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Existing Capacity by Producer Type
Electric Power Annual with data for 2006
Report Released: October 22, 2007
Next Release Date: October 2008

Table 2.3.    xls     pdf   format     

Table 2.3.  Existing Capacity by Producer Type, 2006
Producer Type
Number of Generators
Generator Nameplate Capacity
Net Summer Capacity
Net Winter Capacity
Electric Power Sector
Electric Utilities 9,249 610,057 567,523 584,310
Independent Power Producers 4,585 388,066 350,854 366,023
Total 13,834 998,122 918,377 950,333
Combined Heat and Power Sector
Electric Power[1] 661 43,427 37,793 40,524
Commercial 640 2,584 2,272 2,366
Industrial 1,789 31,543 27,773 29,125
Total 3,090 77,554 67,838 72,015
Total All Sectors 16,924 1,075,677 986,215 1,022,347
  [1] Includes only independent power producers' combined heat and power facilities.
  Notes: See Glossary reference for definitions. Totals may not equal sum of components because of independent rounding. 
  Source:  Energy Information Administration, Form EIA-860, "Annual Electric Generator Report."

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Annual Electric Generator Report (Form EIA-860) DBF
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see also:
Electric Power Monthly
Electric Power Annual
annual electricity statistics back to 1949
projected electricity capacity to 2030
international electricity statistics