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NIST Standard Reference Database 7

NIST Electron and Positron Stopping Powers of Materials Database


Price: $200.00Link to the Online Purchase Order Form Link to the FAX or Mail Order Form

This database (also called EPSTAR) provides rapid calculations of stopping powers (collisional, radiative, and total), CSDA ranges, radiation yields and density effect corrections for incident electrons or positrons with kinetic energies from 1 keV to 10 GeV, and for any chemically defined target material.

The interactive database allows the user to specify an incident particle, an energy range, the target material and density, and for a gas, temperature and pressure. Clear instructions make the calculations easy to perform. Results can be saved to an external file for future use.

You may browse the Users' guide to see how this database works.

Hardware Requirements: PC with Microsoft® Windows®95,98,2000;MS-DOS; math coprocessor.

Price: $200.00 Link to the Online Purchase Order FormLink to the FAX or Mail Order Form

Special pricing available for multiple copies. Call for details.

For more information please contact:

Standard Reference Data Program
National Institute of Standards and Technology
100 Bureau Dr., Stop 2300
Gaithersburg, MD 20899-2310

(301) 975-2008 (VOICE) / (301) 926-0416 (FAX) / Contact Us

The scientific contact for the data base is:

Stephen M. Seltzer
Photon and Charged Particle Data Center
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Gaithersburg, MD 20899
Phone: 301-975-5552

Keywords: Atomic physics; electron collision; electron scattering; electrons; molecular physics; nuclear physics; positron collision; positron scattering; positrons; radiation yield; solid-state physics; stopping power

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Create Date: 6/02
Last Update: Thursday, 15-Mar-07 13:06:08
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