NEWS May 15, 1998 FCC HOSTS SECOND WORKSHOP WITH TELECOM REGULATORS FROM 9 COUNTRIES To promote effective implementation of pro-competitive regulatory structures and policies, the FCC is hosting the second in a series of workshops with telecommunications regulators. This workshop, to be held at the FCC from May 18-21, will bring together regulators from 9 countries. Countries participating in this workshop are: Belgium, Ecuador, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand and Uganda . The countries represented at this second workshop have only recently established independent regulatory structures and begun to introduce competition. The purpose of the workshop is to foster closer cooperation among regulatory authorities and to promote independent, effective regulatory regimes and meaningful competition. FCC Chairman William E. Kennard said, "Declaring markets open is just the first step. A strong regulator with adequate tools has the key role to play in bringing competition to the market. I hope the next few days provide an opportunity for us to pull out our competition road maps and work together to make competition a reality." The first of these workshops took place in February, concentrating on effective implementation of the pro-competitive regulatory principles adopted as part of the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Basic Telecom. The focus of this workshop will be on developing a stable legal and regulatory framework to promote competition, interconnection and universal service. It will also address satellite and wireless issues. The next workshop will be held in June. (over) - 2 - The agenda for the workshop is: May 18 Development of a stable legal and regulatory framework May 19 Methods of introducing competition; interconnection; universal service in a competitive market May 20 Spectrum allocation; satellite and wireless licensing issues May 21 Roundtable discussion with U.S. industry at the U.S. Telecommunications Training Institute. Chairman Kennard will address the opening session of the workshop. Regina M. Keeney, the Chief of the International Bureau, will speak at a luncheon for the participants on the same date. These workshops are being conducted with the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development. - FCC - News Media contact: Rosemary Kimball at (202) 418-0500. International Bureau contact: Laurie Sherman at (202) 418-0429.