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Subpart A - General

350.101 - What is the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP)?

350.103 - What is the purpose of this part?

350.105 - What definitions are used in this part?

350.107 - What jurisdictions are eligible for MCSAP funding?

350.109 - What are the national program elements?

350.111 - What constitutes ``traffic enforcement'' for the purpose of the MCSAP?

Subpart B - Requirements for Participation

350.201 - What conditions must a State meet to qualify for Basic Program Funds?

350.205 - How and when does a State apply for MCSAP funding?

350.207 - What response does a State receive to its CVSP submission?

350.209 - How does a State demonstrate that it satisfies the conditions for Basic Program funding?

350.211 - What is the format of the certification required by Sec. 350.209?

350.213 - What must a State CVSP include?

350.215 - What are the consequences for a State that fails to perform according to an approved CVSP or otherwise fails to meet the conditions of this part?

350.217 - What are the consequences for a State with a CDL program not in substantial compliance with 49 CFR part 384, subpart B?

Subpart C - Funding

350.301 - What level of effort must a State maintain to qualify for MCSAP funding?

350.303 - What are the State and Federal shares of expenses incurred under an approved CVSP?

350.305 - Are U.S. Territories subject to the matching funds requirement?

350.307 - How long are MCSAP funds available to a State?

350.309 - What activities are eligible for reimbursement under the MCSAP?

350.311 - What specific items are eligible for reimbursement under the MCSAP?

350.313 - How are MCSAP funds allocated?

350.315 - How may Basic Program Funds be used?

350.317 - What are Incentive Funds and how may they be used?

350.319 - What are permissible uses of High Priority Activity Funds?

350.321 - What are permissible uses of Border Activity Funds?

350.323 - What criteria are used in the Basic Program Funds allocation?

350.327 - How may States qualify for Incentive Funds?

350.329 - How may a State or a local agency qualify for High Priority or Border Activity Funds?

350.331 - How does a State ensure its laws and regulations are compatible with the FMCSRs and HMRs?

350.333 - What are the guidelines for the compatibility review?

350.335 - What are the consequences if my State has laws or regulations incompatible with the Federal regulations?

350.337 - How may State laws and regulations governing motor carriers, CMV drivers, and CMVs in interstate commerce differ from the FMCSRs and still be considered compatible?

350.339 - What are tolerance guidelines?

350.341 - What specific variances from the FMCSRs are allowed for State laws and regulations governing motor carriers, CMV drivers, and CMVs engaged in

350.343 - How may a State obtain a new exemption for State laws and regulations for a specific industry involved in intrastate commerce?

350.345 - How does a State apply for additional variances from the FMCSRs?

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