News Stories
Chili and Chowdah With Great Bay Coast Watch Nov. 14
The Great Bay Coast Watch will hold its annual potluck Chili and Chowdah Fest at the Urban Forestry Center, 45 Elwyn Avenue, Portsmouth, on Friday, Nov. 14, from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. (10-30-08) Story >>>

Quad Rugby Team Hosts Tournament Nov. 7 - 9, 2008
The Northeast Passage Wildcats, the University of New Hampshire's quad rugby team, will be hosting a tournament during the weekend of Nov. 7 - 9, 2008. (10-30-08) Story >>>

24 Energy Leaders in Maine, Vt., N.H. Are Carsey Policy Leadership Fellows
The Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire opened its third year of the Policy Leadership Initiative this week with 24 leading practitioners working to address energy issues faced by low-income families in communities in Vermont, Maine, and New Hampshire. (10-28-08) Story >>>

Isotope Analysis Is Key To Tracking Tuna
"Subtle changes in the climate may cause subsequent changes in the condition and distribution of the prey items for bluefin tuna, and this could ultimately impact the tuna populations," explains John Logan, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of New Hampshire who works with the Large Pelagics Research Laboratory under the direction of Molly Lutcavage. "Diet studies can help to trace such ecosystem-level changes." (10-28-08) Story >>>

Less Gore Is More With Horror Films
With the approach of Halloween, those seeking a scary thrill might want to watch the classic horror movie "Psycho" instead of modern gore-filled slasher movies. When it comes to horror films, less gore is more, according to a cinematic studies expert at the University of New Hampshire. (10-27-08) Story >>>

Study: Elderly Women Can Increase Strength But Still Risk Falls
Elderly women can increase muscle strength as much as young women can, a new study from the University of New Hampshire finds, indicating that decline in muscle function is less a natural part of the aging process than due to a decline in physical activity. (10-23-08) Story >>>

Carsey: Hispanic Births, Not Immigration, Fueling Most Growth
Natural increase - more births than deaths - is now the major engine of Hispanic population growth in many large metro areas and their suburbs as well as numerous smaller metropolitan areas and rural communities, finds a new brief from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire. (10-23-08) Story >>>

UNH Holocaust Lecture Nov. 6 Looks To Darfur And Iraq For Lessons
What the conflicts in Darfur and Iraq tell us about the Holocaust is the focus of the fourth annual Hans Heilbronner Lecture at the University of New Hampshire Thursday, Nov. 6, 2008. (10-22-08) Story >>>

UNH Dining Serves Up Science - As Squash
The butternut squash being served in the University of New Hampshire's dining halls this month shows that you can do your science - and eat it, too. Long before it hit the steam table, the orange fall favorite helped a UNH researcher develop a better strain of squash for regional farmers. (10-22-08) Story >>>

Middle East Journalist Shares Experiences Reporting On Iraq War At UNH Oct. 22
Award-winning Middle East journalist Dahr Jamail will share his experiences as an unembedded journalist in Iraq, his perspective on the U.S. military's surge strategy, and his work helping Iraq war veterans share their stories during a visit to the University of New Hampshire Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2008. (10-21-08) Story >>>

Carsey: Many N.H. Jobs Don't Pay Livable Wage
As the U.S. economy falters and recession looms, a new report finds that 79 percent of jobs in New Hampshire do not pay a wage sufficient for single-parent families with two children to provide basic needs such as housing, food, transportation, child care and health care. (10-21-08) Story >>>

New Hampshire LEND Program Receives $600,000 for Autism Training
The New Hampshire Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) program, a collaborative graduate program of Dartmouth Medical School and the Institute on Disability (IOD) and the College of Health and Human Services at the University of New Hampshire, has received a $600,000 grant to expand and focus on interdisciplinary training related to early identification and intervention of autism spectrum disorders (ASD). (10-16-08) Story >>>

UNH Tests Campus Emergency Notification System Oct. 17
Regular testing of the University of New Hampshire's outdoor notification system will occur Friday, Oct. 17, 2008, at noon. The test will include the siren, a "canned" message and a recording signaling the end of the test. The entire exercise will take less than 10 minutes. (10-16-08) Story >>>

Senate Candidates Discuss Innovation Economy At UNH Oct. 20
The University of New Hampshire will host forums on the Innovation Economy featuring former Gov. Jeanne Shaheen and Sen. John Sununu, candidates for U.S. Senate, Monday, Oct. 20, 2008. (10-16-08) Story >>>

NASA Satellite Set for Launch, UNH-Built Sensors Onboard
On Sunday, October 19, 2008, in skies over the Kwajalein Atoll in the South Pacific, NASA’s little Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) satellite will drop from the belly of an Air Force wide-body jet onboard a Pegasus rocket and thunder into outer space. Blast-off is set for 1:45 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. (10-15-08) Story >>>

Carsey: New Voters Make the Granite State One to Watch in November
A third of potential voters in New Hampshire this fall have only recently become eligible to vote in the state. Further, these potential new voters are more likely to identify with the Democratic Party and less likely to identify as Republicans than are established New Hampshire voters, contributing to the state’s “purple” status. These findings, from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire, are based on analysis by three experts in demography, polling, and election registration data. (10-15-08) Story >>>

Carsey: Rural Americans Divided on Environmental Views
Reflecting the heterogeneous nature of rural America, rural Americans are divided ? primarily along religious lines - on their perspectives of environmental conservation and climate change, a new brief from the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire finds. (10-15-08) Story >>>

UNH Lecture Series Looks at Whether Public Schools Can Reduce Inequality
The University of New Hampshire kicks off its year-long Saul O Sidore Memorial 2008-2009 Lecture Series "Can Schools Reduce Inequality?" (10-15-08) Story >>>

UNH Hosts Lecture On Political Humor In World's First Democracy Oct. 22
The intersection of humor and politics is thousands of years old, tracing its roots to ancient Athens. This October, journey to the 4th and 5th centuries B.C. to explore this powerful political tool that is a mainstay of culture today. (10-15-08) Story >>>

UNH Launches Leadership Program for Family Businesses
The Center for Family Business at the University of New Hampshire will launch its next Leadership Development Program Thursday, Oct. 30, 2008. (10-13-08) Story >>>

UNH Student To Run Across the State For Make-A-Wish
John Lacroix only started running four years ago but he has been quick to make up for lost time. An ultramarathoner and full-time student at the University of New Hampshire, Lacroix is getting ready to run across the state to help raise money for New Hampshire's Make-A-Wish Foundation. (10-10-08) Story >>>

Merger Discussions Underway Between The University Of New Hampshire And Franklin Pierce Law Center
"Both UNH and Pierce Law officials are excited about this opportunity and have been discussing the idea for several months," Huddleston said. "Although there is a long way to go before a final decision is made, we have established a working group to examine all of the benefits and risks. (10-09-08) Story >>>

Christa McAuliffe Planetarium To Premiere Ice Worlds, UNH Scientists Will Display Ice Cores Oct. 18
In conjunction with hands-on demonstrations by scientists from the University of New Hampshire, on Saturday, October 18, 2008 the Christa McAuliffe Planetarium in Concord will premiere a unique new 20-minute planetarium show, Ice Worlds, that transports viewers to the frozen landscapes of our solar system - most importantly the rapidly changing polar regions of our home planet. (10-09-08) Story >>>

Angel Investors Steady But More Cautious in First Half of 2008
Angel investors have become more cautious in light of the recent economic uncertainty, trying to reduce their risk exposure by including more angels in each deal, according to the Angel Market Analysis for the first and second quarters of 2008 released by the Center for Venture Research at the University of New Hampshire. (10-08-08) Story >>>

Come Watch The Last Presidential Debate With UNH Politics Experts Oct. 15
The University of New Hampshire will host a presidential debate watching event with faculty members whose expertise is all things presidential politics Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2008, for the final presidential debate between Democratic Sen. Barack Obama and Republican Sen. John McCain. (10-08-08) Story >>>

Natural Playground Aims To "Leave No Child Inside"
In a ship behind the University of New Hampshire's Child Study and Development Center, young fishermen cast their lines while sharks circle menacingly below. Nearby on the playground, trolls lurk under a bridge barking threats to any billy goats - or preschoolers -- who cross above. (10-07-08) Story >>>

UNH-IOL Tech Lab Celebrates 20th Anniversary
The University of New Hampshire InterOperability Laboratory (UNH-IOL), the only tech lab and test house owned by academia yet driven by the computer networking industries it serves, recently celebrated 20 years of operation since its founding in 1988 (10-07-08) Story >>>

Documentary Film on History of American Fisheries Oct. 10 at UNH
On Friday, October 10 the documentary film "American Fisheries - A Cautionary Tale" will be shown on the UNH campus. The film explores one of the greatest sea stories of all time, the dramatic tale of the 500-year-old North Atlantic cod fishery. A discussion with the film's writer/director and three UNH fisheries experts will follow the screening. (10-07-08) Story >>>

UNH Commemorates 200 Years Since End Of The Slave Trade In Nation Oct. 20
The University of New Hampshire community will honor the lives of persons captured and enslaved during the Atlantic slave trade at a bicentennial commemoration event Monday, Oct. 20, 2008. (10-07-08) Story >>>

UNH Space Science Center to Dedicate New Small Satellite Test Facility Oct. 9
On Thursday, Oct. 9, 2008, the University of New Hampshire’s Space Science Center (SSC) will officially open its Space Science Small Satellite Test Laboratory – a new, state-of-the-art facility that will allow quicker, more economical turnaround in testing satellite components built at the SSC. (10-03-08) Story >>>

U.S. Senate Candidates Discuss Economic Future At UNH Oct. 20
The University of New Hampshire will host economic forums featuring former Gov. Jeanne Shaheen and Sen. John Sununu, candidates for U.S. Senate, Monday, Oct. 20, 2008. (10-01-08) Story >>>