One Hundred Sixth Congress



State Delegations

Number which precedes name of Representative designates Congressional district.
Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independent in bold.

TEXAS (297K)

Phil Gramm (97K)

Kay Bailey Hutchison (97K)

[Republicans, 13; Democrats, 17]

1. Max Sandlin (97K) 16. Silvestre Reyes (97K)
2. Jim Turner (97K) 17. Charles W. Stenholm (97K)
3. Sam Johnson (83K) 18. Sheila Jackson Lee (97K)
4. Ralph M. Hall (83K) 19. Larry Combest (84K)
5. Pete Sessions (83K) 20. Charles A. Gonzalez (84K)
6. Joe Barton (83K) 21. Lamar S. Smith (84K)
7. Bill Archer (91K) 22. Tom DeLay (84K)
8. Kevin Brady (91K) 23. Henry Bonilla (103K)
9. Nick Lampson (91K) 24. Martin Frost (103K)
10. Lloyd Doggett (91K) 25. Kenneth F. Bentsen, Jr. (103K)
11. Chet Edwards (82K) 26. Dick Armey (103K)
12. Kay Granger (82K) 27. Solomon P. Ortiz (87K)
13. William (Mac) Thornberry (82K) 28. Ciro D. Rodriguez (87K)
14. Ron Paul (82K) 29. Gene Green (87K)
15. Rubén Hinojosa (97K) 30. Eddie Bernice Johnson (87K)


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