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Old-Vehicle Scrapping Program


Rule 1610 - Old-Vehicle Scrapping, is a voluntary program developed to encourage vehicle owners to retire older, higher-emitting vehicles in order to reduce the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and particulate matter (PM) in the air we breathe. The focus of the program is to remove older, polluting cars from roadways, that would otherwise continue to be driven in the South Coast Air Quality Management District (AQMD) for 3 or more years if they were not scrapped. By taking the vehicles off the road, it is assumed that they will be replaced by cleaner cars, or alternative modes of transportation. Each participating vehicle accepted into the program and scrapped generates Mobile Source Emissions Reduction Credits (MSERCs). Companies with more than 250 employees can purchase MSERCs to offset their excess emissions in order to comply with Rule 2202 - On-Road Motor Vehicle Mitigation. For this reason, the AQMD must inspect all vehicles entering the program to make sure they meet all requirements of the program.

Vehicle Eligibility Requirements Frequently Asked Questions Further Information