3-day Estimated Planetary K-index graph

The Estimated 3-hour Planetary Kp-index plot shows . The estimated Kp index is derived at the U.S. Air Force Space Forecast Center using data from ground-based magnetometers: Meanook, Canada; Sitka, Alaska; Glenlea, Canada; Saint Johns, Canada; Ottawa, Canada; Newport, Washington; Fredericksburg, Virginia; Boulder, Colorado; and Fresno, California. These data are made available through the cooperation of the Geological Survey of Canada (GSC) and the US Geological Survey.

Other SWPC Real-time Monitors

Kp-indices of 5 or greater indicate storm-level geomagnetic activity. Geomagnetic storms have been associated with satellite surface charging and increased atmospheric drag.

For more information see The K-index or SWPC Education page.

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NOAA / Space Weather Prediction Center