[NIFL-ESL:8499] Re: writing in class

From: arconn@juno.com
Date: Wed Feb 05 2003 - 06:51:43 EST

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Writing in ESL class:

I do it every day.  At first  they copy from the board:  
"Today is Wednesday, February 5th, 2003.  Today is a school day."   

I make sure the students know what it says.  They read it in unison and
separately.  After the first week, I check their copying for capital
letters and spelling.  When they are ready, I add;"yesterday WAS.........

This way students learn to spell the days of the week and the months. 
They learn present and past tense.  They learn numbers , capital letters
and periods.

With more advanced beginners, we brainstorm and describe ME.  First my
outside  (words on  the board are: short, wearing a red dress, black
shoes etc.)  Then my insides  ( smiles, is funny etc)  Then they write a
paragraph using these words ( or others from the board.  This is not
intimidating.  by this time, they know about capital letters and periods.
 I do not correct spelling.   From there we go onto writing about
themselves and then into answering brief questions in full sentences and
then to what they want to write:  maybe friendly letters, maybe notes to
school, maybe a cover letter for a job, maybe a letter of complaint etc.

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