CRD 02-02

Table 1. A brief chronology of management measures affecting Gulf of Maine cod.

Total Allowable Catch (TAC) limits implemented by the International Commission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries (ICNAF) for Division 5Y (Gulf of Maine) cod.
- Minimum codend mesh size at 4 ½" (114 mm).

Fishery Conservation and Management Act (FCMA) implemented. Management under the auspices of the New England Fishery Management Council.

Management of groundfish resources under the Fishery Management Plan (FMP) for Atlantic groundfish. Carried forward TACs; implemented by vessel tonnage class and calendar quarter with trip limits.
- Minimum codend mesh size increased to 5 1/8" (130 mm).

Management of groundfish resources under the "Interim" Plan for Atlantic groundfish.
- Eliminated direct catch controls; primary tools for fishery management were minimum mesh sizes and minimum landing sizes.

Minimum codend mesh size increased to 5 ½" (140 mm).

Northeast Multi-species FMP implemented . Amendments 1-4 retained indirect controls, including minimum mesh and minimum fish landing sizes.

Minimum fish size = 19" (48 cm) for commercial and recreational sectors.

January 1 Amendment 5
- 50% reduction in F and effort over 5-7 years.
- Days at Sea (DAS) monitoring
- Implemented a Mandatory Reporting Scheme

May 1 Amendment 5 (again)
- Minimum codend mesh size increased to 6" (152 mm), diamond or square.

May 1 Amendment 7
- Established rebuilding program based on Fmax target fishing mortality
- Established Target TACs
- Accelerated Days at Sea reductions
- Established Framework Adjustment Process and the Multi-species Monitoring Committee to permit annual adjustments to management measures
- Minimum fish size increased to 20" (51 cm) for recreational sector.


May 1 Framework 20
- Target TAC: 2,605 mt
- Gulf of Maine cod trip limit: 1,000 or 1,500 lbs/day
- Minimum fish size increased to 21" (53 cm) for recreational sector.

May 1 Framework 25
- Target TAC: 1,800 mt with trigger provision
- Gulf of Maine cod trip limit 700 lbs/day
- Series of 1-month rolling closures from Massachusetts Bay to Penobscot Bay.
- Year-round closure of portions of Jeffreys Ledge and Stellwagen Bank (WGOM Closed Area)

June 25 Framework trigger pulled
- Gulf of Maine cod trip limit: 400 lbs/day

February 1 Framework 26
- Additional month-block (30x30 minutes) closures implemented for February and April

May 1 Framework 27
- Target TAC: 1,300 mt with trigger provision
- Gulf of Maine cod trip limit: 200 lbs/day
- Minimum square mesh increased to 6.5" (165 mm).

May 28 Framework trigger pulled
- Gulf of Maine cod trip limit: 30 lbs/day

August 3 Interim Rule
- Gulf of Maine cod trip limit: 100 lbs/day

January 5 Framework 31
- Gulf of Maine cod trip limit: 400 lbs/day- 4,000 maximum/trip.
- Additional month-block (30x30 minutes) closures implemented for February

May 1 Framework 33
- Target TAC: 1,900 mt with trigger provision
- Continuation of most Framework 27 and 31 measures
- Year-round closure of WGOM area extended until April, 2002.

November 1 Framework trigger pulled
- One-month closure of Cashes Ledge


January 1 Framework trigger pulled
- Additional month-block (30x30 minutes) closures implemented for January

May 1 Annual Adjustment
- Target TAC: 1,118 mt
- Continuation of most Framework 27 and 31, and 33 measures.
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(Modified Jun. 13 2008)