step Allergen Screen (52028)

Analyte: Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (Orosomucoid) (0420)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Alpha-1-Antitrypsin (0421)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Anti-DNA Antibodies (0435)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-dsDNA (25251)

Analyte: Anti-DNP Antibodies (0436)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Immunostics immuno/sle (screening) (28424)
    Immunostics immuno/sle (semi-quantitative) (28425)

Analyte: Anti-ENA Antibodies (0507)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC ENA Screen(6)(SS-A,SS-B,Sm,Sm/RNP,Scl-70,Jo-1) 

Analyte: Anti-Jo-1 (0438)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-Jo-1 (25253)

Analyte: Anti-RNP-Sm Antibodies (0502)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-Sm/RNP (25255)

Analyte: Anti-SS-A/Ro (0446)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-SS-A (25247)

Analyte: Anti-SS-B/La (0447)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-SS-B (25249)

Analyte: Anti-Scl-70 (0448)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-Scl-70 (25252)

Analyte: Anti-Sm (Smith) (0450)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-Sm (25254)

Analyte: Anti-Streptolysin O (ASO) (0452)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Immunostics immuno/aSO (qualitative) (28427)
    Immunostics immuno/aSO (semi-quantitative) (28426)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Olympus Reply (46089)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (0453)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)

Analyte: Beta-2 microglobulin (0703)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)

Analyte: Bladder Tumor Associated Analytes (0737)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bard BTA Test Kit (07736)

Analyte: C-Reactive Protein (CRP) (1001)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Randox Laboratories CRP Latex Test (55202)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: CD4 Positive Lymphocytes (1116)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Biometric Imaging IMAGN 2000 (absolute count) (07599)
    Biometric Imaging Volumet 1000 (absolute count) (07735)

Analyte: CD8 Positive Lymphocytes (1118)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Biometric Imaging IMAGN 2000 (absolute count) (07599)
    Biometric Imaging Volumet 1000 (absolute count) (07735)

Analyte: Complement C3 (1029)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Complement C4 (1030)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Complement, Total (1046)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (07161)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (07163)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (07166)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Olympus Reply/AU560 (46129)
    Roche Cobas FARA II (55041)
    Roche Cobas Mira (55044)
    Wako Diagnostics 30R (70002)

Analyte: Febrile Agglutinins (1901)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Immunostics immuno/febrile antigens (rapid slide test) (28430)
    Immunostics immuno/febrile antigens (test tube titration) 
    SA Scientific SAS Febrile Antigen Set (slide) (58391)
    SA Scientific SAS Febrile Antigen Set (tube) (58392)

[[Page 35749]]

Analyte: Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies (2513)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cortecs Ltd Helisal Rapid Blood Test (10317)
    Orion Diagnostica Pyloriset Dry (46157)
    Quidel QuickVue One-Step H. pylori Test (52027)
    Washington Biotechnology PS II (70172)

Analyte: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (2524)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott IMX (04056)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgA (2803)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgE (2805)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Pharmacia CAP System/AutoCap Phadiatop FEIA (49158)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgG (2806)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgM (2808)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Infectious Mononucleosis Antibodies (Mono) (2809)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Immunostics immuno/color-im Test (28432)
    Immunostics immuno/lex-im Test (28433)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Mono (70189)

Analyte: Lyme Disease Antibodies (Borrelia Burgdorferi Abs) (3714)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    General Biometrics ImmunoDOT Borrelia DotBlot G Test (22178)
    General Biometrics ImmunoDOT Borrelia DotBlot M Test (22177)
    Vitek Systems VIDAS Lyme IgG and IgM (LYT) (67097)

Analyte: Mycoplasma pneumoniae Antibodies (4016)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Shared Systems M. pneumoniae Rapid Latex (qualitative) (58355)
    Shared Systems M. pneumoniae Rapid Latex (semi-quant.) (58356)

Analyte: Rheumatoid Factor (RF) (5508)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Anti-RF (25250)
    Immunostics immuno/ra (screening) (28423)
    Immunostics immuno/ra (semi-quantitative) (28422)
    Olympus AU 800 (46110)
    Olympus Reply (46089)
    Polymedco Rheumatoid Factors (RF) Latex Agglutination (49157)
    Shared Systems Chromalex Rheumatoid Factor Latex Test Sys. 

Analyte: Rubella Antibodies (5510)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM Rubella IgM (04630)
    Abbott IMX Rubella IgM (04638)
    Sanofi Pasteur Access Immunoassay System (58257)
    Seradyn ColorSlide Rubella (58369)
    Technicon Immuno 1 Rubella IgG (61227)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Rubella (70183)

Analyte: Thyroid Peroxidase Autoantibodies (TPO) (6135)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Organon Teknika AuraFlex (46152)

Analyte: Toxoplasma Gondii Antibodies (6113)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott IMX Toxo IgG (04639)
    Abbott IMX Toxo IgM (04593)
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)
    Sanofi Pasteur Access Immunoassay System Toxo IgG (58376)

Analyte: Troponin-I (Cardiac) (6153)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Baxter Stratus II (07051)
    Baxter Stratus IIntellect (07376)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS (49001)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS Magnum (49097)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS PLUS (49098)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Hematology

Analyte: APTT Factor Substitution (0517)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) (0409)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio/Data Microsample Coagulation Analyzer, MCA 310 (07597)
    Cardiovascular Diagnostics TAS Analyzer HMT (10279)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL ACL Futura System (28395)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Coagulation Index, Native Whole Blood (1130)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Haemoscope Thromboelastograph 3000S (TEG 3000S) (25257)

Analyte: Fibrinogen (1905)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio/Data Microsample Coagulation Analyzer, MCA 310 (07597)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL ACL Futura System (28395)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Hematocrit (2514)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Becton Dickinson QBC AccuRead (07747)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9100+ (07711)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9110+ (07712)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9118+ (07713)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9120+ (07714)
    Coulter MD II Series Analyzer (10318)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL BGGE (IL 1660) (28438)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra A (43108)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra B (43109)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra C (43110)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra E (43112)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra F (43115)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra G (43116)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra H (43117)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra I (43118)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra J (43119)
    Nova Stat Profile Ultra K (43120)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT16 (55175)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT18 (55177)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT5 (55171)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT8 (55173)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT16 (55176)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT18 (55178)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT5 (55172)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT8 (55174)
    SenDx 100 pH, Blood Gas and Electrolyte Analysis System (58390)
    Sysmex F-520 (58370)
    Sysmex F-820 (58371)
    Sysmex SF-3000 (58360)
    Texas International Laboratories Hematil 18 (61205)

Analyte: Hemoglobin (2515)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    American Optical AO Hb-Meter Hemoglobinometer (04620)
    Becton Dickinson QBC AccuRead (07747)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9100+ (07711)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9110+ (07712)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9118+ (07713)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9120+ (07714)
    Coulter MD II Series Analyzer (10318)
    Danam Datacell 18MS (13356)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL682 CO-Oximeter System (28368)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Radiometer ABL 620 (55137)
    Radiometer ABL System 615 (55197)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)
    Radiometer OSM 3 (55059)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT16 (55175)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT18 (55177)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT5 (55171)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT8 (55173)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT16 (55176)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT18 (55178)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT5 (55172)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT8 (55174)

[[Page 35750]]

    Sysmex F-520 (58370)
    Sysmex F-820 (58371)
    Sysmex SF-3000 (58360)
    Texas International Laboratories Hematil 18 (61205)

Analyte: Leukocytes, Fecal (3723)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    All Methylene Blue Wet Mount Preps for Fecal Leukocytes (04657)

Analyte: Lupus Anticoagulants (3728)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio/Data Microsample Coagulation Analyzer, MCA 310 (07597)

Analyte: Platelet Aggregation (4928)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Centocor AggreStat (10328)

Analyte: Platelet Count (4908)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson QBC AccuRead (07747)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9100+ (07711)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9110+ (07712)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9118+ (07713)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9120+ (07714)
    Coulter MD II Series Analyzer (10318)
    Danam Datacell 18MS (13356)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT16 (55175)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT18 (55177)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT8 (55173)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT16 (55176)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT18 (55178)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT8 (55174)
    Sysmex F-820 (58371)
    Sysmex SF-3000 (58360)
    Texas International Laboratories Hematil 18 (61205)

Analyte: Prothrombin Time (PT) (4922)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio/Data Microsample Coagulation Analyzer, MCA 310 (07597)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL ACL Futura System (28395)
    International Technidyne Factor VI Pt+ (28360)
    International Technidyne Hemochron 400 HNPT (28355)
    International Technidyne Hemochron 401 HNPT (28356)
    International Technidyne Hemochron 800 HNPT (28357)
    International Technidyne Hemochron 8000 HNPT (28359)
    International Technidyne Hemochron 801 HNPT (28358)
    International Technidyne ProTIME Microcoagulation System (28387)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Prothrombin Time Factor Substitution (4976)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Red Blood Cell Count (Erythrocyte Count) (RBC) (5502)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9100+ (07711)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9110+ (07712)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9118+ (07713)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9120+ (07714)
    Coulter MD II Series Analyzer (10318)
    Danam Datacell 18MS (13356)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT16 (55175)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT18 (55177)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT5 (55171)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT8 (55173)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT16 (55176)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT18 (55178)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT5 (55172)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT8 (55174)
    Sysmex F-520 (58370)
    Sysmex F-820 (58371)
    Sysmex SF-3000 (58360)
    Texas International Laboratories Hematil 18 (61205)

Analyte: Reticulocyte Count (5506)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott Cell-Dyn 3500 R (04666)
    Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur (with retic count software) (07640)
    Becton Dickinson FACSort (with retic count software) (07638)

Analyte: Semen (5822)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Medical Electronic Systems Sperm Quality Analyzer (40221)

Analyte: Thrombin Time (6105)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio/Data Microsample Coagulation Analyzer, MCA 310 (07597)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: White Blood Cell Count (Leukocyte Count) (WBC) (7002)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson QBC AccuRead (07747)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9100+ (07711)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9110+ (07712)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9118+ (07713)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9120+ (07714)
    Coulter MD II Series Analyzer (10318)
    Danam Datacell 18MS (13356)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT16 (55175)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT18 (55177)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT5 (55171)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT8 (55173)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT16 (55176)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT18 (55178)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT5 (55172)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT8 (55174)
    Sysmex F-520 (58370)
    Sysmex F-820 (58371)
    Sysmex SF-3000 (58360)
    Texas International Laboratories Hematil 18 (61205)

Analyte: White Blood Cell Differential (WBC Diff) (7001)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson QBC AccuRead (07747)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9100+ (07711)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9110+ (07712)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9118+ (07713)
    BioChem Immunosystems Baker System 9120+ (07714)
    Coulter MD II Series Analyzer (10318)
    Danam Datacell 18MS (13356)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT16 (55175)
    Roche Cobas MICROS CT18 (55177)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT16 (55176)
    Roche Cobas MICROS OT18 (55178)
    Sysmex F-820 (58371)
    Sysmex SF-3000 (58360)
    Texas International Laboratories Hematil 18 (61205)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Mycology

Analyte: Yeast, C. Albicans Only (7602)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    BioMerieux Vitek Albicans ID (07773)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Toxicology / TDM

Analyte: Acetaminophen (0406)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Amikacin (0425)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Amphetamines (0428)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Fingerprint Biotech FINGERPRINT-DOA Screening Device (19023)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (46217)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign AMP (49150)
    Princeton BioMeditech AccuSign AMP (49152)

[[Page 35751]]

    Princeton BioMeditech BioSign AMP (49153)
    Princeton BioMeditech DOA-AMP (49151)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Worldwide Medical First Check AMP (70187)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (TCH/OPI/COC/AMP) (70188)

Analyte: Barbiturates (0701)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (07377)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (46217)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Benzodiazepines (0702)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (07377)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (46217)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Sun Biomedical Labs Visualine II Benzodiazepines (58389)

Analyte: Cannabinoids (THC) (1009)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim FRONTLINE CANNABIS (07771)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (07377)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Fingerprint Biotech FINGERPRINT-DOA Screening Device (19023)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (46217)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 2 (THC/COC) (49160)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 3 (THC/OPI/COC) (49161)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (49162)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Sun Biomedical Labs Visualine II Cannabinoids (58364)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 2 (THC/COC) (70179)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 3 (THC/OPI/COC) (70180)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (TCH/OPI/COC/AMP) (70188)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (70178)
    Worldwide Medical First Check THC (70185)

Analyte: Carbamazepine (1010)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (07166)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Olympus AU 5000 (46001)
    Olympus AU 5200 (46143)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Carboxyhemoglobin (1012)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AVL OMNI Combi Analyzer (04609)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL682 CO-Oximeter System (28368)
    Nova Co-Oximeter (43114)
    Radiometer ABL System 625 (55198)

Analyte: Cocaine Metabolites (1023)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Applied Biotech SureStep Drug Screen Cocaine Test (04665)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim FRONTLINE COCAINE (07770)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Fingerprint Biotech FINGERPRINT-DOA Screening Device (19023)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (46217)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 2 (THC/COC) (49160)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 3 (THC/OPI/COC) (49161)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (49162)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Sun Biomedical Labs Visualine II Cocaine (58361)
    Technical Chem. & Prod. One Step Urine DoA Cocaine (61208)
    Worldwide Medical First Check COC (70184)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 2 (THC/COC) (70179)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 3 (THC/OPI/COC) (70180)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (TCH/OPI/COC/AMP) (70188)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (70178)

Analyte: Digitoxin (1303)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)

Analyte: Digoxin (1304)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott IMX (04056)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (Emit 2000) (07675)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 CE (Emit 2000) (07677)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (Emit 2000) (07679)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 CE (Emit 2000) (07681)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (Emit 2000) (07683)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (Emit 2000) (07669)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (Emit 2000) (07671)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (Emit 2000) (07673)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont ACA III (DGN A) (13390)
    Du Pont ACA IV (DGN A) (13391)
    Du Pont ACA Star (DGN A) (13400)
    Du Pont ACA V (DGN A) (13392)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL Monarch 1000(IL Test Digoxin) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL Monarch 2000(IL Test Digoxin) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL Monarch Plus(IL Test Digoxin) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)

[[Page 35752]]

    Jonhson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Jonhson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Roche Cobas Mira (Emit 2000) (55166)
    Roche Cobas Mira Plus (Emit 2000) (55170)
    Roche Cobas Mira S (Emit 2000) (55168)
    Technicon RA 1000 (Bayer Digoxin DGN) (61200)
    Technicon RA 2000 (Bayer Digoxin DGN) (61201)
    Technicon RA 500 (Bayer Digoxin DGN) (61202)
    Technicon RA XT (Bayer Digoxin DGN) (61203)

Analyte: Ethanol (Alcohol) (1608)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (whole blood) (07738)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (whole blood) (07739)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 737 (whole blood) (07740)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (whole blood) (07741)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (whole blood) (07742)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 914 (whole blood) (07743)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Jonhson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Jonhson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Jonhson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Jonhson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Ethanol (Alcohol), Whole Blood (1632)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)

Analyte: Gentamicin (2202)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Ciba Corning ACS 180 (10046)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Lidocaine (3710)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Lithium (3712)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 P (31025)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (31029)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DTE Module (31033)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) (3715)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 

Analyte: Methadone (4003)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Methamphetamine/Amphetamine (4036)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)

Analyte: Methamphetamines (4004)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (49162)
    Princeton BioMeditech AccuSign MET (49163)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (70178)

Analyte: Methaqualone (4005)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: N-Acetylprocainamide (NAPA) (4301)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Opiates (4601)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim FRONTLINE OPIATES (07772)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Fingerprint Biotech FINGERPRINT--DOA Screening Device (19023)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (46217)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 3 (THC/OPI/COC) (49161)
    Princeton BioMeditech AbuSign DOA 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (49162)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)
    Technical Chem. & Prod. One Step Urine DoA Opiate (61207)
    Worldwide Medical First Check MOP (70186)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 3 (THC/OPI/COC) (70180)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (TCH/OPI/COC/AMP) (70188)
    Worldwide Medical First Check Panel 4 (THC/OPI/COC/MET) (70178)

Analyte: Phencyclidine (PCP) (4901)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (07377)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Du Pont Dimension AR (13087)
    Du Pont Dimension XL (13355)
    Fingerprint Biotech FINGERPRINT--DOA Screening Device (19023)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (46217)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Phenobarbital (4902)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)

[[Page 35753]]

    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Phenytoin (4903)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 1800 (28323)
    Instrumentation Laboratory ILAB 900 (28322)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Phenytoin, Free (4904)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas FARA II (55041)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Primidone (4912)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Procainamide (4913)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS Magnum (49097)
    PB Diagnostics Systems OPUS PLUS (49098)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Propoxyphene (4917)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07754)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07755)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) (07756)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (07377)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/automated curve) 
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Quinidine (5202)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Salicylates (5801)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Olympus AU 5000 (46001)
    Olympus AU 5200 (46143)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Theophylline (6104)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Bio-Chem Laboratory Systems ATAC 8000 (07658)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Ciba Corning ACS 180 (10046)
    Cirrus Diagnostics Immulite (10159)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT II (31030)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT SC Module (31031)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Tobramycin (6112)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)

Analyte: Tricyclic Antidepressants (6117)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott AxSYM (04532)

Analyte: Valproic Acid (6701)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Valproic Acid, Free (6702)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas FARA II (55041)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Analyte: Vancomycin (6703)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Ciba Corning ACS 180 (10046)
    Roche Cobas INTEGRA (55179)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Urinalysis

Analyte: Urinary Sediment Microscopic Elements (6405)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    DAVSTAR Cen-Slide System (13396)
    Dia Sys R/S 1000 (13397)
    Dia Sys R/S 2000 (13398)

Analyte: Urine Qualitative Dipstick Chemistries (6406)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Chemstrip Criterion Urine Analyzer (07716)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Virology

Analyte: Herpes Simplex (2529)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell (direct antigen/visual) (31063)

Analyte: Rotavirus (5509)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Vitek Systems Vidas (67038)

Complexity: High

Speciality/Subspeciality: Bacteriology

Analyte: Aerobic &/or Anaerobic Organisms-Unlimited Sources (0412)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AB Biodisk Etest (including culture) (04592)
    All Antimicrobial Suscept. (disk diffusion/dilution) fr cult 
    All Conventional Organism Identification (ID) from culture 
    Becton Dickinson BBL CRYSTAL ANR ID System (inc. culture) 
    Difco DrySlide NEISSERIA (including culture) (13407)

Analyte: Aerobic Organisms From Urine Specimens Only (0468)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Culture Kits, Inc. Uri-Two (nonconfirmatory ID) (10333)

Analyte: Chlamydia (1016)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott IMX Select (04229)
    Abbott LCx Chlamydia trachomatis Assay (04541)
    DAKO IDEIA Chlamydia Blocking Reagents (13322)
    Sanofi Pasteur Access Immunoassay System (58257)

Analyte: Enterococcus (1612)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Enterococcus Screening Test (inc. culture) 

Analyte: Escherichia Coli (1604)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    LMD Laboratories E. coli 0157 ELISA Assay (dir. ag/spectro) 
    LMD Laboratories E. coli 0157 ELISA Assay (dir. ag/visual) 
    Meridian Premier EHEC (spectrophotometric) (40205)
    Meridian Premier EHEC (visual) (40204)

Analyte: Haemophilus Influenzae, Type B (2510)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)

Analyte: Moraxella Catarrhalis (4037)

Test System, Assay, Examination:

[[Page 35754]]

    Difco DrySlide CATARRALIS (including culture) (13408)

Analyte: Neisseria Gonorrhoeae (4302)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott LCx Neisseria gonorrhoeae Assay (04545)

Analyte: Neisseria Meningitidis, Group A (4304)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Neisseria Meningitis (inc. culture) 

Analyte: Neisseria Meningitidis, Group B (4306)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)

Analyte: Neisseria Meningitidis, Group C (4308)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Neisseria Meningitis (inc. culture) 

Analyte: Neisseria Meningitidis, Group W135 (4311)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Neisseria Meningitis (inc. culture) 

Analyte: Neisseria Meningitidis, Group Y (4312)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Neisseria Meningitis (inc. culture) 

Analyte: Salmonella (5802)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    SA Scientific SAS Salmonella H Antisera (including culture) 

Analyte: Shigella (5804)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    SA Scientific SAS Shigella Antisera (including culture) (58387)

Analyte: Staphylococcus (5807)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Murex Staphaurex Plus (including culture) (40200)

Analyte: Streptococcus Pneumoniae (5808)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)

Analyte: Streptococcus, Group A (5810)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott TestPack +Plus Strep A with OBC (inc. culture) (04626)
    Becton Dickinson Directigen 1-2-3 Group A Strep (inc cult.) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell (including culture) (31065)

Analyte: Streptococcus, Group B (5811)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson Drtgen Meningitis Combo (inc. culture) (07726)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Endocrinology

Analyte: 17 Alpha-OH Progesterone (0109)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Neometrics ACCUSCREEN 17alpha-hydroxyprogesterone RIA Kit 

Analyte: 5-Hydroxyindolacetic Acid, Urine (5-HIAA) (0101)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Rad Urinary 5-HIAA by HPLC (07687)

Analyte: Androstenedione (0460)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Products Corp. Coat-A-Count Dir. Androstenedione 

Analyte: Angiotensin I (0479)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Pharmaceutical Discovery A-I Photodiagnostic (49155)

Analyte: Angiotensin II (0520)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO Angiotensin II RIA (04631)

Analyte: Calcitonin (1041)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    CIS-US ELSA-hCT (10312)
    Nichols Institute Chemiluminescence Calcitonin Assay (43113)

Analyte: Catecholamines, Urine (1055)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Rad MDMS/CDMS (07778)

Analyte: Collagen Type I, C-telopeptides (1131)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems DSL 10-1700 ACTIVE CrossLaps ELISA (13416)

Analyte: Collagen Type I, Crosslink Deoxypyridinoline (Dpd) (1127)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Metra Biosystems PYRILINKS-D (40251)

Analyte: Collagen Type I, Crosslink N-telopeptides (NTx) (1125)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Ostex International Osteomark (46193)

Analyte: Collagen Type I, Crosslink Pyridinium (Pyd, Dpd) (1126)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Metra Biosystems PYRILINKS (40250)
    Metra Biosystems PYRILINKS Polyclonal (40252)

Analyte: Cortisol, Urine (Extraction Procedure) (1095)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Ciba Corning ACS 180 (10046)

Analyte: Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) (1309)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems DSL 10-9000 ACTIVE DHEA EIA (13410)

Analyte: Estradiol (1605)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems Ultra Sensitive Estradiol RIA (13412)

Analyte: Estriol-unconjugated (1607)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems ACTIVE Ultra-Sens. Unconjugated Estriol 

Analyte: Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) (1908)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: HCG, Beta, Serum, Quantitative (2502)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: HCG, Total, Serum, Quantitative (2555)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems DSL 8300 ACTIVE INTACT hCG IRMA (13419)

Analyte: HCG, Urine, Quantitative (2534)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: Human Growth Hormone (GH) (2547)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems DSL 10-1900 ACTIVE hGH ELISA (13415)

Analyte: Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 (IGF-1) (2818)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems Active IGF-1 ELISA (13381)
    Diagnostic Systems DSL 2800 ACTIVE No-extrac.IGF-1 C-T IRMA 
    ImmunoDiagnostic Systems OCTEIA IGF-1 IEMA Kit (28385)
    Nichols Institute Insulin-Like Growth Factor I (IGF-I,IRMA) 

Analyte: Insulin-like Growth Factor Bind. Protein3 (IGFBP-3) (2832)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems Active IGFBP-3 ELISA (13382)
    Nichols Institute IGFBP-3 Radioimmunoassay Kit (43104)

Analyte: Luteinizing Hormone (LH) (3713)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems DSL 4600 ACTIVE LH Coated-Tube IRMA (13417)
    Nichols Institute Chemiluminescence LH Assay (43107)

Analyte: Metanephrines, Urine (4025)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bioanalytical Systems Urinary Metanephrine Kit (07686)

Analyte: Parathyroid Hormone--Intact (4924)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    CIS-US ELSA-PTH (10299)
    Diagnostic Systems Active I-PTH ELISA Kit (13402)
    Scantibodies Laboratory Intact PTH Assay (58348)

Analyte: Prolactin (4915)

Test System, Assay, Examination:

[[Page 35755]]

    Diagnostic Systems DSL 4500 ACTIVE Prolactin Ctd-Tube IRMA 
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: Testosterone, Free (6122)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Systems ACTIVE Free Testosterone RIA (13393)

Analyte: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) (Neonatal) (6107)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Products Corp. Coat-A-Count IRMA (13109)

Analyte: Thyroid Stimulating Hormone--High Sens. (TSH-HS) (6108)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: Thyroxine (T4) (6109)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Biomerica T4 Microwell EIA (07635)
    Diagnostic Systems DSL-3200 ACTIVE Thyroxine RIA (13406)

Analyte: Thyroxine (T4), Neonatal (6123)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Wallac Oy DELFIA Neonatal Thyroxine (T4) Kit (70168)

Analyte: Thyroxine Binding Globulin (TBG) (6110)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: Thyroxine, Free (FT4) (6111)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: Triiodothyronine (T3) (6119)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Biomerica T3 Microwell EIA (07774)
    Diagnostic Systems DSL 3100 ACTIVE T3 Coated-Tube RIA (13413)

Analyte: Triiodothyronine, Free (FT3) (6121)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Roche Cobas Core Free T3 EIA (manual) (55135)

Speciality/Subspeciality: General Chemistry

Analyte: 1-Methylhistidine (0107)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: 3-Methylhistidine (0108)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Acid Phosphatase (0407)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Acid Phosphatase Manual Procedure (25222)

Analyte: Alanine (0511)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) (SGPT) (0404)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    HiChem Alanine Transaminase (ALT) Reagent Kit (manual) (25227)
    Horizon ALT (SGPT) Manual Procedure (25216)
    MeDiTech Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT) (manual) (40216)
    Ortho ALT Microwell Test System (manual) (46167)

Analyte: Albumin (0414)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Serum Albumin Manual Procedure (25204)

Analyte: Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (0416)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Alkaline Phosphatase (pNPP Rate) Manual Procedure 
    MeDiTech Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) (manual) (40240)

Analyte: Alkaline Phosphatase Bone Specific (BAP) (0518)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Metra Biosystems Alkphase-B (40227)

Analyte: Alpha-Amino-n-butyric Acid (0512)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Alpha-Hydroxybutyrate Dehydrogenase (HBDH) (0419)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    TECO Diagnostics HBDH Reagent Set (manual) (61152)

Analyte: Ammonia, Plasma/Serum (0427)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Ammonia (manual) (07766)

Analyte: Amylase (0429)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Amylase Manual Procedure (25207)

Analyte: Anserine (0514)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Apolipoprotein A1 (0462)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Apolipoprotein A-1 (APO A-1) Manual Procedure (25221)
    Randox Laboratories Test Kit (manual) (55106)

Analyte: Apolipoprotein B (0457)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Apolipoprotein B (APO B) Manual Procedure (25220)
    Randox Laboratories Test Kit (manual) (55106)

Analyte: Arginine (0515)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Asparagine (0509)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Aspartate Aminotransferase (AST) (SGOT) (0405)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    HiChem Aspartate Transaminase (AST) (manual) (25234)
    Horizon AST (SGOT) Manual Procedure (25215)
    MeDiTech Aspartate Aminotranspherase (AST) (manual)) (40241)

Analyte: Beta-Alanine (0732)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Bilirubin, Total (0706)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Total Bilirubin Manual Procedure (25199)

Analyte: Calcium, Total (1005)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Calcium (Liquid) Manual Procedure (25208)
    Synermed Calcium (manual) (58375)

Analyte: Carbon Dioxide, Total (CO2) (1003)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Randox Laboratories CO2 (TOTAL) (manual) (55201)
    TECO Diagnostics Carbon Dioxide (manual) (61150)
    TRACE Scientific CO2-DST (manual) (61212)

Analyte: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF) Protein (1014)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Randox Laboratories Test Kit (manual) (55106)

Analyte: Chloride (1018)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Chloride Manual Procedure (25209)

Analyte: Cholesterol (1020)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Cholesterol Manual Procedure (25210)

Analyte: Citrulline (1105)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Creatine Kinase (CK) (1034)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Creatine Kinase Manual Procedure (25211)
    MeDiTech Creatine Kinase (CK) (manual) (40220)

Analyte: Creatine Kinase MB Fraction (CKMB) (1002)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Creatine Kinase MB Manual Procedure (25203)

Analyte: Creatinine (1035)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Chimera CR Perfect Urine Creatinine (manual) (10295)
    Horizon Creatinine Manual Procedure (25206)

Analyte: Ferritin (1902)

Test System, Assay, Examination:

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    United Biotech UBI MAGIWEL Ferritin Quantitative (64032)

Analyte: Folate, Red Blood Cell (RBC Folate) (1930)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Technicon Immuno 1 (manual calculations) (61230)

Analyte: Galactose, Total (2223)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ICN ImmuChem Galactose Microwell Enzyme Assay (28390)
    Isolab Fluoroscan II Neonatal Chemistry System (28367)

Analyte: Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl Transferase (2215)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Isolab Fluoroscan II Neonatal Chemistry System (28367)

Analyte: Gamma Glutamyl Transferase (GGT) (2201)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Chemicals GGT Assay Kit (13395)
    HiChem Gamma-GT Reagent Kit (manual) (25182)
    Horizon Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase Manual Procedure (25200)

Analyte: Glucose (2203)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    HiChem Glucose/HK Reagent Kit (manual) (25235)
    Horizon Glucose (Hexokinase) Manual Procedure (25219)
    Horizon Glucose (Oxidase) Manual Procedure (25218)

Analyte: Glutamine (2218)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Glycated Hemoglobin, Total (2221)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Glycohemoglobin Manual Procedure (25201)

Analyte: Glycine (2219)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Glycosylated Hemoglobin (Hgb A1C) (2204)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Rad MDMS/CDMS (07778)

Analyte: HDL Cholesterol (2550)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Horizon HDL Cholesterol Manual Procedure (25226)
    Sigma Diagnostics HDL ISOSPIN (manual) (58388)

Analyte: Histidine (2563)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Human Hemoglobin in Feces (2565)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    SmithKline HemeSelect (58403)

Analyte: Hydroxyproline (2560)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Iron (2814)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Iron/IBC Manual Procedure (25224)

Analyte: Iron Binding Capacity (Post Saturation/Separation) (2815)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 Delta (07762)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 Delta (07763)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 Delta (07764)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (07765)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (31019)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 400 (31020)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (31021)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 550 XRC (31022)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (31023)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 Analyzer C Series (31024)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 XR (31026)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 750 XRC (31027)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 950 IRC (31028)

Analyte: Iron Binding Capacity, Unsat. (UIBC) no pretreat. (2823)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Iron/IBC Manual Procedure (25224)
    Reagents Applications RAICHEM Test Kit (manual) (55075)

Analyte: Isoleucine (2833)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: LDL Cholesterol (3748)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott Vision (Genzyme immunosep tube/HDL channel) (04615)
    DuPont Dimension (Genzyme immunosep tube/HDL channel) (13379)
    DuPont Dimension AR (Genzyme immunosep tube/HDL channel) (13380)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 250 (Genzyme tube/chol slid) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 500 (Genzyme tube/chol slid) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem 700 (Genzyme tube/Chol slid) 
    Johnson & Johnson CDI Ektachem DT 60 (Genzyme tube/HDLslid) 
    Kodak Ektachem 250 (Genzyme immunosep tube/Choles. slide) 
    Kodak Ektachem 500 (Genzyme immunosep tube/Choles. slide) 
    Kodak Ektachem 700 (Genzyme immunosep tube/Choles. slide) 
    Kodak Ektachem DT 60 (Genzyme immunosep tube/HDL slide) (34092)
    Technicon Chem 1 (Genzyme immunosep tube/HDL channel) (61194)

Analyte: Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) (3701)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Manual Procedure (25217)
    MeDiTech Lactate Dehydrogenase (LD) (manual) (40217)

Analyte: Leucine (3749)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Lysine (3750)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Methionine (4031)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Microalbumin (4019)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Micro-Albumin PIN Assay (04663)
    Wako Micro-Albumin B (manual) (70173)

Analyte: Mucopolysaccharides, Urinary (4038)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Glyco FACE Qualitative Urinary Carbohydrate Analysis Kit (22181)

Analyte: Oligosaccharides, Urinary (4607)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Glyco FACE Qualitative Urinary Carbohydrate Analysis Kit (22181)

Analyte: Phenylalanine (4942)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Isolab Fluoroscan II Neonatal Chemistry System (28367)
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Phosphorus (4906)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Inorganic Phosphorus Manual Procedure (25202)

Analyte: Protein Fractions (4920)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Sebia Hydragel Protein Kit (manual) (58367)

Analyte: Protein, Total (4921)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Total Protein Manual Procedure (25214)

Analyte: Protein, Total (Urine) (4972)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Randox Laboratories Test Kit (manual) (55106)

Analyte: Taurine (6141)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Thyroglobulin (6124)

Test System, Assay, Examination:

[[Page 35757]]

    ALPCO ORGenTec PIA Thyroglobulin EIA (04616)

Analyte: Triglyceride (6118)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Triglyceride (INT) Manual Procedure (25223)
    MeDiTech Triglycerides (Glycerol Blk) (manual) (40218)

Analyte: Tyrosine (6143)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Analyte: Urea (BUN) (6403)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    HiChem BUN/Urea Reagent Kit (manual) (25259)
    Horizon Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) Manual Procedure (25212)
    MeDiTech Blood Urea Nitrogen (manual) (40219)
    Randox Laboratories Test Kit (manual) (55106)

Analyte: Uric Acid (6404)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Horizon Uric Acid Manual Procedure (25213)

Analyte: Valine (6717)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Waters Pico-Tag Amino Acid Analysis System (70171)

Specialty/Subspecialty: General Immunology

Analyte: Allergen Specific IgE (0417)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Specific IgE EIA Assay (25175)
    Hycor Specific IgE EIA (25230)

Analyte: Anti-Cardiolipin Antibodies (0434)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    INOVA Diagnostics QUANTA Lite ACA Screen (HRP) (28406)
    INOVA Diagnostics QUANTA Lite IgA ACA (HRP) (28407)
    INOVA Diagnostics QUANTA Lite IgG ACA (HRP) (28403)
    INOVA Diagnostics QUANTA Lite IgM ACA (28386)
    Immco Diagnostics Anti-Cardiolipin IgA Antibody (ACA) Test 
    Immco Diagnostics Anti-Cardiolipin IgG Antibody (ACA) Test 
    Immco Diagnostics Anti-Cardiolipin IgM Antibody (ACA) Test 
    Immuno Probe Cardiolipin A EIA (28389)
    Immuno Probe Cardiolipin G EIA (28437)
    Immuno Probe Cardiolipin G,M,A EIA (28405)
    Immuno Probe Cardiolipin IgG,M,A EIA Test Kit (28405)
    Immuno Probe Cardiolipin M EIA (28388)
    MarDx Cardiolipin IgA EIA (40247)
    MarDx Cardiolipin IgG EIA (40245)
    MarDx Cardiolipin IgG,M,A EIA (40244)
    MarDx Cardiolipin IgM EIA (40246)
    elias usa Varelisa Cardiolipin Abs Screen (16122)

Analyte: Anti-Centromere Antibodies (0487)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    elias usa Varelisa ANA Profile (16110)

Analyte: Anti-DNA Antibodies (0435)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-dsDNA Elisa Assay (04649)
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-dsDNA Pin Immuno Assay (04623)
    INOVA Diagnostics QUANTA Lite ssDNA SemiQuant. ELISA (28436)
    MarDx Anti-dsDNA (Immunoglobulin) EIA (40253)
    elias usa Varelisa Combined DNA Antibodies (16107)
    elias usa Varelisa dsDNA Antibodies (FARR version) (16100)

Analyte: Anti-ENA Antibodies (0507)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec ENAScreen (SS-A,SS-B,Sm,RNP/Sm,Scl-70,Jo1) 
    ALPCO ORGenTec ENAscreen PIN Immuno Assay (04656)
    Helix Diagnostics ENA+Screen (RNP,Sm,SS-A,SS-B,Scl-70,Jo-1) 
    Hemagen ENA Screen 4 Kit (RNP, Sm, SS-A, SS-B) (25228)
    Hemagen ENA Screen 6 Kit (RNP, Sm, SS-A, SS-B, Scl-70,Jo-1) 
    MarDx ENA EIA Test Kit (40212)

Analyte: Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane (GBM) Antibodies (0524)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Scimedx GMB Antibody (computer calculations) (58408)
    Scimedx GMB Antibody (manual calculations) (58409)

Analyte: Anti-Histone Antibodies (0437)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    TheraTest Laboratories EL-ANA Profiles Test (61018)
    elias usa Varelisa Histone Antibodies (qualitative) (16106)
    elias usa Varelisa Histone Antibodies (semi-quantitative) 

Analyte: Anti-Jo-1 (0438)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-JO-1 PIN Immuno Assay (04653)
    Helix Diagnostics Anti-Jo-1 EIA Antibody Test (25231)
    elias usa Varelisa ANA Profile (16110)

Analyte: Anti-Mitochondrial Antibodies (AMTA) (0439)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    MarDx Mitochondria EIA Test Kit (40211)

Analyte: Anti-Myeloperoxidase (MPO) Antibodies (0505)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    INOVA Diagnostics QUANTA Lite MPO ELISA (28439)
    Scimedx MPO Antibody (auto reader w/data reduction) (58405)
    Scimedx MPO Antibody (manual) (58404)
    elias usa Varelisa MPO-ANCA EIA (qualitative) (16130)
    elias usa Varelisa MPO-ANCA EIA (semi-quantitative) (16129)

Analyte: Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasm Antibodies (0440)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Scimedx Anti-PR3 Antibody EIA (computer calculations) (58386)
    Scimedx Anti-PR3 Antibody EIA (manual calculations) (58385)
    elias usa Varelisa PR3-ANCA EIA (qualitative) (16124)
    elias usa Varelisa PR3-ANCA EIA (semi-quantitative) (16123)

Analyte: Anti-Nuclear Antibodies (ANA) (0441)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Immuno Concepts HEp-2000 Colorzyme ANA-Ro Test System (28396)
    Roche Image Titer (RIAS) Antinuclear Antibody (ANA) Kit (55199)
    TheraTest Laboratories EL-ANAscr (61220)
    elias usa Varelisa ANA-Screen (4) (16111)

Analyte: Anti-Parietal Cell Antibodies (0442)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    elias usa Varelisa Parietal Cell Abs (qualitative) (16109)
    elias usa Varelisa Parietal Cell Abs (semi-quantitative) (16108)

Analyte: Anti-Phosphatidylserine Antibodies (0521)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Reaads Anti-Phosphatidylserine Semi-Quantitative Test Kit 

Analyte: Anti-RNP-Sm Antibodies (0502)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-RNP/Sm Pin Immuno Assay (04647)
    Hemagen RNP-Sm ENA Kit (qualitative) (25189)
    Hemagen RNP-Sm ENA Kit (semi-quantitative) (25194)
    elias usa Varelisa ANA Profile (16110)

Analyte: Anti-SS-A/Ro (0446)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-SS-A(Ro) PIN Immuno Assay (04651)
    elias usa Varelisa ANA Profile (16110)

Analyte: Anti-SS-B/La (0447)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-SS-B(La) Pin Immuno Assay (04648)
    elias usa Varelisa ANA Profile (16110)

Analyte: Anti-Scl-70 (0448)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-Scl 70 PIN Immuno Assay (04652)
    Helix Diagnostics Anti-Scl-70 EIA Antibody Test (25232)
    TheraTest Laboratories EL-ANA Profiles Test (61018)

Analyte: Anti-Serine Protease 3 (PR3) Antibodies (0522)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    INOVA Diagnostics QUANTA Lite PR3 ELISA (28440)

Analyte: Anti-Sm (Smith) (0450)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-Sm(Smith) Pin Immuno Assay (04646)
    elias usa Varelisa ANA Profile (16110)

Analyte: Anti-Thyroglobulin Antibodies (0453)

Test System, Assay, Examination:

[[Page 35758]]

    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-TG Elisa (04621)
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-TG PIA (04618)
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-TG/TPO PIA Combikit (04617)
    Bayer Serodia-ATG (07695)
    Fujirebio Serodia-ATG (19024)
    MarDx Thyroglobulin EIA Test Kit (40235)
    Sheild Diagnostics DIASTAT Anti-Tg Kit (qualitative) (58373)
    Sheild Diagnostics DIASTAT Anti-Tg Kit (quantitative) (58372)

Analyte: Anti-Thyroid Microsomal Antibodies (AMA) (0455)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cogent Diagnostics AUTOSTAT II Autoantibody Test Kit (10267)
    MarDx Microsomal EIA (40242)
    MarDx Microsomal EIA Test Kit (40242)

Analyte: Anti-Trypanosoma Cruzi Antibodies (0503)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hemagen Chagas' Kit (25159)

Analyte: Anti-U1-snRNP Antibodies (0501)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    elias usa Varelisa ANA Profile (16110)

Analyte: B1 positive Lymphocytes (0735)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: B4 positive Lymphocytes (0736)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: Beta-2 Microglobulin (0703)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    The Binding Site B2 Microglobulin RID Kit (61233)

Analyte: C-Reactive Protein (CRP) (1001)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hemagen CRP 150 EIA (25256)

Analyte: C1-Esterase Inhibitor (C1INH) (1051)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Kent Radial Immunodiffusion Test (34010)

Analyte: CD3 (IgG1) Positive Lymphocytes (1111)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: CD3 (IgG1)/B4 Positive Lymphocytes (1112)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: CD3 (IgG1)/T4 Positive Lymphocytes (1113)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: CD3 (IgG1)/T8 Positive Lymphocytes (1114)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: CD3/CD19/CD45 Positive Lymphocytes (1120)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson FACScan Flow Cytometer (07497)
    Becton Dickinson FACSort Flow Cytometer (07637)

Analyte: CD3/CD4/CD45 Positive Lymphocytes (1121)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson FACScan Flow Cytometer (07497)
    Becton Dickinson FACSort Flow Cytometer (07637)

Analyte: CD3/T4/T8 Positive Lymphocytes (1122)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)
    Coulter Epics Flow Cytometer (10246)

Analyte: CD4 Protein (1124)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    T Cell Diagnostics TRAx CD4 Test Kit (61195)

Analyte: Complement C1q (1064)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Kent Radial Immunodiffusion Test (34010)

Analyte: Complement C5 (1031)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    The Binding Site Human Complement C5 RID (61206)

Analyte: Complement, Total (1046)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Incstar Complement Activation EIA Test System (CAE) (28404)

Analyte: Cytomegalovirus Antibodies (1039)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Centocor CAPTIA CMV-M (10306)
    Centocor CAPTIA CMV-TA (EIA) (10300)
    Quest International SeraQuest CMV IgG (52030)

Analyte: Epstein-Barr Virus Antibodies (1603)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Granbio Inc. EBNA IgG EIA Kit (22180)
    Gull Laboratories EBNA IgG (Quantitative) ELISA Test (22168)
    Gull Laboratories EBV-EA(D) IgG ELISA (qualitative) (22172)
    Gull Laboratories EBV-EA(D) IgG ELISA (quantitative) (22169)
    Immuno Probe EBNA IgG ELISA (28411)
    Incstar EBNA IgG ELISA (28372)
    Incstar EBV VCA IgG ELISA (28371)
    Incstar EBV VCA IgM ELISA (28373)
    MRL Diagnostics EBNA RIFA Antibody Test (40202)
    Zeus EBNA IgG ELISA Test System (79048)
    Zeus EBV-VCA IgM ELISA Test System (79046)

Analyte: Helicobacter Pylori Antibodies (2513)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Enteric Products HM-CAP EIA Test (16076)

Analyte: Hepatitis B Surface Antigen (HBsAg) (2524)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Abbott IMX HBsAg Confirmatory (04658)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgA (2803)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Randox Laboratories IgA (manual) (55203)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgE (2805)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Hycor HY-TEC Total IgE EIA Assay (25174)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgG (2806)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Randox Laboratories IgG (manual) (55205)

Analyte: Immunoglobulins IgM (2808)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Randox Laboratories IgM (manual) (55204)

Analyte: Leukocyte Common Antigen (LCA) (3756)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    BioTek Sol'n TechMate/ChemMate Spc. Stain LCA-CD45 (tissue) 

Analyte: MY4 Positive Lymphocytes (4033)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: Mo2 Positive Lymphocytes (4034)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: Rheumatoid Factor (RF) (5508)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    TheraTest Laboratories EL-RF/3 (IgM-IgG-IgA) Kit (61157)

Analyte: Rubella Antibodies (5510)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Centocor CAPTIA Rubella-G (10305)
    Centocor CAPTIA Rubella-M (10304)

Analyte: T1 Positive Lymphocytes (6157)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: T11 Positive Lymphocytes (6146)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

[[Page 35759]]

Analyte: T11/B1 Positive Lymphocytes (6147)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: T11/B4 Positive Lymphocytes (6148)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: T3 Positive Lymphocytes (6149)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: T4 Positive Lymphocytes (6150)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: T4/T8 Positive Lymphocytes (6151)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: T8 Positive Lymphocytes (6152)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter EPICS Profile (10329)
    Coulter EPICS Profile II (10219)
    Coulter EPICS XL (10330)
    Coulter EPICS XL-MCL (10331)

Analyte: Thyroid Peroxidase Autoantibodies (TPO) (6135)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-TG/TPO PIA Combikit (04617)
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-TPO Elisa (04622)
    ALPCO ORGenTec Anti-TPO PIA (04619)
    Biomerica Anti-Thyroid Peroxidase (Anti-TPO) ELISA (07728)
    Shield Diagnostics DIASTAT Anti-TPO Kit (qualitative) (58377)
    Shield Diagnostics DIASTAT Anti-TPO Kit (semi-quantitative) 

Analyte: Toxoplasma Gondii Antibodies (6113)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    BioWhittaker TOXOSTAT Test (07564)
    Centocor CAPTIA Toxo-G (10308)
    Centocor CAPTIA Toxo-M (10307)

Analyte: Treponema pallidum Antibodies (Includes Reagin) (6115)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    ADI Visuwell Syphilis Antibody (04546)
    BIOMIRA Diagnostics Visuwell Reagin II (07688)
    Centocor CAPTIA Syphilis-G (10310)
    Centocor CAPTIA Syphilis-M (10309)

ANALYTE: Varicella-Zoster Virus Antibodies (6704)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Gull Laboratories VZV IgG ELISA Test (22170)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Hematology

Analyte: Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) (0409)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Behring Pathromtin SL APTT (manual) (07777)
    Ortho SynthASil APTT (manual) (46195)

Analyte: Alpha-2-Antiplasmin (0463)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

ANALYTE: Antithrombin III (ATIII) (0456)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Helena Laboratories Chrom Z-AT (manual) (25242)
    Helena Laboratories PACKS-4 (25029)
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL ACL Futura System (28395)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Coagulation Factors (1044)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Behring Fibrintimer A (07516)
    Bio/Data Microsample Coagulation Analyzer, MCA 310 (07597)
    Helena Laboratories Chrom Z-Factor VIII:C (manual) (25239)
    Helena Laboratories PACKS-4 (25029)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)
    Pharmacia Hepar Chromogenix Coamatic Factor VIII (49149)

Analyte: Coagulation Index, Modified Whole Blood (1128)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Haemoscope Thromboelastograph 3000S (TEG 3000S) (25257)

Analyte: Coagulation Index, Modified/Recalcified PRP/PPP (1129)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Haemoscope Thromboelastograph 3000S (TEG 3000S) (25257)

Analyte: Fibrin Split Products (Fibrin Degradation) (1904)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    AGEN Dimertest Gold EIA (04580)

Analyte: Fibrinogen (1905)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio/Data MCA 210 (von Clauss Methodology) (07696)
    Bio/Data MCA 310 (von Clauss Methodology) (07697)

Analyte: Heparin (2518)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    American Bioproducts ROTACHROM HBPM/LMWH (04583)
    American Bioproducts ROTACHROM Heparin (04584)
    American Bioproducts STACHROM Heparin Assay (04560)
    American Bioproducts STACLOT Heparin (manual) (04582)
    Chromogenix COACUTE Heparin (manual) (10313)

Analyte: Lupus Anticoagulants (3728)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson BBL Fibrometer (Am.Diag.DDVtest/DVVconfrm) 
    Bio/Data MCA 210 (Am. Diagnostica DVVtest/DVVconfirm) (07692)
    Bio/Data MCA 310 (Am. Diagnostica DVVtest/DVVconfirm) (07693)
    Diagnostica Stago ST4 (Am.Diagnostica DDVtest/DVVconfirm) 
    General Diagnostics Coag-A-Mate X2 (Am.Diag.DVVtest/confrm) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL ACL 300(Am.Diag.DVVtest/cfrm) 
    Instrumentation Laboratory IL ACL 300+(Am.Diag.DVVtst/cfrm) 
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 700 (Am.Diag.DVVtest/confrm) 
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 800 (Am.Diag.DVVtest/confrm) 
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 900C(Am.Diag.DVVtest/confrm) 
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra1000C(Am.Diag.DVVtest/confrm) 

Analyte: Plasminogen (4907)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Helena Laboratories Chrom Z-PLG (manual) (25240)
    Helena Laboratories PACKS-4 (25029)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Plasminogen Activator Inhibitor (PAI) (4936)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Platelet Count (4908)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter Z1 (10325)

Analyte: Protein C (4929)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Helena Laboratories Chrom Z-Protein C (manual) (25237)
    Helena Laboratories PACKS-4 (25029)
    Medical Laboratory MLA Electra 1400C (40208)

Analyte: Protein C Resistance (4973)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Chromogenix COATEST APC Resistance (manual) (10286)

Analyte: Protein S (4930)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostica Stago ASSERACHROM Free Protein S (13404)
    Diagnostica Stago ASSERACHROM Total Protein S (13403)

Analyte: Prothrombin Time (PT) (4922)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Helena Laboratories Thromboplastin Reagent-LI (manual) (25244)
    Ortho RecombiPlasTin II (manual) (46149)
    Pacific Hemostasis ThromboScreen Thromboplastin-DS (manual) 

Analyte: Red Blood Cell Count (Erythrocyte Count) (RBC) (5502)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter Z1 (10325)

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Analyte: Reptilase Time (5521)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Biopool Venom Time Reagent (manual) (07737)

Analyte: Reticulocyte Count (5506)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson FACSCalibur Flow Cytometer (07639)
    Becton Dickinson FACSort Flow Cytometer (07637)

Analyte: White Blood Cell Count (Leukocyte Count) (WBC) (7002)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Coulter Z1 (10325)

Analyte: White Blood Cell Differential (WBC Diff) (7001)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    IRIS The White IRIS Leukocyte Differential Analyzer (28408)

Analyte: von Willebrand Factor (6708)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    American Diagnostica Rellplate vWF EID Kit (04662)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Mycobacteriology

Analyte: Mycobacteria (4024)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson BACTEC 9000MB (07746)

Analyte: Mycobacterium Avium (4008)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Gen-Probe AccuProbe--M. avium specific (including culture) 

Analyte: Mycobacterium Avium Complex (4009)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    DynaGen MycoAKT Kit for M. avium Complex (inc. culture) (13383)
    Gen-Probe AccuProbe--M. avium complex (including culture) 
    Syngene Snap Culture ID Diagnostic Kit/M. avium complex (58069)

Analyte: Mycobacterium Gordonae (4011)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Gen-Probe AccuProbe--M. gordonae (including culture) (22130)

Analyte: Mycobacterium Intracellulare (4012)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Gen-Probe AccuProbe--M. intracellulare specific (inc cult) 

Analyte: Mycobacterium Kansasii (4014)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    DynaGen MycoAKT Kit for M. kansasii (including culture) (13384)
    Gen-Probe AccuProbe--M. kansasii (including culture) (22127)

Analyte: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex (4015)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson BACTEC TB System (NAP Differentiat. Test) 
    Becton Dickinson BACTEC TB System (Susceptibility Test) (07222)
    DynaGen MycoAKT Kit for M. tuberculosis Complex (inc. cult) 
    Gen-Probe AccuProbe--M. tuberculosis complex (inc culture) 
    Syngene Snap Culture ID Diagnostic Kit/M. tuberculosis cplx 

Speciality/Subspeciality: Mycology

Analyte: Fungi--Fungal Elements Only (1910)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Remel Calcofluor White Stain Kit (55206)

Analyte: Yeast (7601)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Remel Calcofluor White Stain Kit (55206)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Parasitology

Analyte: Acanthamoeba (0523)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Remel Calcofluor White Stain Kit (55206)

Analyte: Cryptosporidium (1109)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Alexon ProSpecT Giardia/Crypto. Microplate (dirAg/spectro) 
    Alexon ProSpecT Giardia/Crypto. Microplate (dirAg/visual) 

Analyte: Entamoeba Histolytica (1631)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    TechLab Entamoeba Test (spectrophotometer) (61169)
    TechLab Entamoeba Test (visual) (61168)

Analyte: Giardia lamblia (2222)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Alexon ProSpecT Giardia/Crypto. Microplate (dirAg/spectro) 
    Alexon ProSpecT Giardia/Crypto. Microplate (dirAg/visual) 
    TechLab CeLLabs Giardia-Cel IF Test (61218)
    Trend Scientific Giardia Direct Detection RS Test (61204)

Analyte: Microsporidia (4039)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Remel Calcofluor White Stain Kit (55206)

Analyte: Pneumocystis (4926)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    DAKO Quick Staining Kit for Pneumocystis carinii (13376)
    Remel Calcofluor White Stain Kit (55206)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Toxicology / TDM

Analyte: Amphetamines (0428)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (46212)
    STC Diagnostics Amphetamines M-Plate EIA (Sudormed Patch) 

Analyte: Barbiturates (0701)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (46212)

Analyte: Benzodiazepines (0702)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Bio-Rad REMEDi HS-Urine Benzodiazepine Assay (07744)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (46212)

Analyte: Cannabinoids (THC) (1009)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    Meco Industries MECTEST Cannabinoid Radioimmunoassay (40234)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (46212)

Analyte: Cocaine Metabolites (1023)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)

[[Page 35761]]

    Meco Industries MECTEST Cocaine Radioimmunoassay (40232)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (46212)
    STC Diagnostics Cocaine M-Plate EIA (Sudormed Patch) (58379)

Analyte: Digoxin (1304)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Johnson & Johnson CDL Amerlite Analyzer (31016)

Analyte: Drugs of Abuse (1307)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bio-Rad REMEDi HS Drug Profiling System (07604)

Analyte: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) (3715)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    STC Diagnostics LSD Micro-Plate EIA (58395)

Analyte: Methadone (4003)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 917 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07768)

Analyte: Methamphetamine/Amphetamine (4036)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Sigma SIA Methamphetamine/Amphetamine (58103)

Analyte: Methamphetamines (4004)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    STC Diagnostics Methamphetamine M-Plate EIA (Sudormed Patch) 

Analyte: Opiates (4601)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    Meco Industries MECTEST Opiate Radioimmunoassay (40233)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (46212)
    STC Diagnostics Opiates M-Plate EIA (Sudormed Patch) (58380)

Analyte: Phencyclidine (PCP) (4901)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)
    Olympus AU 5000 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (46212)
    STC Diagnostics PCP M-Plate EIA (Sudormed Patch) (58406)

Analyte: Propoxyphene (4917)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Beckman Synchron CX 4 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07722)
    Beckman Synchron CX 5 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07723)
    Beckman Synchron CX 7 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07724)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 704 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07718)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 717 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07719)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 747 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07720)
    Boehringer Mannheim Hitachi 911 (CEDIA DAU/manual curve) (07721)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Virology

Analyte: Coxsackie A24 Virus (1098)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie A24 Virus (inc. culture) (37073)

Analyte: Coxsackie A9 Virus (1097)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie A9 Virus (inc. culture) (37072)

Analyte: Coxsackie B1 Virus (1099)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B Virus Blend (inc. culture) (37087)
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B1 Virus (inc. culture) (37074)

Analyte: Coxsackie B2 Virus (1100)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B Virus Blend (inc. culture) (37087)
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B2 Virus (inc. culture) (37075)

Analyte: Coxsackie B3 Virus (1101)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B Virus Blend (inc. culture) (37087)
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B3 Virus (inc. culture) (37076)

Analyte: Coxsackie B4 Virus (1102)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B Virus Blend (inc. culture) (37087)
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B4 Virus (inc. culture) (37077)

Analyte: Coxsackie B5 Virus (1103)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B Virus Blend (inc. culture) (37087)
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B5 Virus (inc. culture) (37078)

Analyte: Coxsackie B6 Virus (1104)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B Virus Blend (inc. culture) (37087)
    Light Diag. MAb Coxsackie B6 Virus (inc. culture) (37079)

Analyte: Cytomegalovirus (1038)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Biotest Diagnostics CMV Brite (direct antigen) (07661)

Analyte: Enterovirus 70 (1625)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Enterovirus 70 (inc. culture) (37086)
    Light Diag. MAb Enterovirus Blend (inc. culture) (37084)

Analyte: Enterovirus 71 (1626)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Enterovirus 71 (inc. culture) (37088)
    Light Diag. MAb Enterovirus Blend (inc. culture) (37084)

Analyte: Herpes Simplex (2529)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Diagnostic Hybrids ELVIS HSV Kit (inc. cell culture) (13318)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell (including cell culture) (31064)
    Meridian Premier HSV Plus (direct antigen/spectro.) (40238)
    Meridian Premier HSV Plus (direct antigen/visual) (40239)
    Meridian Premier HSV Plus (inc. cell cult./spectro.) (40237)
    Meridian Premier HSV Plus (inc. cell cult./visual) (40236)

Analyte: Poliovirus 1 (4966)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Poliovirus 1 (inc. culture) (37080)
    Light Diag. MAb Poliovirus Blend (inc. culture) (37083)

Analyte: Poliovirus 2 (4967)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Poliovirus 2 (inc. culture) (37081)
    Light Diag. MAb Poliovirus Blend (inc. culture) (37083)

Analyte: Poliovirus 3 (4968)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. MAb Poliovirus 3 (inc. culture) (37082)
    Light Diag. MAb Poliovirus Blend (inc. culture) (37083)

Analyte: Varicella-Zoster Viruses (6705)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Light Diag. Varicella-zoster Virus Direct IFA (direct Ag) 
    Light Diag. Varicella-zoster Virus Direct IFA (inc. cult.) 

Complexity: Waived

Speciality/Subspeciality: Bacteriology

Analyte: Helicobacter Pylori (2512)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Serim PyloriTek Test Kit (58338)

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Analyte: Streptococcus, Group A (From Throat Only) (5828)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Quidel QuickVue In-Line One-Step Strep A Test (25 test kit) 

Speciality/Subspeciality: Endocrinology

Analyte: Ovulation Test (LH) by Visual Color Comparison (9461)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Quidel Conceive Ovulation Predictor (52029)
    Syntron Bioresearch BeSure OneStep Ovulation Predictor Kit 

Analyte: Urine HCG by Visual Color Comparison Tests (9642)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    3C Diagnostics MIT One-Step Immediate Pregnancy Test (01001)
    AmeriTek One step dBest Dipstick (04661)
    AmeriTek One step dBest Disk (04659)
    AmeriTek One step dBest Midstream (04660)
    Applied Biotech SureStrip hCG Pregnancy Test (04635)
    Bionike A/Q Pregnancy Test (07636)
    Boehringer Mannheim Accu-Stat hCG (07710)
    Excel Scientific OneStep Urine/Serum hCG Preg Module Test 
    Horizon Diagnostics Pregna-Plus hCG (25225)
    Immunostics immuno hCG Detector Pregnancy Test (28418)
    Immunostics immuno hCG Detector Stix (28417)
    International Newtech Develop. MiniStrip HCG ONESTEP (28394)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell hCG-Urine (31067)
    Johnson & Johnson CDI SureCell hCG-Urine/Serum (31066)
    Medix Biotech CONTRAST hCG Urine/Serum Test (40215)
    Medix Biotech Rapid hCG (urine/serum) (40224)
    Mizuho USA Quick Checker hCG Pregnancy Test (40207)
    Quidel CAMEO Home Pregnancy Test (52031)
    Quidel CARDS Q.S. hCG (52032)
    Quidel Concise Performance Plus hCG (52033)
    Sea-Band Pregnancy Test (58362)
    Selfcare early Pregnancy test (test cassett) (58401)
    Selfcare early Pregnancy test (test stick) (58400)
    Simex Medical DiagnoStrip hCG (58397)
    Syntron Platform OneStep Pregnancy Test (58407)
    Worldwide Medical First Check hCG (cassette) (70181)
    Worldwide Medical First Check hCG (test stick) (70182)
    Wyntek Diagnostics OSOM Pregnancy Test for Home Use (70175)
    Wyntek Diagnostics OSOM hCG-Combo Test (70177)
    Wyntek Diagnostics OSOM hCG-Urine Test (70174)

Speciality/Subspeciality: General Chemistry

Analyte: Body Fluids (Other Than Blood) pH (0731)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    All Qualitative Color Comparison pH Testing (04542)

Analyte: Cholesterol (1020)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Accu-Chek InstantPlus Cholesterol (07776)
    ChemTrak AccuMeter (10165)
    Cholestech L.D.X. (10170)
    Johnson & Johnson ADVANCED CARE Cholesterol Test (31014)

Analyte: Fecal Occult Blood (9191)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Dipro Diagnostics Hemdetect (13308)
    Immunostics hema screen (28419)

Analyte: Gastric Occult Blood (2211)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    SmithKline Gastroccult (58217)

Analyte: Glucose (2203)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cholestech L.D.X. (10170)
    HemoCue B-Glucose System (25112)

Analyte: Glucose Monitoring Devices (FDA Cleared/Home Use) (9221)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Bayer GLUCOMETER ELITE Blood Glucose Meter (07685)
    Bayer GLUCOMETER ENCORE QA+ Blood Glucose Meter (07689)
    Chronimed Supreme Blood Glucose Meter (10315)
    Chronimed Supreme Blood Glucose Test Strips (10316)
    Johnson & Johnson Lifescan ONE TOUCH II Bld Glucose Monitor 
    Johnson & Johnson Lifescan ONE TOUCH II Glucose Test Strips 
    LifeScan ONE TOUCH Profile Complete Diabetes Tracking Sys. 
    Lifescan SureStep Blood Glucose Monitoring System (37090)
    MediSense MediSense 2 Blood Glucose Testing System (40214)
    MediSense Precision QID Blood Glucose Testing System (40213)

Analyte: HDL Cholesterol (2550)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cholestech L.D.X. (10170)

Analyte: Microalbumin (4019)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Boehringer Mannheim Chemstrip Micral (urine dipstick) (07717)

Analyte: Triglyceride (6118)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Cholestech L.D.X. (10170)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Hematology

Analyte: Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Nonautomated Waived (9161)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Becton Dickinson SedItainer ESR System (07694)

Analyte: Spun Microhematocrit (9581)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    StatSpin Technologies CritSpin (58368)
    Vulcon Technologies Microspin 24 (67098)

Speciality/Subspeciality: Urinalysis

Analyte: Urine Dipstick or Tablet Analytes, Nonautomated (9641)

Test System, Assay, Examination:
    Chemtech Labs URISTRIP (10294)
    Genesis Labs DIA SCREEN Urine Reagent Strips (22176)
    TECO Diagnostics Urine Reagent Strips 1 (61151)
    TECO Diagnostics Urine Reagent Strips 8 (61187)
    TECO Diagnostics Urine Reagent Strips 9 (61219)

Announcement of Boards Approved by HHS

    In the personnel regulations at Sec. 493.1443(b)(3)(i), individuals 
with an earned doctoral degree in a chemical, physical, biological or 
clinical laboratory science and certification by a board approved by 
HHS may qualify as a laboratory director. Under Sec. 493.1455(a), 
individuals who meet the director qualification requirements of 
Sec. 493.1443(b)(3)(i) may qualify as a clinical consultant. Under 
these provisions, four boards have been approved by HHS, and HHS has 
authority to recognize any certification board having comparable 
requirements. The American Board of Histocompatibility and 
Immunogenetics (ABHI) and the American Board of Medical Genetics (ABMG) 
applied for approval and submitted documentation on the education, 
training and experience required for certification. Both boards were 
determined to have credentialing requirements comparable to the boards 
currently approved by HHS, and ABHI and ABMG were subsequently notified 
that they meet CLIA requirements for board approval.
    In this Notice we are announcing HHS approval of ABHI and ABMG 
certification to qualify individuals as laboratory directors and 
clinical consultants under the CLIA regulations. Individuals with a 
doctoral degree in a chemical, physical, biological or clinical 
laboratory science and certification by ABHI or ABMG meet the CLIA 
qualification requirements to serve as a laboratory director or 
clinical consultant.

[FR Doc. 96-17097 Filed 7-5-96; 8:45 am]

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