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Atomic Energy Levels and Spectra Bibliographic Database

A.E. Kramida,1 W.C. Martin,1 A. Musgrove,1 K. Olsen,2 J. Reader,1 and E.B. Saloman1
1National Institute of Standards and Technology, Physics Laboratory, Atomic Physics Division
2NIST, Physics Laboratory, Office of Electronic Commerce in Scientific and Engineering Data

Welcome to NIST's bibliographic database on atomic energy levels and spectra, Version 1.0.
The database currently contains 12293 references, dating from 1802 through 2008 and is updated regularly.
   References contained in this database are from Bibliography on Atomic Energy Levels and Spectra, NBS Special Publication 363 and Supplements, as well as current references since the last published bibliography collected by the NIST Atomic Spectroscopy Data Center. These references pertain to atomic structure and spectra that arise from interactions or excitations involving electrons in the outer shells of free atoms and atomic ions, or from inner shell excitations corresponding to frequencies up to the soft x-ray range.

   Please note that this database does not contain references to atomic transition probabilities, line intensities, or broadening. These references can be found in another two bibliographic databases maintained maintained by the same Data Center:
NIST Atomic Transition Probability Bibliographic Database and
NIST Atomic Spectral Line Broadening Bibliographic Database.
   References to publications containing critically compiled data can be found in a separate database of
NIST compilations of atomic spectroscopy data.

For help or more information, contact J. Reader.

This database was funded [in part] by NIST's Standard Reference Data Program (SRDP) and by NIST's Systems Integration for Manufacturing Applications (SIMA) Program.

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Online: June 2006  -   Last update: September 13, 2008