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Tech Memo 120 APPENDIX B

Contract Reports, Manuscripts, and Working Papers
Based on Marine Mammal Research Projects
Supported by the NEFSC during 1990-95

Go to Table 3 for information on topic numbers

  1. Abend, A.; Smith, T.D.  1995.  Using ratio of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen to determine dietary changes in long-finned pilot whales.  Available from: T. Smith, National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole MA  02543.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 16; see Table 3.]
  2. Allen, J.; Clapham, P.; Hammond, P.; Katona, S.; Larsen, F.; Lien, J.; Mattila, D.; Øien, N.; Palsbøl, P.; Sigurjònsson, J.; Smith, T.[D.]  1993.  Years of the North Atlantic humpback (YONAH) progress report.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/44/PS2.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  3. Allen, J.; Clapham, P.; Hammond, P.; Katona, S.; Larsen, F.; Lien, J.; Mattila, D.; Øien, N.; Palsbøl, P.; Sigurjònsson, J.; Smith, T.D.  1994.  Years of the North Atlantic humpback (YONAH) progress report.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/45/NA6.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  4. Allen, J.; Clapham, P.; Hammond, P.; Katona, S.; Larsen, F.; Lien, J.; Mattila, D.; Øien, N.; Palsbøl, P.; Sigurjònsson, J.; Smith, T.[D.]; Stevick, P.  1995.  Years of the North Atlantic humpback (YONAH) progress report.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/NA9.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  5. Beard, J.; Clapham, P.; Hammond, P.; Katona, S.; Larsen, F.; Lien, J.; Mattila, D.; Mayo, C.; Øien, N.; Palsbøl, P.; Polacheck, T.; Sigurjònsson, J.; Smith, T.  1991.  YONAH: Years of the North Atlantic humpback whale -- a proposal for discussion. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/42/O25.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  6. Bravington, M.  1995.  An appraisal of Bayesian synthesis, with suggested modifications and diagnostics.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/AS18.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  7. Bravington, M.V.; Bisack, K.D.  1995.  Estimates of harbor porpoise bycatch in the Gulf of Maine sink gillnet fishery, 1990-1993. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM24.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 6; see Table 3.]
  8. Caswell, H.; Brault, S.; Read, A.; Smith, T.; Barlow, J.  1995.  Uncertainty analysis of harbor porpoise population growth rate and bycatch mortality.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM28.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 16; see Table 3.]
  9. DeKing, D.; Clapham, P.; Mattila, D.  1994.  YONAH (years of the North Atlantic humpback): final report on field work and preliminary data analysis.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/NA5.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  10. Desportes, G.; Brault, S.  1993.  Analysis of reproductive status of long-finned pilot whales from the North Atlantic.  Final report.  NOAA Contract No. 40-EANF-2-01695.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 16; see Table 3.]
  11. Friday, N.  1995.  Heterogeneity and capture-recapture estimates of abundance of the North Atlantic humpback whale.  Dissertation proposal.  Kingston, RI: Univ. of Rhode Island.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  12. Garrett-Logan, N.; Smith, T.D.  1995.  Pingle: a pen-based computer system for data entry on line-transect surveys. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/O9.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 11; see Table 3.]
  13. Givens, G.H.; Bravington, M.V.  1995.  Borel’s paradox and sensitivity analysis.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/AS21.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  14. Griffin, R.  1995.  Distributional ecology of large marine predators in the North Atlantic: physical and biological interactions.  Dissertation proposal.  Kingston, RI:  Univ. of Rhode Island.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 12; see Table 3.]
  15. .Heltshe, J.F.; Wentworth, C.; Peng, L.  1995.  Alternative sampling plans to estimate abundance of clumped individuals. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM31.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 16; see Table 3.]
  16. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.  1992.  Report of the Study Group on Pilot Whales, Montreal, 3-4 Dec. 1991.  Int. Counc. Explor. Sea C.M. 1992/N:3; 24 p.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 12; see Table 3.]
  17. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea.  1993.  Report of the Study Group on Long-finned Pilot Whales, Copenhagen, 30 August - 3 September 1993.  Int. Counc. Explor. Sea C.M. 1993/N:5 Ref. A.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 12; see Table 3.]
  18. Kenney, M.K.; Gilbert, J.R.  1994.  Increase in harbor and gray seal populations in Maine.  Final report.  NOAA Contract No. 50-EANF-2-00064.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 9; see Table 3.]
  19. Knowlton, A.R.; Korsmeyer, F.T.; Kerwin, J.E.; Wu, H.Y.; Hynes, B.  1995.  The hydrodynamic effects of large vessels on right whales.  Final report.  NOAA Contract No. 40-EANF-FF-4-00534.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 7; see Table 3.]
  20. Kraus, S.; Read, A.; Anderson, E.; Baldwin, K.; Solow, A.; Spradlin, T.; Williamson, J. 1995.  A field test of the use of acoustic alarms to reduce incidental mortality of harbor porpoises in gillnets. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM17.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 8; see Table 3.]
  21. McLellan, W.A.; Pabst, D.A.; Westgate, A.J.; Koopman, H.N.; Read, A.J.  1995.  Postmortem cooling rates of harbor porpoises, Phocoena phocoenaInt. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM21.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 3; see Table 3.]
  22. Northridge, S.  1995.  Estimation of cetacean mortality in the U.S. Atlantic swordfish and tuna driftnet and pair trawl fisheries.  Final report.  NOAA Contract No. 40-ENNF-5-00045.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 6; see Table 3.]
  23. Northridge, S.  1995.  Seasonal distribution of harbour porpoises in U.S. Atlantic waters.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM43.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 10; see Table 3.]
  24. Northridge, S.; Smith, T.  1994.  The use of a geographical information system in analyzing and representing catch and sightings data.  Int. Counc. Explor. Sea C.M. 1994/N:6.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 6; see Table 3.]
  25. Palka, D.  1992.  Abundance estimate of the Gulf of Maine harbor porpoise.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/44/SM24.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 10; see Table 3.]
  26. Palka, D.  1993.  Aerial survey results.  Evidence of harbor porpoise seasonal movements.  Available from: D. Palka, National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole MA 02543.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 10; see Table 3.]
  27. Palka, D.  1994.  Summary of a scientific workshop to evaluate the status of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the western North Atlantic and an international proposal to investigate population structure.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/SM18.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 18; see Table 3.]
  28. Palka, D.  1995.  Effects of Beaufort sea state on the sightability of harbor porpoises in the Gulf of Maine. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM26.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 11; see Table 3.]
  29. Palka, D.  1995.  Evidence of ship avoidance from harbor porpoises during line-transect sighting surveys in the Gulf of Maine.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM27.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 11; see Table 3.]
  30. Palka, D.; Hammond, P.  1994.  Summary of research on harbour porpoises in the North Atlantic and Baltic Sea. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/SM17.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 10; see Table 3.]
  31. Palka, D.; Read, A.  1995.  Summary of current knowledge of harbor porpoises in US and Canadian waters of the NW Atlantic. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM23.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 10; see Table 3.]
  32. Palsbøll, P.  1995.  YONAH: the genetic analysis subproject.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/NA10.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  33. Payne, P.M.; Heinemann, D.W.; Smith, T.D.  1990.  Seasonal distribution of minke whales in the shelf and shelf-edge waters of the northeastern US.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC\42\NHMi32.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 1; see Table 3.]
  34. Polacheck, T.; Smith, T.D.  1990.  Simulation results on the effects of dive time and movements on line-transect estimates. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/42/NHMi31.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 11; see Table 3.]
  35. Polacheck, T.; Smith, T.D.; Waring, G.T.  1990.  Review of methods for assessing the status of the harbor porpoise population in the Gulf of Maine and Bay of Fundy region.  Results of an at-sea workshop.  Available from: T. Smith, National Marine Fisheries Service, 166 Water Street, Woods Hole MA 02543.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 11; see Table 3.]
  36. Read, A.J.; Craddock, J.E.  1993.  Life history analysis of small cetaceans taken in commercial fishing operations. Final report, phase I.  NOAA Contract No. 50-EANE-2-00082.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 3; see Table 3.]
  37. Read, A.J.; Craddock, J.E.; Gannon, D.  1994.  Life history of harbour porpoises and pilot whales taken in commercial fishing operations off the northeastern United States.  Final report, phase II.  NOAA Contract No. 50-EANE-2-00082.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 3; see Table 3.]
  38. Read, A.J.; Kraus, S.D.  1991.  Harbour porpoise distribution and relative density in the waters of coastal Maine.  Final report.  NOAA Contract No. 40-EANF-1-01538.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 10; see Table 3.]
  39. Read, A.J.; Westgate, A.J.  1995.  Monitoring the movements of harbour porpoises in the Bay of Fundy with satellite telemetry. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM19.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 5; see Table 3.]
  40. Smith, T.[D.]; Bravington, M.; Givens, G.  1995.  The basis for the Scientific Committee’s 1994 management advice on aboriginal subsistence whaling on the Bering-Beaufort Seas stock of bowhead whales. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/AS19.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  41. Smith, T.D.; Casey, J.  1992.  The distribution and ecological role of large marine predators in the North Temperate Atlantic: a proposal for coordinated study.  Int. Counc. Explor. Sea C.M. 1992/N:23 Ref. H.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 12; see Table 3.]
  42. Smith, T.D.; Friday, N.; Palka, D.  1994.  Explorations of the behavior of Cooke’s catch limit algorithm.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/Mg7.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  43. Smith, T.[D.]; Givens, G.; Bravington, M.  1995.  Developing an aboriginal subsistence whaling management procedure: outline of a process.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/AS17.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  44. Smith, T.D.; Polacheck, T.  1991.  The development of line-transect methods for estimating cetacean abundance.  Int. Counc. Explor. Sea C.M. 1991/N:10.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 11; see Table 3.]
  45. Smith, T.D.; Polacheck, T.  1994.  Information requirements for multi-population application of the catch limit algorithm. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/Mg8.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  46. Smith, T.[D.]; Polacheck, T.; Swartz, S.  1994.  The role of science in resource management: the International Whaling Commission’s revised management procedure.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/Mg9.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  47. Smith, T.D.; Reilly, S.B.; Swartz, S.; Jones, L.  1992.  Data standards for management of commercial whaling under the IWC’s revised management procedure.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/44/O25.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  48. Smith, T.D.; Stokes, K.  1993.  Requirements for the revised management scheme.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/45/Mg11.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  49. Stevick, P.T.; Øien, N.; Mattila, D.K.  1995.  Migration of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) between Norway and the West Indies.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/NA12.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 2; see Table 3.]
  50. Taylor, B.L.; Smith, T.D.; Palka, D.  1994.  Towards understanding the performance of the catch limit algorithm. Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/46/Mg6.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 17; see Table 3.]
  51. Williams, A.S.; Nicolas, J.N.  1995.  The seasonal distribution of harbor porpoises in the Gulf of Maine.  Int. Whaling Comm. Pap. SC/47/SM25.  [Work primarily related to research topic no. 10; see Table 3.]