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Illinois River - Starved Rock

River Mile 231-244.5
Updated August 18, 2008
Starved Rock

Starved Rock is used to describe the region of the Illinois River that is impounded by the Starved Rock Lock and Dam. It extends from the Starved Rock Lock and Dam located near Utica, Illinois, upstream to the Marseilles lock located near Marseilles, Illinois.

Additional data sets are also available through the National Atlas, U.S. Geological Survey's Seamless Data Server, and the Natural Resource Conservation Service's Data Gateway.

Image of the Starved Rock Reach

background information Aquatic Areas (UMESC)

UNIX format ASCII fileNT format ASCII fileArcView Shapefile - z15n27ArcView Shapefile - z15n83ArcView Shapefile - z16n27ArcView Shapefile - z16 n83Metadata - 1989 Aquatic Areas (711 KB UNIX) (753 KB NT) (108 MB z15n27 Shape) (1.8 MB z15n83 Shape) (973 KB z16n27 Shape) (1.2 MB z16n83 Shape)

background information Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles (DOQ)

Digital orthophoto quadrangles (DOQ) are georeferenced images of aerial photographs that have had camera orientation and terrain displacements removed.

These data are being compressed and redistributed through this Web site as a service for program partners of the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center. If you require data for areas outside the Mississippi River floodplain, data sets made from photographs from a different year, or the uncompressed files, contact the EROS Data Center. Project status information, photography dates, and ordering information are available online.

Quadrangle Name
Marseilles - 24K quad
Ottawa - 24K quad
Starved Rock- 24K quad
Composite Image
Starved Rock Reach

background information Digital Raster Graphics (DRG)

Digital raster graphic (DRG) files are scanned and rectified images of USGS quadrangles.

These data are being compressed and redistributed through this Web site as a service for program partners of the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center. If you require data for additional areas, the help button access information on which files are available through this Web site, the USGS National Mapping Center in Rolla, Missouri keeps a listing of sites that distribute DRG files through the Internet, and copies of the data can be ordered from the EROS Data Center (for a duplication and distribution fee).

Quadrangle Name
Original Image
Overlapping Image
Ottawa - 100K quad 5.0 MB N/A
Marseilles - 24K quad N/A 3.8 MB
Ottawa - 24K quad N/A 3.3 MB
Starved Rock - 24K quad N/A 3.2 MB
Composite Image
100K Color
100K Gray Scale
Starved Rock Reach
1.2 MB
1.2 MB
1.2 MB
1.2 MB
1.1 MB
1.1 MB
1.1 MB
1.1 MB

background information Hydrology (UMESC)

These data were created from USGS - National Mapping Division hydrology data. The data were modified to display tributaries of the Upper Mississippi River System (UMRS). If you require these data in their original format, contact the EROS Data Center. The files are available to download via. FTP, and regional CD-ROMs are also available.

ArcView Shapefile - Z 15MetaData - Tributaries - Ottawa 100K Quadrangle (345 KB)

Land Cover/Use

Since 1989 the Upper Midwest Environmental Center through its association with the Long Term Resource Monitoring Program has been creating land cover/use data sets for the Upper Mississippi River system. For background information on how these data sets were created and are attributed, activate the help buttons. A link to a freeware GIS data viewer that can read the Shape files is also available.

background informationUNIX format ASCII fileNT format ASCII fileArcView Shapefile - z15n27ArcView Shapefile - z15n83ArcView Shapefile - z16n27ArcView Shapefile - z16n83MetaData - 2000 Land Cover/Use version 2 (1.3 MB UNIX) (1.4 MB NT) (1.3 MB z15n27 Shape) (1.7 MB z15n83 Shape) (1.7 MB z16n27 Shape) (1.7 MB z16n83 Shape)
background informationUNIX format ASCII fileNT format ASCII fileArcView Shapefile - z15n27ArcView Shapefile - z15n83ArcView Shapefile - z16n27ArcView Shapefile - z16n83MetaData- 1989 Land Cover/Use (2.4 MB UNIX) (2.4 MB NT) (4.1 MB z15n27 Shape) (4.1 MB z15n83 Shape) (3.2 MB z16n27 Shape) (3.9 MB z16n83 Shape)
background informationUNIX format ASCII fileNT format ASCII fileArcView Shapefile - Z15ArcView Shapefile - Z16MetaData - 1989 Land Cover/Use - Satellite Data (160 KB UNIX) (194 KB NT) (139 KB Z15 Shape) (407 KB Z16 Shape)

background information Land/Water (UMESC)

Land/water is one of the classification attributes in the land cover/use data sets created by UMESC from aerial photography. These data are redistributed here as shape files with the boundaries of the region's 1:24,000-scale USGS quadrangles added to the data. This has been done because individuals working with ArcView have reported numerous problems if they attempt to perform a dissolve on the land cover/use data to create a land/water only shape file. Most printers cannot process the detailed land/water boundaries unless some form of a break line or lines are added.

ArcView Shapefile - z15n27ArcView Shapefile - z15n83ArcView Shapefile - z16n27ArcView Shapefile - z16n83MetaData - 2000 Land/Water (444KB z15n27 Shape) (572 KB z15n83 Shape) (572 KB z16n27 Shape) (576KB z16n83 Shape)
ArcView Shapefile - z15n27ArcView Shapefile - z15n83ArcView Shapefile - z16n27ArcView Shapefile - z16n83MetaData - 1989 Land/Water (1.3 MB z15n27 Shape) (1.3 MB z15n83 Shape)
(1.1 MB z16n27 Shape) (1.3 MB z16n83 Shape)

background information Map Products (UMESC)

Graphical images of the Center's 3-4 foot tall wall maps and some standardized report figures area available as reference graphics.

gif - report figuregif - thumbnail - 1989 LW Report Figure (288 dpi. 195 KB Gif) (11 KB thumbnail)
- 1989 LCU - Satellite Data Report Figure (288 dpi. 48 KB Gif) (6 KB thumbnail)

background information River Miles (UMESC and SAST)

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers use a river mile measuring scheme to locate features on the Mississippi River. Two digital version of these data are available, one created by UMESC from stored on USGS quadrangles, and one created by the SAST project. The SAST data set differs from the UMESC data set in that some of the river mile markers were relocated by UMESC staff so they would fall within the navigation channel.

UNIX format ASCII fileNT format ASCII fileArcView Shapefile - Z 15Metadata - UMESC River Miles (50 KB UNIX) (80 KB NT) (44 KB Shape)
UNIX format ASCII fileNT format ASCII fileArcView Shapefile - Z 15Metadata - SAST River Miles (108 KB UNIX) (146 KB NT) (85 KB Shape)

background information Transportation (USGS-National Mapping Division)

USGS's 1:100,000-scale transportation data for the Upper Mississippi River floodplain are being redistributed through this web site as a service for program partners of the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center. If you require these data as UNIX format files, data for additional areas, or want to make sure you have the most recent version of the data, contact the EROS Data Center. EROS makes these data available to download via the Internet.

ArcView Shapefile - Z 15Metadata - Miscellaneous Transportation - Ottawa 100K Quadrangle (23 KB)
ArcView Shapefile - Z 15Metadata - Railroads -Ottawa 100K Quadrangle (48 KB)
ArcView Shapefile - Z 15Metadata - Roads - Ottawa 100K Quadrangle (575 KB)


Other UMESC pages or Web sites that may contain links to data sets for this area are:

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Take Pride in America logo logo U.S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: August 18, 2008

August 18, 2008