[NIFL-ESL:9041] website for bilingual materials

From: Mona Curtis (MCurtis@tvcc.cc)
Date: Sat May 24 2003 - 20:07:41 EDT

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Some time ago, one of the members of the listserve was gathering
materials for a website of bilingual materials, preferably free.  I
don't remember who it was right now, so I'll just address it to

I was going through my bookcases looking for materials for Spanish GED
and came across a lot of bilingual publications from the Health
Department and the Department of Education.  Those would be good sources
of free bilingual material.  I'm most familiar with Spanish, but I know
public agencies have brochures and even small books available in other
languages.  (usually the same resource is available in English so it's a
good English learning devise too.)  

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