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CHIL - Computers In the Human Interaction Loop

The goal of the CHIL project is to make everybody’s daily life easier.

Therefore we are developing a fundamental shift in the way we use computers today. We aim to realize computer services that are delivered to people in an implicit, indirect and unobtrusive way. This will free people to interact with people and reposition machines to be in the background and - like electronic butlers - attempting to anticipate and serve people’s needs. Computers in the Human Interaction Loop (CHIL) aims to introduce computers into a loop of humans interacting with humans, rather than condemning a human to operate in a loop of computers. This will give humans the most valuable gift: more time.

Take a look at the CHIL videos to see what CHIL is about and the results achieved CHIL Videos CHIL Videos.

Or browse the CHIL technologies CHIL Technology Catalogue CHIL Technology Catalogue.

CHIL is co-funded by the European Union through the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority in the Sixth Framework Progamme. The contents of this CHIL project server reflect the views of the CHIL partners; the European Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.


This second and final Technology Transfer Day featured many demonstrations of the CHIL results and offered a unique opportunity to meet the experts and explore how the developments can be transferred into applications. A catalogue of the CHIL Technologies is available on this web site or as a printed document from Fraunhofer IITB. more ...
The second CLEAR/RT Evaluation Workshop took place in Baltimore, USA, from May 7 - 13, 2006. more ...
CHIL was awarded one of the three best exhibits @ IST 2006 in Helsinki more ...
03.10.2005 to 07.10.2005
Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara
Via S. Croce 67
38100 TRENTO
more ...
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