Atkins, Jacqueline Marx. Shared Threads: Quilting Together, Past and Present. New York: Viking Studio Books, 1994.
Barker, Garry G. The Handicraft Revival in Southern Appalachia, 1930-1990. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1991.
Brackman, Barbara. Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Patterns. Paducah, Ky.: American Quilter's Society, 1993.
Eiler, Lyntha Scott, Terry Eiler, and Carl Fleischhauer. Blue Ridge Harvest: A Region's Folklife in Photographs. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, 1981.
Ferrero, Pat, Elaine Hedges, and Julie Silber. Hearts and Hands: The Influences of Women and Quilts on American Society. San Francisco: Quilt Digest Press, 1987.
Freeman, Roland L. A Communion of the Spirits: African-American Quilters, Preservers, and Their Stories. Nashville: Rutledge Hill, 1996.
Horton, Laurel. "In Search of the Appalachian Quilt." Then and Now 6, no.3 (Fall 1989): 19-21.
Horton, Laurel, ed. Quiltmaking in America: Beyond the Myths. Nashville: Rutledge Hill, 1994.
Ice, Joyce, and Linda Norris. Quilted Together: Women, Quilts, and Communities. Delhi, N.Y.: Delaware County Historical Association, 1989.
Johnson, Geraldine N. "'Plain and Fancy': The Socioeconomics of Blue Ridge Quilts." Appalachian Journal 10, no. 1 (Autumn 1982): 12-35.
Johnson, Geraldine N. Weaving Rag Rugs: A Woman's Craft in Western Maryland. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1985.
Jones, Michael Owen. Craftsman of the Cumberlands: Tradition and Creativity. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1989.
Kiracofe, Roderick. The American Quilt: A History of Cloth and Comfort, 1750-1950. New York: Clarkson Potter, 1993.
Orlofsky, Patsy, and Myron Orlofsky. Quilts in America. New York: McGraw Hill, 1974. Reprint, New York: Abbeville Press, 1992.
Oshins, Lisa Turner. Quilt Collections: A Directory for the United States and Canada. Washington, D.C.: Acropolis Books in association with the American Folklife Center, Library of Congress, 1987.
Przybysz, Jane. "Sentimental Spectacle: The Traffic in Quilts." Ph.D. diss., New York University, 1995.
Roberson, Ruth Haislip, ed. North Carolina Quilts. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988.
Waldvogel, Merikay. Soft Covers for Hard Times: Quiltmaking and the Great Depression. Nashville: Rutledge Hill, 1990.
What's American about American Quilts? Proceedings of a Research
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All American Crafts, Inc. Traditional Quilter: The Leading Teaching Magazine for Creative Quilters. 1989- . Published bimonthly.
Altamont Press. Fiberarts: The Magazine of Textiles. 1974- . Published five times a year.
American Quilt Study Group. Uncoverings. 1980- . Published annually.
American Quilter's Society. American Quilter. 1985- . Published quarterly.
Meredith Corp. American Patchwork and Quilting. 1993- . Published six times a year.
Oliver Press. Professional Quilter: Your Source of Information for the Business of Quilting. 1983- . Published quarterly.
Primedia Special Interest Publications. Quilter's Newsletter Magazine: The Magazine for Quilt Lovers. 1969- . Published ten times a year.
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