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Aquatic Features, Bathymetry, and Navigation Structures

Land Water Shape Files

Land/water is one of the classification attributes in the land cover/use data sets created by UMESC from aerial photography. These data are redistributed here as shape files with the boundaries of the region's 1:24,000-scale USGS quadrangles added to the data. This has been done because individuals working with ArcView have reported numerous problems if they attempt to perform a dissolve on the land cover/use data to create a land/water only shape files. Most printers cannot process the detailed land/water boundaries unless some form of a break line or lines are added.

Data are available for the following areas:

Mississippi River
Illinois River
Saint Croix River

Available 1989 LCU Data

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Page Contact Information: Contacting the Upper Midwest Environmental Sciences Center
Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007