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Emergency Management Strategic Health Care Group
Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System

The Disaster Emergency Medical Personnel System (DEMPS) is a database developed to collect specific information on VHA medical personnel who have volunteered and been approved by their Medical Center Director to be deployed in the event of a disaster.

When disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, etc., occur and the state and local resources to handle the response/recovery process are overwhelmed, the state in which the disaster occurs may request federal assistance.  In this case, a Presidential Disaster Declaration is issued and the National Response Framework (NRF) is activated.  Once the damage to the area and needs have been assessed, and it is determined that medical resources are required, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) or Public Health Service (PHS) may task VA to provide these resources.   Generally, these requests are for medical personnel (nurses, physicians, pharmacists, etc.), pharmaceutical (or other medical) supplies, and medical equipment.


DEMPS Program Manager:

Robert E. Smith, Jr., EdD, EdS, MCP
Phone: 304-264-4824
Blackberry:  304-886-9204
Fax:  304-264-4499
Pager:  800-204-6044

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OPHEH | Environmental Agents | Occupational Health | Women Veterans Health | Environmental Epidemiology | Public Health

The Emergency Management Strategic Healthcare Group is a part of the Office of Public Health and Environmental Hazards

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Reviewed/Updated Date: September 5, 2008