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Breathe Easier with EnviroFlash:
Air Quality Info Straight to Your Inbox

September 1, 2008

Area residents can now have the South Coast Air Quality Management District’s (AQMD’s) local air quality forecast notifications e-mailed to them directly, and on a daily basis, by participating in the U.S Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA’s) EnviroFlash program.

EnviroFlash is a free system that the EPA has partnered with AQMD on to provide the public with easy access to national and local air quality information. Your e-mail notification will show your forecast, tips for limiting your exposure to pollution and helpful hints for reducing your own contribution to air pollution.  Signing up is easy.  Go to EnviroFlash at and just set your preferences and you can get a message every day, or only on days when air pollution reaches a certain level.

In our busy world it can be easy to forget to check the air quality forecast.  That’s where EnviroFlash can help. Your notification will show your forecast, tips for limiting your exposure to pollution and helpful hints for reducing your own contribution to air pollution.  Receiving this information is very important during our current local smog season (May 1 until October 3), especially for parents, teachers, coaches, day care providers, and anyone who supervises active children, adults, the elderly, and those with respiratory disease such as asthma, and heart and cardiovascular diseases.

Air quality affects how you live and breath. Knowing your air quality forecast and understanding the Air Quality Index (AQI) can help you plan your daily activities and reduce your exposure to pollution. The AQI is the color-based index for reporting daily air quality; including how clean or polluted the outdoor air is in a specific location and what associated health effects may result for the local population.

Current air quality readings and forecasts for the entire basin can also still be obtained from the AQMD web page at, or by phoning the automated voice recording system at 1-800-288-7664.

For more information, contact Kevin Durkee at (909) 396-3168.


This page updated: September 03, 2008