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Homeownership Coalition Overview

The Homeownership Coalition for People with Disabilities (Homeownership Coalition) is a program of Illinois Assistive Technology Program (IATP), a non-profit organization. Since 2002 the Homeownership Coalition and its stakeholders have helped people with disabilities and their families achieve greater levels of independence through home ownership.

The Homeownership Coalition is committed to providing a comprehensive pre- and post-purchase support system to ensure eligible people with disabilities successfully purchase and maintain their homes. This continuum of services, which is based on promotion of consumer independence and self-advocacy, includes:

  • Outreach. The Homeownership Coalition conducts home buyer seminars and orientation meetings for prospective borrowers as well as members of community service organizations, lenders and real estate companies. Informational materials are disseminated to a variety of community-based organizations serving people with disabilities.

  • Evaluation and Referral of Prospective Borrowers. The Homeownership Coalition accepts referrals and evaluates interested consumers to determine their eligibility. Counselors then tailor a consumer-driven plan that addresses their home ownership goals.

  • Pre-Purchase Education and Counseling. Consumers are required to attend an average of 8 hours of individual and classroom training to prepare them for home ownership. Following the home buyer seminar, the counseling staff meets with consumers to identify specific barriers and concerns regarding homeownership, assists in the development of strategies to address identified barriers, and connects consumers with needed services.

  • Property Inspection. A Homeownership Coalition member assists prospective home buyers in required property inspections, recommends necessary repairs or improvements, and re-inspects completed modifications to ensure code compliance.

  • Down Payment, Closing Cost and Access Modification Assistance. Funding is now available to assist more than 20 families with disabilities with down payment and closing costs as well as access modifications from six grant programs.

  • Post-Purchase Follow-up and Support . The Homeownership Coalition offers post-purchase training and counseling in home maintenance, home modification, and other challenges experienced by people with disabilities. In addition, Homeownership Coalition members maintain periodic contact with the homeowner, providing counseling or referral to needed services.

  • Early Delinquency Intervention. With prior authorization from the borrower and lender, the Homeownership Coalition will initiate contact with the borrower in the event of a delinquency, assisting the home owner in resolving short-term and long-term issues that may pose a threat to continued home ownership.

Currently, the Homeownership Coalition is comprised of individuals representing the City of Springfield, the Statewide Independent Living Council of Illinois, the Springfield Center for Independent Living, the Coalition of Citizens with Disabilities in Illinois, the Department of Human Services/Division of Rehabilitation Services, Springfield’s Office of Planning and Economic Development, City of Springfield’s Human Relations Department, the Capital Area Association of REALTORS, C.E.F.S. Corp., Bank of Springfield, Illinois National Bank, Marine Bank, Security Bank, National City Mortgage Co., Bank, Town and Country Bank, the Springfield Disabilities Commission, the Springfield Housing Authority, Habitat for Humanity- Sangamon County, Partnership for Homeownership Foundation, SpARC, Pillar to Post Home Inspection Services, and TSP-HOPE, Inc.

The Homeownership Coalition has been piloting this program in a limited geographic area in central Illinois, which includes Sangamon County and the five surrounding counties. Now that the pilot is fully functioning, this program has expanded to Chicago, Decatur, Urbana, Carbondale, Peoria, Alton, Rock Island, Joliet, Elgin and Rock Falls. In the next five years, it is our mission to include the entire state of Illinois. This expansion will be facilitated through collaborative relationships with local Centers for Independent Living and local stakeholders.

The following organizations have awarded grants to support this program: Illinois Housing Development Authority Trust Fund (down payment / closing cost assistance), IHDA’s ADDI grant program (down payment and closing cost assistance), Federal Home Loan Bank of Chicago (down payment, closing cost assistance and access modifications).

Most low and very-low income people with disabilities and their families do not believe home ownership is possible. As a result of the Homeownership Coalition’s outreach, they are discovering that home ownership is indeed a reality. To date 130 families have realized the American dream of homeownership. When community partnerships and resources are in place, the American dream of home ownership becomes a reality for all people with disabilities, no matter what their income and disability.

For more Homeownership Coalition information contact a local office at Homeownership Offices

IATP located at 1 West Old State Capitol Plaza, Suite 100, Springfield IL 62701
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