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WISE EARS!<sup>®</sup> News Logo

August 1999

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New Press

Consumer Reports, September 1999, published a special report, "Noise: A Rising Racket Threatens Our Hearing and Our Quality of Life. Why Isn't That Message Being Heard?" NIDCD, NIOSH, Noise Pollution Clearinghouse, American Academy of Audiology, Hearing Education and Awareness for Rockers, National Hearing Conservation Association, and League for the Hard of Hearing were named as resources--all WISE EARS!® coalition members!

The Washington Post Health Section published a full-page article, "Sound Advice for Guarding Your Ears," in a regular feature geared to children on July 27, 1999. In the TIPS for Parents, they suggested going to the WISE EARS!® web site.

The Noise Monitor devoted a full page to WISE EARS!® in an article, "Public Health Awareness Campaign Kicks Off!" (Thanks, Lee!)


New Reporting Data

The latest tracking information shows that 7.3 million Americans have seen our 4th of July and "evergreen" B-roll and interviews on television about WISE EARS!®

Our e-mail address has been busy. We are receiving mail from the general public and from people in the workplace concerned about noise-induced hearing loss!


New Activities

Look for the launch of "Ask the Scientist" on the WISE EARS!® web site in time for September and back-to-school. "dB Owl Asks the Scientist" is an interactive page of questions from "dB Owl" and answers from Drs. Battey and Rosenstock about the importance of hearing protection.


New Partners

Welcome to four new partners in the effort to prevent noise-induced hearing loss!

Acoustical Society of America
Contact: Charles Schmid, Ph.D., Executive Director

University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics and
Society of Otorhinolaryngology Head-Neck Nurses Chapter
Contact: Kathy Hanrahan, R.N.

The EAR Foundation
Contact: Bridget Garza

Educational Audiology Association
Contact: Barbara R. Murphy, President


News From You

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), the National Hearing Conservation Association, and the Occupational and Environmental Health Sciences Department of Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, are sponsoring a Best Practices in Hearing Loss Prevention meeting on October 28, 1999, at the McGregor Memorial Conference Center. This symposium will provide practical insights into what makes effective hearing loss prevention programs work. Attendees will gain new understanding of the leading-edge management tools necessary to effectively reduce this hazard to health, safety, and wellness. For more information, contact Lee Hager at (517) 349-8066 or visit the NIOSH web site at Supporting partners of the meeting include American Industrial Hygiene Association, Douglas A. Friseur Center for Workplace Issues, Institute for Noise Control Engineering, Michigan Industrial Hygiene Society, Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and National Safety Council.

Self Help for Hard of Hearing People, Inc. (SHHH) will celebrate their 20th anniversary from November 1999 to May 6, 2000. The campaign will end with a "National Day of Hearing Testing" on May 6. Many of the WISE EARS!® coalition members are collaborating with SHHH in this effort. Contact Nancy Nizankiewizc at for more information.

The National Campaign for Hearing Health, a Deafness Research Foundation program, plans to target the national media on Labor Day by distributing more than 500 pairs of earplugs and information to start a "buzz" about noise at work. According to Elizabeth Foster, campaign director, the Labor Day initiative has been designed to generate awareness of the danger noise can present at work and at home and to prompt individuals and their employers to safeguard hearing.

We would like to highlight activities from our partners in the September news to the listserv. Please, let us know what you would like to have included!

For more information, contact the NIDCD Information Clearinghouse.


National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders. Celebrating 20 years of research: 1988 to 2008