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United States of America

Department of Commerce

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Top News

Students Visit Hurricane Hunter Aircraft During 2006 Hurricane Awareness Tour

NOAA Photo

NOAA Hurricane Hunter Aircraft Begins East Coast Tour to Raise Hurricane Awareness

Washington (April 30)—NOAA hurricane experts will travel aboard a NOAA WP-3 Orion turboprop Hurricane Hunter in a five-day, five-city tour of the East Coast beginning April 30 to raise public awareness of hurricanes that can threaten the Atlantic Seaboard. National Hurricane Center Director Bill Proenza said, “Educating the public is our continuing mission." Tour stops include North Kingstown, R.I.; Cape May, N.J.; Martin State Airport near Baltimore, Md.; Elizabeth City, N.C.; and Daytona Beach, Fla. (More)

Secretary Gutierrez at the podium in Cleveland.  Click here for larger image.

Secretary Gutierrez Highlights American Competitiveness in Cleveland

Cleveland (April 27)—Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez delivered a luncheon address to the City Club of Cleveland. In his remarks the Secretary focused on the three pillars of American competitiveness: developing an export culture, creating an innovation society, and ensuring the workforce of the future.

Secretary Gutierrez gestures from the podium.

File Photo

Gutierrez Hails Twenty-Second Quarter of Economic Growth

Cleveland (April 27)—In Ohio for a speech to the City Club of Cleveland, Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez released a statement on first quarter 2007 GDP today. He noted that the growth rate is slower than in recent quarters, but that this quarter is only a snapshot of the larger economic picture. This quarter marks the 22nd consecutive quarter of growth for the American economy. Consumers were active and strong, the labor market is tight, and the bottom line is that our economy remains solid. (Statement)

Secretary addresses aduience from the podium. Click here for larger image.

Secretary Gutierrez Discusses Importance of Protecting Intellectual Property

Washington (April 26)—Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez addressed lawmakers and students at the World Intellectual Property Day celebration. Intellectual Property (IP) industries represent 40 percent of U.S. economic growth and employ 18 million Americans. However, IP theft and piracy threaten economic growth, as well as the well being of our citizens when items like brake pads and pharmaceuticals are counterfeited. (STOP Fakes Campaign)

Assistant Secretary Baruah at Podium

EDA Photo

EDA Assistant Secretary Baruah Addresses 21st Century Economic Development

Providence, R.I. (April 24)—Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development Sandy K. Baruah highlighted the importance of innovation, entrepreneurship, and regional collaboration as critical components of successful development strategies in the 21st century global economy at the National Association of Development Organization’s (NADO) 2007 Regional Economic Development Conference. (Speech)

Assistant Secretary David Bohigian shakes hands with Chinese official

ITA Photo

Commerce Department’s Clean Energy Trade Mission Comes to China

Beijing (April 24)—Assistant Secretary David Bohigian (left) and China’s National Development and Reform Commission Vice Chairman Xiaoqiang Zhang (right) meet to discuss how U.S. companies can help China meet its energy and environmental challenges. Bohigian is leading a Clean-Energy Technologies Trade Mission with U.S. companies that specialize in the renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean coal, and distributed generation sectors. (More)

Secretary Gutierrez speaks at the awards breakfast. Click here for larger image.

Secretary Gutierrez Calls Small Businesses the Heroes of our Economy

Washington (April 24)—At an awards breakfast during National Small Business Week, Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez highlighted the importance of small businesses to America's economic growth. The breakfast honored businesses involved in disaster recovery efforts in the Gulf Coast Region. Gutierrez reiterated President Bush's commitment to rebuilding and revitalizing the Gulf Coast. (Speech)

Secretary Gutierrez at the podium.

File Photo

Gutierrez Thanks Chairman Rahall for Pushing Forward the Administration’s Aquaculture Bill

Washington (April 24)—Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez today thanked Chairman Rahall for introducing the Administration’s National Offshore Aquaculture Act of 2007. Gutierrez proposed the aquaculture legislation on March 12, in Boston to promote safe and sustainable aquaculture in order to meet the growing demand for seafood, help the U.S. industry better compete and reduce the need for U.S. imports. (Statement)

Secretary Gutierrez, Congressman Meeks and students from York College. Click here for larger image.

Secretary Gutierrez in New York to Discuss Our Growing Export Culture

New York (April 23)—After speaking to the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), Commerce Secretary Carlos M. Gutierrez joined Congressman Gregory W. Meeks and students at York College, CUNY, in Queens to discuss America's growing export culture, and the jobs and economic opportunity that come with increased global engagement. He said pending free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and Peru were key to continuing economic growth. (CFR Speech)

Ronald Langston at the podium

MBDA National Director Spotlights Minority Businesses During Small Business Week

Washington (April 23)—Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA) National Director Ronald Langston discusses the growth of minority-owned businesses at the 2007 Small Business Week National Awards Luncheon sponsored by the Small Business Administration. According to the most recent Census data, gross receipts for minority firms grew by 13 percent, surpassing the growth rate for all firms. (More)