National Marine Fisheries Service

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Sustainable Fisheries
2003 Information Bulletins

  103. NMFS Announces Revisions To Table 2 Species Codes Text Only Version
  102. NMFS Closes the CDQ Directed Fishery For Reserve Amounts of Shortraker/Rougheye and Northern Rockfish in the Bering Sea Subarea and "Other Species" in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Text Only Version
  101. Apportionment of the Reserve For Four Groundfish Target Species in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Text Only Version
  100. NMFS Rescinds a Previous Action and Reallocates Pacific Cod From Vessels Using Trawl and Jig Gear To Catcher Processors Using Hook and Line Gear and Vessels Using Pot Gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Text Only Version
  99. NMFS Closes the Pacific Cod Fishery For Catcher Processor Vessels Using Hook and Line Gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Text Only Version
  98. NMFS Closes the Pacific Cod Fishery For Catcher Vessels Using Hook and Line in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Text Only Version
  97. NMFS Closes the Pacific Cod Fishery For Vessels Using Pot Gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Text Only Version
  96. NMFS Rescinds a Previous Action and Reallocates Pacific Cod From Vessels Using Trawl and Jig Gear To Catcher Processors Using Hook and Line Gear and Vessels Using Pot Gear in the Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands Text Only Version
  95. NMFS Announces 2004 Recordkeeping and Reporting Workshop Schedule.  Text Only Version
  94. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing For Groundfish By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Gulf Of Alaska  Text Only Version
  93. NMFS Reallocates Pacific Cod From Vessels Using Trawl, Jig, And Pot Gear To Vessels Using Hook And Line Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  92. NMFS Opens The Fishery For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Offshore Component In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska For 48 Hours Text Only Version
  91. NMFS Opens Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 630 In The Gulf Of Alaska For 24 Hours. Text Only Version
  90. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 610 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  89. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 620 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  88. NMFS Reallocates Pollock From The Incidental Catch Account To Directed Fisheries For Pollock In the Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  87.NMFS Closes The Atka Mackerel Fishery In The Western Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  86. NMFS Closes The Fishery For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Offshore Component In The Central Regulatory Area At 2400 Hrs, A.L.T., October 1, 2003. Text Only Version
  85. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 630 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  84. NMFS Closes The Atka Mackerel Fishery In The Central Aleutian District. Text Only Version
  83. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Groundfish By Vessels Using Hook And Line Gear In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  82. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands  Text Only Version
  81. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing For Yellowfin Sole By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  80. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Inshore Component In The Western Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  79. NMFS Prohibits Fishing With Trawl Gear In The Chum Salmon Savings Area Of The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  78. Reward Offered for Pacific Sleeper Shark Tags  Text Only Version
  77. Incidental Take Limits Established For The Endangered Short-Tailed Albatross In The Alaska Groundfish Fisheries. Text Only Version
  76. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Shallow Water Species By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  75. NMFS Prohibits Retention Of Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Inshore Component In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  74. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Inshore Component In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  73. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 610 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  72. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 620 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  71. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 630 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  70. NMFS Prohibits The Retention Of Pacific Ocean Perch In the Eastern Aleutian District Of The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  69. NMFS Reallocates Pollock From The Incidental Catch Account To Directed Fisheries For Pollock In the Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  68. NMFS Closes The Arrowtooth Flounder Fishery In The Western Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  67. NMFS Opens The B Season Atka Mackerel Fishery With Gears Other Than Jig In The Eastern Aleutian District Of The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  66. NMFS Announces Atka Mackerel Fishery Dates For Harvest Limit Area Fisheries In Areas 542 And 543 . Text Only Version
  65. NMFS Notifies Vessels Of Assignments For B Season Harvest Limit Area Fisheries In Areas 542 And 543. Text Only Version
  64. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Non CDQ Pollock With Trawl Gear In The Chinook Salmon Savings Areas Of The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  63. NMFS Prohibits The Retention Of Shortraker/Rougheye Rockfish In the Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  62. NMFS Prohibits The Retention Of "Other Rockfish" In the Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  61. Information Requested For Sightings Of The Endangered Short-Tailed Albatross. Text Only Version
  60. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Groundfish By Vessels Using Hook-and-line Gear In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  59. NMFS Closes the Greenland Turbot Fishery In the Bering Sea Subarea Of The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  58. NMFS Closes The Pelagic Shelf Rockfish Fishery In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  57. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Rock Sole, Flathead Sole, "Other Flatfish" By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  56. NMFS Closes The Northern Rockfish Fishery In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska Text Only Version
  55. NMFS Prohibits Retention Of Sablefish By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska Text Only Version
  54. NMFS Closes The Pelagic Shelf Rockfish Fishery In The West Yakutat District Of The Gulf Of Alaska Text Only Version
  53. NMFS Closes The Northern Rockfish Fishery In The Western Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska Text Only Version
  52. NMFS Closes The Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery In The Western Aleutian District Text Only Version
  51. NMFS Closes The Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery In The Central Aleutian District Text Only Version
  50. NMFS Closes The Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery In The West Yakutat District Of The Gulf Of Alaska Text Only Version
  49. NMFS Closes The Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska Text Only Version
  48. NMFS Closes The Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery In The East Aleutian District Text Only Version
  47. NMFS Closes The Pacific Ocean Perch Fishery In The Western Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska Text Only Version
  46. NMFS Issues An Inseason Adjustment Opening The Chiniak Gully Research Area To Directed Fishing For Groundfish Using Trawl Gear. Text Only Version
  45. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Shallow Water Species By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  44. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing For Yellowfin Sole By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  43. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing For Yellowfin Sole By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In Bycatch Limitation Zone 1 Of The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  42. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Deep-Water Species By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  41. NMFS Opens Fishing For Yellowfin Sole With Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands.  Text Only Version
  40. NMFS Prohibits Retention Of Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Offshore Component In The Western Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  39. NMFS Closes The Pacific Cod Fishery For Catcher Vessels Less Than 60 Feet Length Overall Using Hook-And-Line Gear Or Pot Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  38. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing For Yellowfin Sole By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  37. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In The West Yakutat District Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  36. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 620 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  35. NMFS Announces Atka Mackerel Fishery Dates For Harvest Limit Area Fisheries In Areas 542 And 543. Text Only Version
  34. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Harvest Limit Areas In The Central And Western Aleutian Districts. Text Only Version
  33. NMFS Closes The Pacific Cod Fishery For Catcher Vessels 60 Feet Length Overall and Longer Using Hook-And-Line Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  32. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Catcher Vessels Less Than 60 Feet (18.3 m) LOA Using Jig Or Hook-And-Line Gear In The Bogoslof Exemption Area. Text Only Version
  31. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Rock Sole, Flathead Sole, "Other Flatfish" By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  30. NMFS Opens Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 610 In The Gulf Of Alaska For 24 Hours. Text Only Version
  29. NMFS Needs Industry Assistance Distinguishing Shortraker And Rougheye Rockfish. Text Only Version
  28. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Offshore Component In The Western Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  27. NMFS Opens Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 610 In The Gulf Of Alaska For 24 Hours. Text Only Version
  26. NMFS Issues An Inseason Adjustment Opening The B Fishing Season For Pollock In Statistical Area 630 Of The GOA For 12 Hours. Text Only Version
  25. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Catcher/Processor Vessels Using Hook-and-Line Gear. Text Only Version
  24. NMFS Special Closure In Cape Sarichef Area, March 15-31. Text Only Version
  22. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 630 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  21. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 610 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  20. Final 2003 Harvest Specifications Established For Groundfish Fisheries Off Alaska. Text Only Version
  19. NMFS Closes Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels 60 Feet Length Overall And Longer Using Pot Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  18. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Rock sole, Flathead Sole, "Other Flatfish" By Vessels Using Trawl Gear In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  17. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Inshore Component In The Western Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  16. NMFS Closes Fishing For Groundfish With Non-Pelagic Trawl Gear In The Red King Crab Savings Subarea Of The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  15. NMFS Clarifies Temporary Suspension Of Enforcement Of The IR/IU Requirements For Yellowfin Sole And Rock Sole In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  14. NMFS Opens Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 630 Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  13. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Inshore Component In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  12. NMFS Announces The Season Opening For The Sablefish Fixed Gear Fisheries March 1, 2003, Managed Under The Individual Fishing Quota Program. Text Only Version
  11. NMFS Setting Experimental Pot Gear In Cape Sarichef Area. Text Only Version
  10. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pacific Cod By Vessels Catching Pacific Cod For Processing By The Offshore Component In The Central Regulatory Area Of The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  09. NMFS Closes The CDQ Reserve Amounts For Shortraker/Rougheye and Northern Rockfish In The Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  08. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 610 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  07. NMFS Approves Community Development Plans For The 2003-2005 CDQ Allocations Of Groundfish, Halibut, Crab And Prohibited Species. Text Only Version
  06. NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Rock Sole By Listed AFA Catcher Processors In The Bering Sea And Aleutian Islands. Text Only Version
  #05 REVISED--NMFS Prohibits Directed Fishing For Pollock In Statistical Area 630 In The Gulf Of Alaska. Text Only Version
  03. NMFS Notifies Vessels Of Assignment For A Season Harvest Limit Area Fisheries In Areas 542 And 543. Text Only Version
  02. NMFS closes The Atka Mackerel Fishery With Gears Other than Jig In The Eastern Aleutian District And The Bering Sea Subarea. Text Only Version
  01. NMFS Announces Atka Mackerel Fishery Dates For Harvest Limit Area Fisheries In Areas 542 And 543. Text Only Version
  NOAA/PMEL/FOCI Instrument Moorings in the Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea FOCI Study Areas. Text Only Version

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