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Diabetes in Pregnancy - Part 1 Screening and Diagnosis

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Diabetes In Pregnancy Series

Sponsored by The Indian Health Service Clinical Support Center

PART 1: Screening and Diagnosis

11 Other on-line resources and patient education

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)

Guide to Clinical Preventive Services, 2nd Edition, 1996.

Report of the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force

Screening for diabetes mellitus, topic in progress. 2000

Diabetes Disparities Among Racial and Ethnic Minorities

American Diabetes Association

Clinical practice recommendations ExitDisclaimer

Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Diabetes Care 2002 25: 94-9 ExitDisclaimer

Preconception Care of Women With Diabetes Diabetes Care 2002 25: 82-84. ExitDisclaimer

Gestational Diabetes Resource Guide ExitDisclaimer

National Guidelines Clearinghouse

Many practice guidelines compiled by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Once at the link above, search for: gestational diabetes


Once at the link above, search for: gestational diabetes and American Indians

US Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF)

Guide to clinical preventive services. 2nd ed; Baltimore (MD): Williams & Wilkins; 1996

Screening for diabetes mellitus, p. 193-208

Screening for diabetes mellitus, Chapter 19 (P D F)

World Health Organization

WHO Diabetes Programme ExitDisclaimer

Definition, diagnosis, and classification of diabetes mellitus and it's complications: Report of a WHO Consultation ExitDisclaimer (P D F)

Patient Education

Medem: Gestational diabetes ExitDisclaimer - excellent resource for patient education

MEDLINEplus Health Information

American Diabetes Association ExitDisclaimer

What is diabetes mellitus? ExitDisclaimer UpToDate software 10.3, 2002.

10. I.H.S on-line resources ‹ Previous | Next › 12. A.C.O.G. resources

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This file last modified: Monday November 5, 2007  3:14 PM