Welcome to Mending the Sacred Hoop Technical Assistance Project. MSH-TA is a Native American program that provides training and technical assistance to our American Indian and Alaskan Native relations in the effort to eliminate violence in the lives of women and their children. We work with villages, reservations, rancherias and pueblos across the United States to improve the justice system, law enforcement, and service provider response to the issues of domestic violence, sexual assault and stalking in Native communities. 
Violence against Native women is not an individual pathology. It is a manifestation of colonization and a society structured to maintain the privilege of certain groups of people. This hierarchical structure supports violence against all women and is preserved through economic, social and political institutions. We recognize gender inequality is not the only form of inequality that impacts the lives of women. All forms of institutionalized oppression - racism, classism, heterosexism and ageism increase the vulnerability of women to both individual and institutionalized acts of violence. 

To successfully address violence against women we must also understand other forms of oppression. In addition to violence against women, the oppression of people of color, the poor, those of alternative sexual orientation, the elderly, children, non-Christians and others who are marginalized is supported by the same dynamics that maintain the power of a limited few over the majority. Ultimately, working to end violence against Native women is also working to end all forms of oppression.
Power and leadership in the natural world of indigenous peoples was based on age and demonstrated character, knowledge and wisdom. The hierarchy of post colonization is based on an unnatural world view where power and leadership emanates from social and political status, institutional structures and an academic education. Given the societal context of violence against Native women, it is a great challenge for us as Native people and as a Native organization to understand our individual and organizational place and responsibility in formulating responses to stop violence against Native women. 
Mending the Sacred Hoop Technical Assistance Project is committed to working with American Indian and Alaskan Native communities to re-create a natural world that supports the leadership, strategies, and tangible responses of tribal communities in their efforts to stop violence against Native women. We recognize our responsibility to live in a good way, help our relatives, and support the sovereignty of Native Nations and Native women while modeling personal and organizational alliances to effect social change and end violence against Native women.


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MSH-TA does not provide emergency services, nor do we provide advocacy for individual women although victims/survivors can contact MSH-TA for direction to the appropriate resource such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline or the Rape and Abuse and Incest National Network.

This website is supported by Grant No. 2005-WT-AX-K013 awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U.S. Dept of Justice. Points of view in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official position or policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.