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Develop a Workforce

    For most businesses, a dependable workforce is their greatest asset. Hawaii is well known for its workforce stability. Our workers are notable for their loyalty and strong work ethic, clearly reflected by one of the nations lowest rates of absenteeism. Renewing the strength of the workforce, Hawaii is home to a remarkable range of students who bring multi-cultural diversity and are especially responsive to the Asian-Pacific cultural distinctions.

    Scholarships are abundant for students in need and graduation rates are strong, contributing to a multi-lingual workforce in which eight of ten employees have completed high school, and one in four have a minimum of 4 years of college. Hawaii's wide reaching system of higher education consists of well-rated public and private universities — including the University of Hawaii, a network of community colleges, and Hawaii Pacific University - which offer established degree programs as well as customized education and training.

    Find out about programs and agencies in this section to help you find quality employees or to help develop and train your employees to better your investment in human resources.

  • Hawaii's Unique Workforce
  • Find Applicants
  • Education & Training Agencies
  • Organized Labor
  • Temporary Help & Employee Leasing
  • Keep Your Workforce Competitive
  • Workforce Development Council