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The Spotlight

Faces of Renewable Energy

The renewable energy industry is growing at a record pace in the United States, and so too is the demand for skilled "green collar" workers in manufacturing, shipping, academia, sales, finance, and more. Faces of Renewable Energy showcases real people who are building our clean energy economy.



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  • Cashing in on Clean Energy

    Clean energy sources can help stabilize energy prices, stimulate the development of innovative new technology, and create high-quality jobs and other economic benefits.

  • CAFOs Uncovered: The Untold Costs of Confined Animal Feeding Operations

    When it comes to most of the meat, dairy, and eggs produced in the United States, there's truly no such thing as a free lunch. In this new report, UCS exposes the billions of dollars in environmental, health, and economic costs imposed on society by Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).

  • Nuclear Power in a Warming World

    In Nuclear Power in a Warming World, UCS describes the role nuclear power should play as a climate change solution.

Policy Center

  • California Climate Scoping Plan

    On October 15, 2008, the California Air Resources Board (CARB) released a near-final Scoping Plan—a master list of all the policies it will implement to achieve a 30 percent cut in global warming pollution by 2020.

  • Scientific Integrity Recommendations for the Next Administration

    Recommendations for the incoming administration to ensure that federal scientists are able to freely research and report their findings without fear of reprisal.

  • Support States' Rights to Implement Clean Car Standards

    Under a provision of the federal Clean Air Act, states are permitted to adopt initiatives that go beyond federal vehicle pollution standards. However, on December 19, 2007, the EPA denied California the waiver needed to implement them, citing the 2008 Energy Bill’s fuel economy standards as rationale.

Consumer Info

  • Winterizing on a Budget

    It’s no secret that winterizing your home can slash your heating costs and reduce global warming pollution. These five projects are lower-cost, and can deliver the quickest payback on your purchase.

  • Solar Water Heating

    Heating water today accounts for up to 14 percent of the average household's energy use. Solar can be a simple, reliable, cost-effective and carbon-free replacement for oil and naturual gas systems.

  • How to Maximize Your Vehicle’s Fuel Economy

    If you plan to travel by car this holiday season, take these tips into account to reduce your carbon impact, and save money at the pump.

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