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Varicella in Pregnancy

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Varicella in Pregnancy


2. Introduction

Varicella zoster is a DNA virus and a member of the herpesvirus family (Figure 1).
1). Chicken pox is the acute primary disease and shingles, also know as herpes
zoster, is the recurrent form. Varicella is a common, highly contagious childhood
disease with skin lesions which progress from macules and papules to vesicles
and pustules. 90% of people acquire the disease prior to reproductive age, and
the disease during this age is generally self-limited. Varicella disease in
pregnant women poses a special problem for the health care provider due to a
significant increase in the severity of the disease in the woman and the possible
devastating effects to the fetus and the neonate. (English)

Photo of an Electron micrograph of varicella zoster

Figure 1: Electron micrograph of varicella zoster

1. How to participate ‹ Previous | Next › 3. Background

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This file last modified: Monday October 22, 2007  11:05 AM