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Clearing California Skies

Clearing California SkiesCalifornia, 1943. The mysterious haze called smog was getting worse - burning eyes, searing throats, literally choking the life out of Californians. The video, Clearing California Skies tells the story of how concerned citizens, top scientists, and local and state government agencies fought back. It took the best science and engineering to control smog forming emissions from factories, shops, incinerators, and the automobile. Despite meteoric population gains, (more factories, more cars, more trucks) - air quality has improved dramatically over the past 50 years, and along the way California emerged as a world leader in the battle against air pollution.

This video was produced by the California Air Resources Board (CARB).  More information can be found on CARB's website.

Note that this video is best viewed using Window's Media Player version 8 or above on a computer with a 500 MHz or faster processor.


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 Broadband - Dial-up (56.6 Kbps)