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DOE Renewable Energy Forum

A large crowd of people, some in rows of chairs and some on bleachers, sit attentively while holding notebooks and agendas.

The audience at the DOE Renewable Energy Forum listens to John Mizroch, EERE Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, deliver the introductory presentation for the Forum.

The Renewable Energy Business Opportunities Forum was held by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) on February 12, 2008, to discuss business opportunities for deploying renewable energy technologies at DOE facilities. More than 175 industry representatives attended.

The forum addressed DOE's goals as set forth in the Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 2005, Executive Order 13423, and the DOE Secretary's Transformational Energy Action Management (TEAM) Initiative.

Here you'll find presentations and their question and answer summaries; DOE's request for information; a list of participants; photos; and additional resources. The following documents are available as PDFs. Download Adobe Reader.

List of Participants

See a list of all participants who attended the forum. (PDF 173 KB)

Presentations, and Questions and Answers

Opening Remarks by John F. Mizroch, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary (PDF 40 KB)

Steven Chuslo, "DOE's Transformational Energy Action Management (TEAM) Initiative: Renewables" (PDF 365 KB)
Questions, Answers, and Comments (PDF 98 KB)

Matthew Gray and Chandra Shah, "Request for Information and Renewable Energy Screening Summary" (PDF 681 KB)
Questions, Answers, and Comments (PDF 99 KB)


See a collection of photographs taken at the forum.

Additional Resources

These sites provide additional information about the resources, technologies, and opportunities discussed in this forum.

  • Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) Maps—A collection of maps that illustrate the market potential for various solar technologies for federal facilities throughout the country.

  • Super ESPC ESCOs—Provides detailed information about which Super Energy Savings Performance Contracts (Super ESPCs) with Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) are available throughout the country.