Housing Action Illinois


Housing Action Illinois works to increase and preserve the supply of decent, affordable, accessible housing in Illinois for low-and moderate-income households in our state, particularly for households with the lowest incomes.  We seek to achieve our mission through three programs: Organizing, Policy Advocacy, and Training and Technical Assistance.

Housing Action Illinois provides the means by which organizations working with low- and moderate-income households actively influence state and federal housing policy. Supported by Housing Action Illinois, the collective power and influence of our members and allies are more fully realized. 

Our technical assistance work increases the capacity of nonprofit developers and housing counseling agencies to enrich the civic life of the communities they serve.

Please explore the remainder of our website to learn more about the progress we are making to increase and preserve the supply of decent, affordable, accessible housing in Illinois for low and moderate-income households. We hope that you will join our efforts!

"the strength of a nation lies in the homes of its people"
Abraham Lincoln

Listen to Recent Radio Stories Posted by the Public News Service

Don’t Forget Main St. in Wall St. Bailout

Save the Dates!

Annual Meeting: Thursday, November 13, 2009 (in Springfield)

Annual Convention: Wednesday, April 29, 2009 (location TBA)

Job Posting: Development Director

November is Affordable Housing Month: Plan Your Activity Now

Summary of Federal Housing and Economic Recovery Act Available

Housing Action Illinois 2007 Annual Report Available

2008 Caravan: September 23-25 through Central and Western Illinois

Housing Roundtable Update: July 18

Housing is Still Out of Reach for Many: April 7

Briefing Book Calls for Affordable Housing in the Capital Budget: February 27



Making your voice heard
just got a lot easier
Housing Matters

Choose to make a difference
through your financial support of...
Community Shares of Illinois

Employer Assisted Housing

National Housing Trust Fund