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Polar Ecosystems Program: Ice Seal Abundance Survey
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26 April 2008 Log

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Dyson Cruise

Field Reports from the USCG Polar Sea

Post Date: 11 April 2008
Gulf of Alaska
Posted By: Kym Yano

Life Aboard the USCG Cutter Polar Sea


Sunset, Gulf of Alaska, 10 April 2008.

The Coast Guard has been conducting operations in the open seas. During this time, we have been unpacking our gear and preparing our survey work: brushing up on ice seal descriptions and literature, modifying the shipboard observation data form, calibrating the various measurement instruments, hanging and checking our flight suits, and setting up the digital cameras.

We also are adjusting to a maritime lifestyle. This morning, we awoke to the hum of the ship's engine, mild rocking of the sea, a foot of space between our bunks, and red night-vision lights. During the past few days, we have attended daily quarters meetings, participated in a few safety training drills, enjoyed coffee from Polar Tully's (the ship's coffee shop), exercised in the ship's gym, done laundry (on our assigned day), and watched the crew reel up fresh halibut from the stern of the ship.

Last, but definitely not least, we have been fortunate to have had gorgeous weather conditions with beautiful sunsets and spectacular views of Alaska's coast. This is our lifestyle for the next few weeks. We are eager to reach the ice and get to work.


More from the Polar Sea survey>>>




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