National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute
U.S. National Institutes of Health National Cancer Institute
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    Posted: 08/08/2008
Clinical Trials for Supportive and Palliative Care

Clinical trials for supportive and palliative care explore ways to improve the comfort and quality of life of cancer patients and cancer survivors. These trials study ways to help people who are experiencing symptoms related to cancer and its treatment, such as nausea, pain, weight loss, sleep disorders, and depression. Some of these trials also look at nutrition, group therapy, and other interventions to help cancer patients and survivors.

The following links identify supportive and palliative care clinical trials for specific conditions and symptoms that are now accepting patients in the United States. We have also included a link to all supportive and palliative care trials being conducted in the United States. Trial descriptions are from NCI's PDQ® Cancer Clinical Trials Registry.
Management of Physical Symptoms
Anemia 1
Check for clinical trials that are now accepting patients with anemia, a common blood disorder in which the number of red blood cells is below normal.

Anorexia (Loss of Appetite) 2
Check for clinical trials about anorexia, the medical term for an abnormal loss of appetite for food.

Fatigue 3
Check for clinical trials that are now accepting patients with fatigue, a condition marked by extreme tiredness and inability to function due lack of energy.

Fever, Sweats, Hot Flashes 4
Check for clinical trials about fever, sweats, and hot flashes. A hot flash is a sudden, temporary onset of body warmth, or flushing.

Gastrointestinal Complications 5
Check for clinical trials about gastrointestinal complications such as constipation, diarrhea, and bowel obstruction.

Heart and Circulation Problems (Cardiovascular Complications of Chemotherapy) 6
Check for clinical trials about heart and circulation complications of chemotherapy, such as fluid around the heart, difficulty breathing, or swelling of the face, neck, or upper body.

Hypercalcemia 7
Check for clinical trials that are now accepting patients with hypercalcemia, the medical term for an abnormally high blood level of calcium.

Long-Term Effects of Cancer Treatment 8
Check for clinical trials about long-term effects of cancer treatment such as physical and mental problems and second cancers.

Lymphedema 9
Check for clinical trials that are now accepting patients with lymphedema, a condition in which excess fluid collects in tissue and causes swelling. Such swelling can occur in the arm or leg after lymph vessels or lymph nodes in the underarm or groin are removed or treated with radiation.

Malignant Pleural Effusion 10
Check for clinical trials about malignant pleural effusion, a condition in which cancer causes an abnormal amount of fluid to collect between the thin layers of tissue (pleura) lining the outside of the lung and the wall of the chest cavity. Malignant pleural effusions are most commonly caused by breast cancer, lung cancer, leukemia, or lymphoma.

Nausea and Vomiting 11
Check for clinical trials about preventing and controlling nausea and vomiting.

Nutrition in Cancer Care 12
Check for clinical trials about preventing and controlling nutrition problems related to cancer and its treatment.

Oral Complications of Cancer and Chemotherapy 13
Check for clinical trials about oral complications of cancer and chemotherapy such as infection, bleeding, tooth decay, or dry mouth.

Pain 14
Check for clinical trials that are now accepting patients with pain from cancer or its treatment.

Sexuality and Reproductive Issues 15
Check for clinical trials about cancer treatment-related sexual function problems and treatment-related reproductive issues such as infertility.

Skin Changes Due to Radiation Therapy 16
Check for clinical trials about skin changes due to radiation therapy. Skin changes due to radiation therapy include dry or peeling skin, swollen or moist skin.

Sleep Disorders 17
Check for clinical trials about disorders of the sleep-awake cycle, such as insomnia, anxiety, headaches, itching, night sweats, and treatment-related changes in usual nighttime routine.
Management of Mental and Emotional Symptoms
Anxiety 18
Check for clinical trials that are now accepting patients with anxiety, a condition in which feelings of fear, dread, and uneasiness may occur as a reaction to stress.

Depression 19
Check for clinical trials that are now accepting patients with depression, a mental condition marked by ongoing feelings of sadness, despair, loss of energy, and difficulty dealing with normal daily life.
Management of Spirituality, Quality of Life, and End-of-Life Concerns
Quality of Life 20
Check for clinical trials about quality of life issues, including trials studying a person's overall enjoyment of life, sense of well-being, and ability to carry out various activities.

Spirituality in Cancer Care 21
Check for clinical trials about spirituality issues in cancer care, including trials studying a person's sense of peace, purpose, connection to others, and beliefs about the meaning of life.
All Supportive Care Trials
All Supportive Care Trials 22
Check for all active supportive care trials in the United States currently enrolling patients.

Table of Links
