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Kenilworth Park and Aquatic GardensDinner plate sized flowers seem to float among four foot diameter leaves.
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Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens
Sulfur Cycle

Sulfur Cycle: Sulfur is an essential part of cells.  Green and purple sulfur bacteria oxidize hydrogen sulfide for photosynthesis. The source of hydrogen sulfide is usually decaying organic matter or minerals in the soil.  As the bacteria decompose organic or inorganic forms of sulfur hydrogen sulfide is released to the air.  It is oxidized to produce sulfur dioxide which falls to the earth in rain.  Here it is taken up by plants to make amino acids, where it travels through the food web and back to decomposition.  Sulfur Cycle retrieved on 5/12/07 from

Some bacteria in wetlands can make the organic molecules that can be nutrients for other life forms.   “ Photosynthetic bacteria such as the purple sulfur bacteria found in salt marshes and mud flats can produce organic matter using sulfur and light:

CO2 + H2S + light ---> CH2O + S “

Biochemical Cycles retrieved on 5/12/07 from

Peirce Mill  

Did You Know?
The most productive time for Peirce Mill was during the Civil War. During this time, Peirce Mill and all the other millworks along Rock Creek were processing grains to supply flour and meal for Union soldiers stationed in Washington, DC and abroad.

Last Updated: July 27, 2007 at 10:29 EST