Proudly supporting deployed service members since 1995.

Please visit our FAQ page to find more information regarding the government restrictions on mail with the new security procedures. Mail addressed to "Any service member" is not being forwarded, yet we have permission from DOD facilities and ships to write specific contacts. Our project to keep our service members morale high will continue.

OMP in the news

View news stories that feature Opertion military Pride.

Click Here to read the stories.


If you would like to sign up with Operation Military Pride to support someone who is deployed, please fill out the following form and we will put you in touch with any number of service-members you request.

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kids card of the month

some of our servicemembers

Some pics to share with you!

OMP Site Updates

UPDATES as of 02.03.05

Operation Schoolhouse
Click Here to take a look!

Operation Postcard
Click Here to take a look!

The Hope of Iraq
Click Here to take a look!

Spouses Links
Click Here to take a look!

Special Thanks

OMP would like to give a special thank you to the following businesses and individuals:

America Supports You
DoD Website
Bobbi's Bargains Galore
Support the Troops items and more

message boards

Message Board Home

Come share your thoughts on our message boards!

salute our forces

We have put together a NEW flash movie containing pictures of the men and women we have been supporting. Using their own photos and set to the music of "I GOT YOUR BACK", we really think you will enjoy this one! Click Here to take a look!

carepackage information

Click Here to see our most requested items and information on how to put packages together.

contact omp

Drop us a message to tell us what you think of our site. Report broken links, problems or give us your ideas.

E-Mail Webmaster


View a windows media file sent to us from the 978 MP's in Iraq. (Look for the OMP packages!) Download Movie

personalized gifts

Order your personalized buttons from Dr. Don's Buttons! Great for showing your support for your loved one.

Also makes a great gift for freinds and family with deployed service members!

©1995-2005 v 4.1 Operation Military Pride, All rights reserved. ©1995Operation Military Pride