> Exemption Proposal
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Exemption Proposal:

  • Memorandum from your of Director to:
Dr. Lisa R. Karam, NIST IRB Chair,
NIST Institutional Review Board
  • Have you filled out the "Information Needed For Research Proposal to the NIST Instiutional Review Board" NIST Administrative Manual, Subchapter 1401 Appendix B? http:/./www-i.nist.gov/admin/mo/adman/1401appb.htm

  • Do you have the OU Director's signature on Appendix A memorandum?
  • Do you have all required signatures on Appendix B form? Group Leader; Division Chief?

  • Have you signed off on Appendix B form?

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For Additional information, please contact:
IRB Issues - Lisa R. Karam, NIST IRB Chair or @x3189
General IRB Issues - Janet Brumby, NIST IRB Secretary @x3189
or Brenda L. Thomasson, former NIST IRB Secretary @x3190
NIST Institutional Reviews or Exemptions - Melissa J. Lieberman, Counsel for NIST @x4783