
Table B6. Data quality objectives for organic analyses

Parameters/QC Measurements Frequency Control Limit Criteria
Laboratory method blank 1 per 20 samples

Warning limit -- analyst should use best judgement if analytes are detected 3 times the method detection limit

Action limit -- no analyte should be detected at >3 times the method detection limit

Instrumental detection limit 1 per project <5% relative standard deviation for seven replicate measurements
Method detection limit 1 per project Analyst should use best judgement if the calculated method detection limits are higher than the target method detection limit of 2.0 ppb wet weight for PCBs and pesticides, 10.0 ppb wet weight for PAHs, and within a range of 1-10 pptr for each PCDD and PCDF congener as specified in Table B5
Surrogate internal standards Each sample

40-150% recovery

Recommended control limit for percent difference between accuracy-based material surrogate recoveries and sample surrogate recoveries is <50%

Matrix spike 1 per 20 samples Recovery should be within 50-120% for at least 80% of the analytes
Laboratory triplicates 1 per 20 samples <25% relative standard deviation for analytes >10 times the method detection limit
ccuracy-based material 1 per 20 samples Recommended control limit for percent difference of certified or consensus value on average for analytes >10 times the method detection limit is <30%

Table B7

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(Modified Jun. 13 2008)