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Enterprise Services: Vision
A Service-Oriented Architecture that is open, output focused, and independent of location and system-ware
Enterprise Services: Mission
Establish easy-to-use services to access, share, collaborate

  • Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community (IC) Committment to Converge Authorization and Attribute Services Initiatives
    Memorandum by John G. Grimes, ASD(NII)/DoD CIO, and Dale W. Meyerrose, ADNI and CIO, April 21, 2008. This memorandum establishes our strategy for converging Department of Defense (DOD) and Intelligence Community (IC) initiatives to develop compatible authorization and attribute services for the Single Information Environment (SIE) and the Global Information Grid (GIG).

  • Department of Defense (DoD) and Intelligence Community (IC) Commitment to an Interoperable Services-Based Environment
    Memorandum by John G. Grimes, ASD(NII)/DoD CIO, and Dale W. Meyerrose, ADNI and CIO, July 13, 2007. This memorandum outlines the DoD and IC's shared vision and goals for establishing a services-based environment. It describes the DoD CIO and the DNI CIO's commitment to achieve seamless information sharing and multi-partner operations by driving a shift to web-based capabilities in a services-based environment that is supported by common standards, rules, and interoperable secure infrastructure services .

  • Department of Defense Net-Centric Services Strategy
    Memorandum by John G. Grimes, May 04, 2007. The DoD Net-Centric Services Strategy describes the DoD's vision for a Net-Centric Environment that increasingly leverages shared services and Service Oriented Architecture. It builds upon the DoD Net-Centric Data Strategy’s (May 2003) goals of making data assets visible, accessible, and understandable. This strategy establishes services as the preferred means by which data producers and capability providers can make their data assets and capabilities available across the DoD and beyond. It also establishes services as the preferred means by which consumers can access and use these data assets and capabilities.

  • Global Information Grid Enterprise Services (GIG ES): Core Enterprise Services (CES) Implementation
    Memorandum by Paul Wolfowitz, November 10, 2003, U-18556/03. This memorandum provides guidance for existing and future acquisition programs to implement the plans for Global Information Grid Enterprise Services (GIG ES).

  • Association For Enterprise Integration (AFEI)
    The Association For Enterprise Integration (AFEI) provides industry-wide input to government on enterprise-wide net-centric operations and transformation to assist industry in understanding and assessing the implications and impacts of these changes, and to provide a conduit between government and industry. This collaboration is achieved under a charter jointly approved by ASD(NII)/DoD CIO and AFEI.

  • PDM III Core Enterprise Services
    Findings and Recommendations Report


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