NASA Ames Research Center Site Accessibility Notes

“What’s the Difference?” (WTD) is a free multimedia software authoring application that facilitates scientific analysis by allowing any content to be compared side by side. WTD's robust and flexible in-depth authoring component allows educators and curriculum developers to populate a template with virtually any set of NASA science content or datasets. It is built for the non-technical developer, allowing anyone to build their own learning experience based on categories (e.g., planets) and associated attributes (e.g., composition, diameter, temperature, etc.)

WTD allows the developer to incorporate graphical, animated, interactive, textual and audio-formatted content, customized multiple choice and summary assessment tests, and to create hypotheses used for presenting inquiry-based questions. The program includes a sample comparison of the nine planets and major moons within our solar system.

Ultimately, this tool is capable of engaging students in scientific discovery, research, and exploration by drawing on students’ natural curiosity and is limited only by our imagination

Plans are in place to assemble a collaborative website where teachers can share projects they've created with one another!. If you are interested in being notified when the site is operational, or if you would like to send us feedback, please click here.


Please click on the following link for more information and to download either a Mac or PC version:


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Curator: Jeffrey Simmons
NASA Official: Christina O'Guinn
Last Updated:March, 2005
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