Welcome to AMI: Augmented Multi-party Interaction

Scientific portal

To learn more about the AMI and AMIDA Projects, their research objectives and accomplishments, please visit the Scientific Portal.


The AMI Showcase Portal provides details about the building blocks and demonstrators developed in the context of AMI and AMIDA.

Training programme

AMI supports a training programme whose objective is to provide opportunities for undergraduates, masters students, Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers to take part in AMI.

Our Vision

Business productivity, by way of individual and group activities between and during meetings, can be dramatically enhanced with the use of advanced signal processing and knowledge management. To learn more...


The AMI Consortium is a community of research partners and associated organizations united by this vision.  Learn more about AMI Consortium


Technology transfer

Research and demonstrations of technologies alone will not bring benefit to our global community. Technologies must be brought out of the purely scientific and academic domains into the "real" world of business.

The AMI Business Portal provides an overview of our work towards commercialization and recommends approaches to advancing the integration of AMI technologies into solutions for better business meetings


MLMI 2008 call for papers: http://www.mlmi.info

The fifth 5th Joint Workshop on Machine Learning and Multimodal Interaction (MLMI 2008) will be held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, following successful workshops in Martigny (2004), Edinburgh (2005), Washington (2006) and Brno (2007).  The workshop is co-chaired by an Idiap senior researcher, and is sponsored by the AMIDA and IM2 projects.

Important dates
  Submission of papers/posters: 31 March 2008
  Acceptance notifications: 12 May 2008
  Camera-ready versions of papers: 16 June 2008
  Workshop: 8-10 September 2008

Prospective authors are invited to submit proposals in the domain of machine learning and multimodal interaction.  Detailed instructions are available on the workshop website at http://www.mlmi.info.  The workshop proceedings will be published in Springer's LNCS series, and will be available at the workshop.

European Research Area Information Society Technologies

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