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Words of Life Sept-Dec 2008

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The Salvation Army International Home Page

Welcome to the International Website of The Salvation Army
This is the website of The Salvation Army's International Headquarters, based in London, England. It features the international mission and services of The Salvation Army, and provides links to the territorial headquarters which direct its work in over 110 countries.
Use our World Map to locate the website for your region, or select your country from the drop-down menu on the right.

International News

Salvationists caught up in violence against Christians in India

Gangs have been attacking Christians in the Indian state of Orissa, looting and setting fire to their homes and places of worship and social care.

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Salvation Army hurricane response

The latest news reports about The Salvation Army's hurricane response in the USA are available at the US National web site (

News releases at Salvation Army US National web site

The General dedicates new International Social Justice Commission headquarters

General Shaw Clifton officially dedicated to God the work of the International Social Justice Commission at its new headquarters in New York, USA.

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Salvation Army in The Philippines supports growing number of evacuees

The Salvation Army in The Philippines is now providing emergency relief to almost 2,300 displaced families evacuated from fighting between Government forces and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) on Mindanao Island.

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Salvation Army provides aid as people flee fighting in Georgia

The Salvation Army in Georgia is providing emergency assistance to people who have fled the fighting between Russian and Georgian armed forces in the South Ossetia region.

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Salvationists respond to flooding in Moldova and Romania

In addition to its work in north-eastern Romania, where severe flooding has affected up to 12,000 people, The Salvation Army is providing vital basic assistance to those affected by flooding in Moldova.

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Salvation Army relief work in Myanmar (Burma) continues – Update 14 August

International Emergency Services personnel and local Salvation Army officers are currently working in eight of the townships affected by the May cyclone disaster.

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Information about The Salvation Army in Myanmar

For news and information about The Salvation Army's emergency and disaster work in the USA, please visit

Download Mission in Community – a 40-page booklet on The Salvation Army's Integrated Mission in PDF format (2.32 MB)

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Did You Know
The Salvation Army was founded in 1865 in the United Kingdom as The Christian Mission? It took on its current name in 1878.

Spiritual Life
General Clifton Calls The Salvation Army to Prayer


Daily Prayers
Prayers especially chosen for each day of the week

Pause for Thought
Something to think about each week
Book Reviews
August 2008:
God, the Big Bang and Bunsen-Burning Issues
by Major Nigel Bovey

New Editions of Salvationist Resources available at

A new and revised edition of Called to be God's People, the findings of the International Spiritual Life Commission, is now available in PDF format.

A new and revised edition of Servants Together – Salvationist Perspectives on Ministry is also available for download as a PDF.

News Headlines
Salvationists caught up in violence against Christians in India
The General dedicates new International Social Justice Commission headquarters
Salvation Army in USA prepares for tropical storm Gustav
Salvation Army in The Philippines supports growing number of evacuees
Salvation Army provides help to people evacuated from Philippines conflict
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News Headlines
N.B. All international news releases published by The Salvation Army are listed at

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