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Turn Around, Don't Drown® Campaign Expands in Florida and Texas

Did you know that just six inches of fast-moving flood water can knock you off your feet and two feet of water can sweep an SUV off a road?

Each year, more deaths occur due to flooding than from any other thunderstorm related hazard. Why? The main reason is people underestimate the force and power of water. Many of the deaths occur in automobiles as they are swept downstream. Of these drownings, many are preventable, but too many people continue to drive around the barriers that warn you the road is flooded.

The Turn Around, Don't Drown® campaign in Florida and Texas will feature the following elements to alert citizens of this extremely important, yet simple message.

Billboards will be located across Florida and more than 30 billboards will be placed in Texas' largest metropolitan areas including Austin, Dallas/Ft. Worth, Houston, and San Antonio. View larger versions of the Florida Billboard Art and Texas Billboard Art.

Television PSAs (English and Spanish)
Television public service annoucements will be broadcast in major markets across the state.

View the English Television PSA:
Windows Media Format | Quicktime Format

View the Spanish Television PSA:
Windows Media Format | Quicktime Format

View the News8 Austin Coverage:
Windows Media Format

Web Animation
The following web animation is available on the FLASH, Inc. website and is designed to help citizens understand the threat and force of flood waters.

The animation will be distributed through the Texas Education Agency's In-School Driver Education and Traffic Safety Class beginning this fall. View the TADD Animation from flash.org

Media Materials

Turn Around, Don't Drown news conference participants gather in the Capitol Courtyard in Tallahassee.
The Federal Alliance for Safe Homes, Inc. provides the following material to be used by the press to further understand and promote the Turn Around, Don't Drown® campaign.

TADD Backgrounder, Florida Kickoff Press Release, and a Backgrounder on Texas Partners.

Flash Cards
Through a grant provided by the Allstate Foundation, Texas State Parks and Wildlife will distribute public education materials beginning Memorial Day, throughout the Summer targeting 110,000 families who visit the park system.

Allstate Agencies will also distribute FLASH cards statewide. English (.pdf) | Spanish (.pdf)

Campaign Partners

For more information:
National Weather Service


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