Archives Library Information Center (ALIC)

Military Resources: The Cold War and the Marshall Plan

NARA Resources
Cold War Bibliography
ALIC's bibliography on Holocaust-Era Assets includes a section on the Cold War.

The Cold War Era: Records & Research at NARA
Holdings information, bibliographies and conference papers, educational materials, and exhibits regarding records in the National Archives.

Introduction to the Conference on Cold War
Introduction to the Conference on Cold War documentation and historiography held at NARA on Sept. 25-26, 1998.

Historical electronic records related to the Cold War preserved in the National Archives & Records Administration
Paper given by NARA's Margaret O'Neill Adams at the Cold War Conference in September, 1998.

Introduction to National Archives records relating to the Cold War
Tim Wehrkamp compiled Reference Information Paper 107 on Cold War records held at NARA in 1998.

The Marshall Plan
NARA's online exhibit hall features The Economic Cooperation Act of 1948 online and offers links to more information on the Marshall Plan.

North Atlantic Treaty
Fifty years ago the North Atlantic Treaty was signed. This featured document shows the first and last pages of the treaty for digital viewing.
Publicizing the Marshall Plan: Records of the U.S. Special Representative in Europe, 1948-1950
Compiled by NARA archivist Kenneth Heger, this article appeared in The Record(September 1998).

Other Resources
CIA's Analysis of the Soviet Union, 1947-1991 Adobe Acrobat PDF
This e-book is a digital version of the very valuable Cold War research resource. It is provided in PDF format by the Center for the Study of Intelligence at the CIA.
CIA Documents from the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 Adobe Acrobat PDF
A .pdf version of a 1992 print book containing a large selection of declassified documents on the 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis.

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
Updated version of the agency's list of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments. Country entries are organized alphabetically and include the head of state, legislative leader, various cabinet secretaries or ministers, and head of the state bank, among others.
The Cold War: Digital Library
Digital documents relating to the Cold War.

Cold War: The Berlin Wall, 1961
This site from the British National Archives (former PRO) highlights the background and primary source materials available for research on the Cold War and the Berlin Wall.

Cold War International History Project (CWIHP)
Site established by the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. Publications may be ordered at this site.

Cold War Recognition Certificates
The Secretary of Defense may award Cold War Recognition Certificates to those who qualify as members of the armed forces and qualified government civilian personnel during the Cold War era from September 2, 1945 to December 6, 1991.

CWIHP Document Library
Lists documents related to the Cold War found at the Cold War International History Project.

CWIHP Working Papers
Download working papers of the Cold War International History Project.

CNN Cold War
This site is the companion to the documentary series. Full of informational essays, interactive images, movies, maps, time lines and message boards, this site provides broad coverage of the Cold War.

Cold War Bibliography
This bibliography is maintained by the Cold War Science and Technology Studies Program at Carnegie Mellon University. Also of interest is the Filmography page.

The Cold War and Red Scare in Washington state
This site was developed by the University of Washington and gives a general overview of the politics of the era.

Return to Diversity: A Political History of East Central Europe Since World War II Adobe Acrobat PDF
The full text of the book by Joseph Rothschild and Nancy Wingfield (Oxford University Press; Oxford, 2000), available from the University of Pennsylvania's Digital Library Project.

Famous American trials: The Rosenbergs
This site, created by law professor Douglas Linder at the University of Missouri at Kansas City, details the lives and trials of the people involved in the controversial espionage case.

For European recovery: The 50th anniversary of the Marshall Plan
Library of Congress online exhibit.

George C. Marshall: Soldier of peace
1999 exhibit commemorating the 50th anniversary of the Marshall Plan at the Truman Library is now online.

Hoover Institution and Casey Institute sponsor symposium on the end of the Cold War
On February 22, 1999, the Hoover Institution and the William J. Casey Institute of the Center for Security Policy sponsored a symposium in Washington, DC, titled "The Fall of the Berlin Wall, Reassessing the Causes and Consequences of the End of the Cold War."

Marshall's Commencement Address
Transcript of the commencement address given by George Marshall at Harvard University on June 5, 1947.

The Marshall Plan: excerpts from an interview with Marshall, October 30, 1952
Truman Library website with teaching aids.

The Marshall Plan
Project Whistlestop teaching tool.

US-Russia Joint Commission Documents Database
The documents found in the U.S.-Russia Joint Commission Database consist mainly of translations of Russian-language documents retrieved from various archives in the Russian Federation pertaining to American personnel missing from World War II to the present.

Selected bibliography of the Marshall Plan and its era
Prepared and maintained by the George C. Marshall Foundation.

Un-Tangling the Web of Cold War Studies; or, How One Historian Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Internet
Robert Griffith, history professor at American University, describes his experience integrating the Internet into his scholarly work. Includes suggestions on specific websites of value to historians.

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The U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
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