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Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) FAQ's

Hawaii Occupational Safety & Health


HIOSH Voluntary Protection Program (VPP)

Voluntary Protection ProgramQ:  I heard that HIOSH had Special Programs for businesses, in addition to inspection, consultation, and training. What is the Voluntary Protection Program?

A: The Hawaii Voluntary Protection Program, also known as "Hana Po'okela", meaning "excellent work", recognizes exemplary achievements by employers in the area of workplace safety and health.

Q: Is there a benefit to being in the program?

A: In addition to national recognition as an employer committed to voluntarily making its workplace as safe and healthy as possible, employers accepted into the program are removed from HIOSH's Programmed Inspection Schedule.

Q: How many companies in Hawaii are in this program?

A: Nationally, less than one-tenth of one percent of companies are in a voluntary protection program. In Hawaii, three companies, Chevron Products - Hawaii Refinery, Frito-Lay, Inc., and Monsanto Company (Kihei, Maui), have been recognized as STAR - Mentor sites.

Q: How do I know if our company qualifies for the program?

A: Contact HIOSH Consultation and Training Branch, 830 Punchbowl Street Rm. 427, Honolulu, HI 96813; Phone (808) 586-9100, Fax (808) 586-9104. An information packet will be mailed to you.

Q: Are there any other sources of information on the program?

A: The OSHA website at and the Voluntary Protection Program Participants Association website at have more information on the program.


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