[NIFL-ESL:9369] Re: Accept English Only donation?

From: Andres Muro (AndresM@epcc.edu)
Date: Tue Sep 02 2003 - 16:30:36 EDT

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Subject: [NIFL-ESL:9369] Re: Accept English Only donation?
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I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular. However, I am claiming that the rhetoric of English only is fascist. It starts with the premise that immigrants come to the country, take advantage of everything that America offers but refuse to learn "the language". Someone earlier stated that the refusal of immigrants to learn the language created resentment. I don't remember who the statement came from, but the resentment towards immigrants who don't leaner English is a form of fascism. It is trying to impose one person's beliefs upon "the other". 

>>> fyi@americanliteracy.com 09/02/03 11:45AM >>>
>  This is starting to sound like Hitler's "Mein Kampf" ("My Struggle", not sure how to
>   spell it). However, the rhetoric is the same. 

Andres & all,

(Hello, moderator. Anyone home?)   When you say that "this is starting to sound like Hitler's 'Mein Kampf'" what particularly are u referring to? Give us a quote. When u go
to the extreme of saying that someone is starting to sound like Hitler, it seems like u are playing the racist/fascist card, especially when u don't name names or quote any quotes. Are u saying that Tanya is a fascist? or are u saying that Tanya is 'beginning
to look a lot like nazi'. No wonder the conservatives in our ranks don't speak up. It's a chiller. Indeed, i am chilled to the bone at the prospect of now being titled xenophobe
(or worse) for defending T.


>   Hitler starts by saying that in the beginning, he didn't hate the jews. He just
>   noticed that they were different. They had different customs, live in their own
>   communities, spoke differently, had a different religion, etc and took advantage of
>   the German economy. He also noticed that they refused to live, act and behave like
>   "true Germans". He claims that he would go and talk to them and tell them to ,
>   but they refused, continuing to live their different ways. He felt that this was
>   detrimental to Germany, and eventually he started murdering millions of them.


>   same rhetoric is being applied to immigrants. Some Americans claim that they don't
>   hate immigrants, but that they act differently. America offers immigrants the
>   opportunity to change, and to be "good immigrants" but they refuse. So, Americans
>   start resenting them for behaving differently.

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