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Hawaii Tourism Authority Aloha Tower Development Corporation Hawaii Community Development Authority Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation High Technology Development Corporation Land Use Commission Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority Hawaii Community Development Authority Hawaii Housing Finance & Development Corporation Small Business Regulatory Review Board Strategic Marketing & Support Division Strategic Marketing & Support Division Creative Industries Division Research & Economic Analysis Division Strategic Industries Division DBEDT Organization Chart

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Divisions and Branches

Strategic Marketing & Support Division
The Strategic Marketing & Support Division (SMSD), promotes industry development and economic diversification in Hawaii by supporting existing and emerging industries, attracting new investment and businesses that can create more skilled, quality jobs in the state, and work to increase exports of Hawaii products and services. Business support provides new and existing businesses direct loans, licensing and permit information and referral, business advocacy, planning and coordination of programs and projects aimed at specific business sectors or economically-distressed areas (including rural areas and areas affected by natural disaster).

For further information, please call (808) 587-2784 or visit: Strategic Marketing & Support Division

SMSD Branch Directory:

Services Trade Branch
Phone: (808) 587-2750
Fax: (808) 586-2589

Investment & Business Analysis Branch
Phone: (808) 587-2783
Fax: (808) 587-2787

Business and Community Assistance Branch
Phone: (808) 586-2582
Fax: (808) 586-2589

Creative Industries Division
The Creative Industries Division promotes the development and growth of Hawaii's Creative Economy, who's primary and core sector consists of Copyright Based Industries, with a focus on businesses that create/design exportable products and services and depend on the protection of their Intellectual Property in order to market to a global community. IP protection is a crucial base to profitability and survival. These are the core businesses that contribute to our economy with job creation and tax revenue.

This cluster is comprised of producers and service providers in film, video and digital media production, commercial and applied design firms and diverse range of creative (visual and performing) and cultural businesses in Hawaii. Surrounding this core sector are a great variety of arts and cultural organizations, service organizations, educational institutions, foundations, community groups and a variety of individual artisans.

For more information, call (808) 586-2590 or visit: Creative Industries Division

Creative Industries Branch Directory:

Arts and Culture Development Branch
Phone: (808) 587-2717
Fax: (808) 587-3388

Film Industry Branch
Phone: (808) 586-2570
Fax: (808) 586-2572

Strategic Industries Division
Strategic Industries Division's (SID) mission is to support statewide economic efficiency, productivity, development and diversification by promoting, attracting and facilitating the development of Hawaii Technology-based industries which engage in the sustainable development of Hawaii's energy, environmental, ocean, recyclable, and technological resources.

For further information, call: 587-3807 or visit: Strategic Industries Division

SID Branch Directory:

Energy Efficiency Branch
Phone: (808) 587-3808
Fax: (808) 586-3820

Energy Planning & Policy Branch
Phone: (808) 587-3801
Fax: (808) 587-3839

Science & Technology Branch
Phone: (808) 587-2680
Fax: (808) 587-2777

Foreign-Trade Zone Division
The Foreign-Trade Zone Division (FTZ) administers the federal grant issued to Hawaii in 1965 by the Foreign-Trade Zones Board in Washington D.C. FTZ's mission is to increase the amount of international trading activity in Hawaii, to encourage value-added activities, stimulate capital investment and generate employment opportunities by using the federal trade development program to reduce the costs associated with international trade. There are currently 13 sites on the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii that have received FTZ designation. Of the 13 sites, three general-purpose zones and four special-purpose subzones are active. The Foreign-Trade Zone Division is responsible for ensuring that U.S. Customs and Foreign-Trade Zones Board regulations are followed at these sites.

For further information, visit: Foreign-Trade Zone Division

FTZ Branch Directory:

Development Branch
Phone: (808) 586-2507
Fax: (808) 586-2512

Business Office
Phone: (808) 586-2510
Fax: (808) 586-2513

Operations Branch
Phone: (808) 586-2515
Fax: (808) 586-2513

Research & Economic Analysis Division
The Research & Economic Analysis Division (READ), works to enhance and contribute to the economic development of the State by providing analyses and policy recommendations on economic issues. READ provides economic forecasts that contribute to long-term statewide planning and infrastructure needs assessment, and also conducts and reports on basic research into the economy of the state. These functions are conducted by collecting compiling, interpreting and publishing data and statistics on all aspects of business activity, the economy and demographic characteristics of the State. READ also developed and maintains a statewide statistical reporting system.

For further information: Research & Economic Analysis Division

READ Branch Directory:

Statistics & Data Support Branch
Phone: (808) 586-2481

Economic Research Branch
Phone: (808) 586-2478

Economic Information Staff
Phone: (808) 586-2475

Tourism Research Branch
Phone: (808) 586-2482

DBEDT Library
Phone: (808) 586-2424
Fax: (808) 587-2790

Attached Agencies

Hawaii Tourism Authority
The Hawaii Tourism Authority (HTA) is the lead tourism agency responsible for creating a vision and developing a long-range plan for tourism for the State of Hawaii. The HTA is composed of a thirteen-member board of directors to oversee the Tourism Special Fund, create a vision for tourism, and administer tourism development from a statewide perspective.

The HTA's tourism strategic plan, titled Ke Kumu, provides a framework for bringing together the common goals for the good of Hawaii and its people, and also serves to guide the HTA in fulfilling its leadership role as steward of Hawaii's tourism industry. Seven initiatives are identified to achieve HTA's overall goal of increased visitor expenditures - a combination of spending per day, length-of-stay, and visitor arrivals.

Tourism funds will be expended according to a plan with specific goals and measures of accountability that will help the agency achieve its mission - To manage the strategic growth of Hawaii's visitor industry in a manner consistent with the economic goals, cultural values, preservation of natural resources, and community interests of the people of Hawaii.

For further information call: (808) 973-2255, or visit: Hawaii Tourism Authority

Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority
The mission of NELHA is to participate in the development and diversification of the economy of Hawaii by providing resources and facilities for energy and ocean related research, education, and commercial activities in an environmentally sound and culturally sensitive manner. This is achieved through managing, operating, marketing and leasing that provide sites and resources for the development of research and commercial businesses and technologies that utilize the natural resources available such as cold deep seawater, warm surface seawater, and high solar energy. Facilities are located at Keahole Point in Kona and in Puna, both on the Island of Hawaii.

NELHA at Keahole Point is the only location in the world, which consistently pumps large quantities of warm and cold seawater ashore for use in aquaculture, marine biotechnology, and other related technologies. NELHA serves as the laboratory for research and development, as an incubator facility for developing innovative, new technologies and businesses, and as a base for commercial operations that utilize or are related to the use of the cold and warm seawater and other resources available.

For further information, call: (808) 329-7341, or visit: Natural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority

Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation
The Hawaii Strategic Development Authority's (HSDC) mission is to develop a sustainable venture capital industry in Hawaii which will stimulate the growth of viable new businesses. HSDA works to diversify the state's economy by commercializing emerging technologies and providing skilled employment opportunities for citizenry.

Near-term objectives are to develop venture capital investment funds in Hawaii which will attract external sources of private investment; to establish a fund of funds to raise capital for Hawaii venture funds, to expand the business infrastructure supporting the venture industry and the growth of emerging companies; and to assist entrepreneurial development through focused conferences and seminars.

For further information, call: (808) 587-3829, or visit: Hawaii Strategic Development Corporation

High Technology Development Corporation
The High Technology Development Corporation (HTDC) works to facilitate the growth and development of the commercial high technology industry in Hawaii. HTDC's functions include developing, managing, and assisting technology centers statewide; create business opportunities for the growth of technology companies and industry; market and promote Hawaii's technology assets; and provide support needed by Hawaii's technology industry.

HTDC assists in developing, managing, and operating technology centers statewide, including the Manoa Innovation Center, Maui Research & Technology Center and the West Kauai Technology and Visitor Center. These sites serve as high technology company incubation facilities to ease the transition from start up ventures to full fledged, independant commercial enterprises.

For further information, call: (808) 539-3806, or visit: High Technology Development Corporation

Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
HHFDC is the State of Hawaii's premier housing finance and development agency - your one-stop shop for information about affordable housing development and state-sponsored homeownership initiatives.

For further information, call: (808) 587-0641, or visit: Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation

Other Partnerships

Aloha Tower Development Corporation
The Aloha Tower Development Corporation (ATDC) was mandated to redevelop an area of land surrounding the Aloha Tower in order to strengthen the international economic base of the community in trade activities, to enhance the beautification of the waterfront; in conjunction with the Department of Transportation, to better serve modern maritime uses; and to provide for public access and use of the waterfront property. The objective of the corporation is to enhance and strengthen Hawaii's economy by facilitating and providing redevelopment opportunities in the Aloha Tower Complex for private capital investments as well as through the formation of public-private partnerships, and to encourage redevelopment to take place in an orderly and incremental fashion.

For further information, call: (808) 586-2531, or visit: Aloha Tower Development Corporation

Hawaii Community Development Authority
The Hawaii Community Development Authority (HCDA)works to stimulate the economic development of specific community districts by planning and implementing community development programs and facilitating capital investments.HCDA's main objectives are: 1) plan and implement capital improvement projects to upgrade infrastructure and develop public facilities to meet Hawaii's economic and recreational needs, and 2) implement long term planning initiatives to support residential development in a mixed-use community.

For further information, call: (808) 587-2870, or visit: Hawaii Community Development Authority

Office of Planning
The Office of Planning works to maintain an overall framework to guide the development of the State through a continuous process of comprehensive, long-range, and strategic planning to meet the physical, economic, and social needs of Hawaii's people, and provide for the wise use of Hawaii's resources in a coordinated, efficient, and economical manner - including the conservation of natural, environmental, recreational, scenic, historic, and other limited and irreplaceable resources which are required for future generations.

The Office of Planning's 3 main objectives are: 1) fix responsibility and accountability to successfully carry out statewide programs, policies and priorities; 2) improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the operations of the executive branch; and 3) Ensure comprehensive planning and coordination to enhance the quality of life of the people of Hawaii.

For further information, call: (808) 587-2846, or visit: Office of Planning

Land Use Commission
The Land Use Commission works with the State Legislature, County Planning Departments, interest groups and landowners to define constitutionally mandated standards and criteria for protecting important agricultural lands in the State of Hawaii. The Commission also engages the county planning departments in enhancing and clarifying the special permit process in the Agricultural Land Use District.

The Land Use Commission is also working to establishing data warehouses with the county planning departments with respect to storage and retrieval of land use data; and developing cooperative memorandum-of-understanding with the University of Hawaii Department of Urban and Regional Planning with respect to planning practicum and faculty consultation.

For further information, call: (808) 587-3822, or visit: Land Use Commission

Small Business Regulatory Review Board
The Small Business Regulatory Review Board is the watchdog for small business within the Hawaii state government. Based on comments from small businesses, the board recommends to the Hawaiian legislature and state agencies that they review and modify overly burdensome regulations. The board also evaluates state agencies’ responsiveness to small business, and reports these findings to the legislature.

For more information, visit: Small Business Regulatory Review Board.

Last modified 09-10-2008 10:56 AM