Report No. IN 97-23 INTERNATIONAL ACTION August 12, 1997 International Bureau Issues Annual Report on International Negotiations and Notifications Concerning Radio Services The International Bureau today released a 1997 Report on International Negotiations and Notifications Concerning Radio Services prepared by its Planning and Negotiations Division. The Report, an update of the 1995 edition, details the full range of bilateral negotiation and notification activities and catalogues the status of international spectrum usage agreements to which the Commission is a party. Full implementation of U.S. domestic spectrum allocation plans depends upon achieving acceptable frequency sharing arrangements with other countries, principally along our northern and southern borders. Thus, a major focus of this Report is spectrum coordination with Canada and Mexico. In commenting on the Report, International Bureau Chief Peter Cowhey stated, "this Report captures, in one volume, information on international agreements that will be of significant value to all entities involved in current and future international technical coordination activities. It will also be informative to Commission licensees whose operations are directly affected, as well as to the general public." Copies of this report may be obtained from the Commission's contractor, International Transcription Services, 1919 M Street, N.W., Room 246, Washington DC 20554, (202) 857-3800 or at the FCC World Wide Web site: Copies of the texts of the international agreements referred to in the Report are on file in the International Bureau's Public Reference Room located at 2000 M Street, N.W., Room 102, Washington, DC 20554, (202) 418-1492. Inquiries or comments concerning this Report may be directed to Rick Engelman, of the International Bureau, at (202) 418-2150. - FCC -