September 17, 2008
   Our Mission

Our Mission

The National Asian Pacific Center on Aging's mission is to serve as the leading national advocacy organization committed to the dignity, well-being and quality of life of Asian Pacific Americans (APA) in their senior years.

Our Goals

· To advocate on behalf of the APA aging community at the local, state and national levels.

· To educate APA seniors and the general public on the unique needs of the APA aging community.

· To empower APA seniors and the aging network to meet the increasing challenges facing the APA aging community.

Leading the Way to Serve our Aging Community

Leading the way. That's what NAPCA has been doing since 1979, when the unique needs of the aging Asian Pacific American population was recognized at the federal level. NAPCA has directly served thousands of APA seniors who represent the fastest growing segment of the aging population. The APA aging community is faced with many unique challenges including cultural and language barriers, access to services and employment opportunities. NAPCA has brought critical issues impacting the APA aging community to the forefront of national debates. Today, NAPCA is recognized for leading the way to serve the APA aging community.

Leading in Advocacy

As a voice for the voiceless, NAPCA leads the way in addressing critical issues impacting the APA aging community. From employment to welfare reform, from healthcare to long-term care, NAPCA gives APA seniors a seat at the table during a critical time when public policies are putting their dignity and quality of life at risk. Through direct services, research and outreach programs, NAPCA maintains the most extensive national profile of the APA aging community. The information is invaluable at congressional testimonies, national conferences and on a daily basis, to community-based organizations.

Leading in Education

NAPCA's consumer education empowers APA seniors and their families to make informed choices in increasingly complex issues like health care, insurance, managed care and long-term care. Millions of Americans who currently enroll in managed care plans are faced with many questions. What is managed care? Will I still be allowed to see my doctor? Will I receive quality care from my managed care plan? There are no easy answers to these questions, but the uncertainty is magnified for the APA elderly population. Will the doctors speak my language? How do I explain my concerns? What if I don't think I was treated properly? By educating the APA aging community about managed care and health related policies, APA seniors can make managed care more responsive to the growing minority communities it serves.

Leading in Empowerment

NAPCA empowers seniors and community advocates through coalition building. Working with seniors, community leaders, service providers, elected officials, policy makers and the media, NAPCA addresses the needs of APA elders. Community coalitions are guided by NAPCA to sustain the necessary infrastructure so APA seniors can gain better access to meals on wheels, home health, senior centers, adult day care and respite care. As a result, seniors can live more independently and comfortably at home.



NAPCA National Multilingual Toll-free Helpline Numbers:

Chinese 1-800-582-4218

Korean 1-800-582-4259

Vietnamese 1-800-582-4336

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