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NIST Special Database 30

Dual Resolution Images from Paired Fingerprint Cards

 Price: $90.00 Link to Online Purchase Order Form  Link to FAX and Mail Order Form


NIST Special Database 30 is being distributed for use in development and testing of fingerprint compression and fingerprint matching systems. The database allows the user to develop and evaluate data compression algorithms for fingerprint images scanned at both 19.7 ppmm (500 dpi) and 39.4 ppmm (1000 dpi) images. The data consists of 36 ten-print paired cards with both the rolled and plain images scanned at 19.7 and 39.4 pixels per mm.The cards are segmented into the 10 rolled prints and the 4 groupings ofplain prints (left fingers, right fingers, left thumb, and right thumb) andstored in ANSI/NIST formatted files. Fingerprint classification information is included in the formatted files. All images are compressed using lossless JPEG (JPEGL) compression. The segmented images can be rejoined to create the original card layout if the user preferred to segment it differently.

Of the 360 rolled fingerprint images, 316 are the same fingerprints used in NIST Special Database 4 and historical links are given to those fingerprints.

The database is contained on 4 CDROMs. The first CDROM has the 19.7 pixelper mm data and the other 3 CD's contain the 39.4 pixel per mm data. The supporting software to access the files is included on all four CDROMs.

System Requirements: CDROM drive that reads an ISO-9660 formatted CDROM and ability to compile C source code. The source code was developed using the GNU project's gcc compiler and gmake utility (, and has been tested under LINUX, SGI Irix, and under Windows NT using the free Cygwin library and associated tools (

Please click here to view the PDF version of Users' Guide

Price: $90.00 Link to Online Purchase Order Form  Link to FAX and Mail Order Form

For ordering information contact:

Standard Reference Data
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2300
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310
Voice: (301)975-2008
Email: Contact Us
FAX: 301-926-0416

For technical question contact:

Craig Watson
100 Bureau Drive Stop 8940

Gaithersburg MD 20899

Voice: (301) 975-4402

Keywords: fingerprint compression; matching; tenprint paired cards; fingerprint classification; segmented images

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Thursday, 15-Mar-07 13:06:12
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